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Primarchs in Dreadclaws

The Grim Badger

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Cool :) I think the confusion came up due to Forge World's take on Legion Drop Pods not being able to take Terminator armoured models from their FAQs, and the Dreadclaw being a similar size. 

For reference: Q: Can a Legion Drop Pod transport a Primarch, or a character equipped with Terminator armour who has joined a unit? What about Bulky, Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky models?


A: Unless specified, only Infantry models other than those equipped with jump packs or Terminator armour may ever be transported in a Legion Drop Pod. As an exception to this, Rapier units may be transported in Legion Drop Pod based upon certain Rites of War (see future publications), but may not otherwise regularly take them as dedicated transports. If an eligible unit takes a Legion Drop Pod as a dedicated transport, it must begin the game in reserve inside the drop pod. Independent characters and attached models such as Apothecaries may be transported in a Legion Drop Pod, so long as they are eligible (see above), designated as being attached to the squad before the game begins and there is sufficient space for them remaining in the drop pod.


But there is no mention of Dreadclaws, so one must assume they are exempt. :)

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Yup and if you want some friends, a command squad is a good idea too.


Though be aware a Dreadclaw that contains a Primarch will have "SHOOT ME" written all over it!


But they can quite easily survive the S10 hit that comes with a crash.

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They would never suffer a S10 crash, because dreadclaws are effectively never flying. First turn you deep strike in hover mode, second turn you hover so you can cut loose with the unit inside. Follow up turns either dead or flies around roasting things.

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Oh I thought the point was to not hover on the drop so people don't just blast you out of the sky. Or do you still only snap shoot hover flyers (brain fuzz)

That would be super sweet, to be able to arrive in a flying Kharybdis or Dreadclaw, then in your subsequent turn enter into hover mode, and discharge its cargo into an assault.  The rules for their deep strike specifically prohibit this, and forces you to land in hover mode. It's not too bad, as Slips pointed out, because you can jink for 4+, which stacks with Stealth from Night Fighting, or Shrouded from a Dreadnought Drop Pod. 2+ jink and 5 hull points is why the Kharybdis has always been more survivable and more reliable than the Spartan. And now it's like 100 points cheaper. Scandalous!


Only if you take the Khorne Fist formation.

Please do not reference 40K rules in 30K, it only confuses people.  You can disembark from a dreadclaw if you wish, or stay on board, as long as it is hovering. It arrives from Deep Strike in hover mode, so you can disembark first turn.

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