Skinrider Posted August 3, 2016 Share Posted August 3, 2016 (edited) Welcome to my little project log for House Jötnar & Legio Orcus I'm a casual painter and I'd been away from the hobby for 10 years when I began painting my first knight. So I am learning as I go, trying out some things and basically just enjoying my evenings pretending to be an inquisitor commanding a forgeworld, a titan legion and colony of a knight household out in the Ghoul Stars. I'll keep this first post as my "notice board" for any info on what I'm doing now and post links to new knights and pictures of finished models. Current WIP (23 June 2017): 1. Cleaning my Warhound Titan! 2. First Knight Lancer "Hræsvelgur" (Corpse Eater): Finished painting armor plate base color/shading and 3 flags. Next up: try out rusting effects on his shins and toes 3. First Warden "Gangur" (He Who Goes Berserk): Finished! ...just need to gloss varnish his armor plates 4. Improve fluff History of House Jötnar, Forgeworld Tigrus and Legio Orcus (to be updated) The Threat from Beyond our BordersFor thousands of years there have been members within the Inquisition that believe that there are horrors lying beyond the Imperial borders that might be of greater threat than any known xenos race or the Ruinous Powers. This lead for example to the Apocryphon Conclave of Orphite IV, where the Deathwatch was formed. Although this may have been the largest and most noticable event, many more precautions have been made by the Inquisition. One of the lesser known precautions is the establishment of a hidden base of operations far out in the Ghoul Stars, further beyond even than the Imperial planet of Desperation.The Ghoul Stars WatchThe Ghoul Stars have been since ages past, and continue today, to be a wellspring of diverse xenos activities. The ancient tales of the Pale Wastings, whose nightmare-engines destroyed 11 Astartes chapters; The Bone Kingdom of Drazak, orks, the Cythor Fiends and then their mysterious vanishing, the entrance to Commorragh and other unearthly threats. The Inquisition has been aware of the threat of the Ghoul Stars for a long time and since the Pale Wastings in M34 has recognized it as an area of priority interest.The Recruitment of a ForgeworldIn M35 the Inquisition saw an opportunity when the forgeworld of Tigrus was attacked by Warboss Arrgard the Defiler. The war was doomed from the start so the Inquisition made a deal with the Fabricator-General of Tigrus to evacuate en masse as many of their STC fragments, vital tech-priests and machinery as possible to allow them to rebuild their forgeworld anew, rather than let it all perish. In return the new forgeworld would supply the Inquisition for their war in the Ghoul Stars. Tigrus was an ancient forgeworld which developed both the Vanquisher cannon as well as the Fellblade Accelerator Cannon.After the flight from Tigrus, the Fabricator-General and his forces were relocated to a system of six planets orbiting a sun, deep in the Ghoul Stars. The system was named Precipice and a forgeworld was established on the world of Precipice II, which had several mineral rich moons orbiting it. Since M35 the Forgeworld of Precipice II has in secret, with the sponsorship of the Inquisition, rebuilt itself into a sizable forgeworld and has supplied the Inquisition for millennia with weapons, vehicles and has lent their own rebuilt titan legion, Legio Orcos, to the war effort in the Ghoul Stars.The Roving KnightsThe Inquisition had heard reports of groups of what sounded like imperial knights operating throughout the Ghoul Stars and beyond their borders. These reports were sporadic and not until late M36 did the Inquisition manage to piece together fragmentary stories to predict the next appearance of these roving knights. On the world of Rhidhol the Inquisition was finally able to make contact with these knights, discovering that they were the remaining fragments of several knight worlds destroyed around the time of the Pale Wastings. They had lived a nomadic life as a collection of various clans since then; travelling between worlds beyond the Ghoul Stars, raiding, bargaining, foraging or warring for supplies to keep their clans alive. The Inquisition offered them a world of their own with support from an in-system forgeworld in addition to Inquisitional backing, should they form under one house in service to the Inquisition. The roving clans accepted the offer and established their new house, House Jötnar, on the planet of Precipice III.House JötnarThe clans had been made up of several old knight houses which had settled on several planets in the Ghoul Stars during the Age of Technology. They had been relatively friendly towards each other and helped each other fight off larger alien invasions when there was need. Their worlds however were either destroyed or overrun in M34 during the time of the Pale Wastings. A mass evacuation saved thousands of people from each planet and many of their knights as well. The people referred to themselves as “clans”, each clan representing a planet and the knights of the old houses did so too. They banded together and set off in their fleet eking a nomadic existence, never staying too long on any world they visited, preferring to gather supplies or launching temporary mining operations. They also bartered and traded when possible, raiding or warring when not.The old houses had been cut off from the rest of humanity for many millenniums and had always relied on themselves to repair and maintain their own knights and training their own Sacristans. Each Scion was required to train as a Sacristan before being allowed to pilot a knight. This served them well in the over two millenniums they were without a home world.Hierarchy has never been as rigid as in other houses, House Jötnar values merit over any lineage and they only have two ranks within the house “Chieftain”, or a regular knight: “Jötunn”. The Chieftain is the lord of the house and their battle commander, there are no set barons or ‘second-in-command’, but battlefield roles such as ‘Arbalester’ or ‘Preceptor’ might be assigned for the duration of an engagement. Veterans are listened to and obeyed on the merit of their accomplishments, not because they hold any specific ranks.The name chosen for the house “Jötnar” refers to the ancient stories they brought with them from Terra about large ogre-like beasts called jötnar, they often had ties with the land, sometimes being made of stone. The symbol of the house is the letter “J” in the ancient runic alphabet they brought from Terra.House Jötnar does not have any house colors, each Scion may have his knight armor painted and decorated in any colors he likes, but too much ostentation by a younger knight is usually met with jeering and mocking comments by veterans. Battle honors and markings are often added over time to the knight as well as their banners in any way a Scion sees fit. The house however does ask Scions to add the emblem of the house on their armor, where the back of the left shoulder has been seen as the traditional place to put it. Additionally they are required to add the symbol of the Inquisition to their armors, in honor of them saving their people and uniting the clans.Forgeworld Precipice II keeps House Jötnar stocked with a large variety of knight armor patterns and the house has become larger than any of their individual houses have ever been. The house is enormously grateful to the forgeworld and has vowed to them that they will let their own world fall before the forgeworld. The close friendship and respect between the two worlds has resulted in House Jötnar maintaining a permanent garrison within the main city of the planet. House Jötnar has also fought in countless engagements alongside the Legio Orcus, which has come to be nicknamed “Þursar” by the knights, which are mythological giants and cousins to Jötnar. The Legio has welcomed this nickname and their titans now all wear a “Þ” rune to symbolize this fraternity.House Jötnar fights to this day alongside the Inquisition and their allies, with Legio Orcus and Forgeworld Precipice II around and beyond the Ghoul Stars. Their wars have raged for over 5000 years, but while the enemies of mankind are at the gates, they will not falter, they will not fail. TLDR: It's a Nordic themed Imperial Knight and Titan army in service to the Inquisition in the Ghoul Stars. Lots of runes, =][= symbols and skulls and each knight has his own color scheme. Edited June 23, 2017 by Skinrider Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted August 3, 2016 Author Share Posted August 3, 2016 The first Knight Warden The lighting is a bit odd, but once I saw the size, I knew there would never be another army for me~~~ I made a little banner for him to hang on his sword An =][= symbol and the sword banner based Two eagle heads and a small =][= on his gun His gun also got a little book and a sword Raztalin 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted August 3, 2016 Author Share Posted August 3, 2016 the skeleton took quite a long time, but I learned how the metallics can change with washes and highlights A bit of detailing on the leg I cut off the cog from the mechanicus skulls to make him "skullier" to go with his skull faceplate I felt the book came out nicely on his gun I gave the sword banner a 3 skulls for his 3 "super heavy kills", I was playing around with a bit of a ghostly color to his banner I didn't like that railing on his sword so he got ...yes MORE SKULLS! The Inquisition might ask him why he's wearing all red and collecting skulls. I gave the =][= a bit of a different metallic, but only subtly so, I didn't want to TOO flashy. Raztalin, Argent aquila and DaBoiKyknos 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted August 3, 2016 Author Share Posted August 3, 2016 His colors started to come together. I wanted him red, but I wanted it to look a bit darker. I was really just learning as I went. Blending on such a large surface is much easier so I look way better than I am. I must have painted 60 layers on the poor chest banner :D With such deep grooves and high peaks it's much easier to create good depth to it. I was really happy with the results. I was trying out a technique to do heat damage on the melta gun. Perhaps I should have been more aggressive with the coloring as there is practically no purple. But this was my first time so I was gentle sempai~~~ I battled the damn skull face for a long time. I was really happy with the left side, but I never felt I got a good enough darker coloring on the white part no matter if I blended or used wash. In the end I thought it was alright and just went with it. Perhaps I need to do MORE SKULLS to practice. now he was all coming together Argent aquila 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argent aquila Posted August 3, 2016 Share Posted August 3, 2016 Interesting concept, and good paint work, will look forward to more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted August 3, 2016 Author Share Posted August 3, 2016 (edited) By now I was practically done with him, fully painted and just the basing left. Now for some shots of the details: His right shoulder guard in runes it reads "Drepum allt", which translates as: "Let us kill everything" His left shoulder guard's back, it has the rune "J" which is the symbol of House Jötnar. I felt it needed something more than just "being there" so I tried to create an effect of heat or lava around it. left shoulder guard's front. This is the constellation of Orion the hunter. I'm still debating whether or not to give all my knights a constellation. we have his personal heraldry, an ancient runic symbol I almost peed myself I was so nervous about making a mistake on this one. I'd be Fd in the A if I had to do the blending on the shield again. In the end I think it came out alright, not a Golden Daemon, but alright His chest and groin. His name is "Gangur", which is the name of a jötun from norse mythology, it's meaning is "he who goes berserk".I put his name upside down and backwards to symbolize his nature as a berserker. Normally I do bigger and brighter highlights. A friend advised me to keep it low-key as to not over shadow the shading of the armor plates. I'm still not sure if I should have highlighted him more aggressively or not. I must have been nuts deciding to do that middle line! I felt I needed something to break up the monotony of the red so I went for it. I think it came out beautiful even if the crosses are some crooked as warp >.< After I realized I can't paint a straight line I used post its as masking tape to make the black lines cleaner. His sword fully painted, maybe I should have highlighted it more The back part of his sword (ignore the base, I'll explain next post). His sword says in runes "Endir" which means "The End". Notice a wolf skull on top of the blade because ...more skulls man! The book painted, in case the Scion gets bored he can crawl out onto the arm to read kill banner. It has the =][= and the "J" of his house. He has been in 4 =][= crusades. The golden skull represents super heavy kills, that little buddy is up to 3! Edited August 3, 2016 by Skinrider baldur27, Noserenda, Biohazard and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted August 3, 2016 Author Share Posted August 3, 2016 Interesting concept, and good paint work, will look forward to more! Thanks a lot for that, I'm having a lot of fun nerding out writing my story in paint and learning how to apply said paint :D I've got about 1 more post coming up with some basing stuff in 15min. Perhaps I'll get another one up in about 3 hours if I manage to paint a bit tonight Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted August 3, 2016 Author Share Posted August 3, 2016 Now to base him! The whole army will be based on their huge floral pattern bases I found at Walmart :D ...but despite the temptation of making it look like they're fighting at grandma's tea party I'm doing an ice world with odd black stones, TONS of dead bodies and mysterious looking tech~~~ all recipes in 40k, "start with a generous portion of skulls..." "then add ancient and forbidden technology". I wanted to make a reddish color under it all, but not too obvious, just subtle. was REALLY happy with how the rocks came out! I tried painting them red, but they never came out well. So I dry-brushed it white and added a red wash to it and voila! in the front, and it will become a little hill. The creepy tech goes in the back some snow and MORE SKULLS! The creepy tech got a bronze face with red eyes. I had it tilt to one side to make it look like it wasn't as it should be, either damaged or simply the earth itself has moved between when it was in use and now. I added a bit more snow where it was lacking. The final product is almost here, just need to paint the snow. This may look QUITE odd, but this is just the "lowest layer" of the snow. The blue is just to give depth to the snow, while I'm HOPING the red will make it look like there was a BLOODBATH there and it's starting to snow over it. If I fail at that, I'll just put blue over it and make it less psychotic :D This is where I am on the Knight Warden right now! Now I'll add some pics of the Knight Lancers I've just finished putting together Chandrian and Raztalin 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted August 3, 2016 Author Share Posted August 3, 2016 The Knight Lancer (and his FW brothers) is a LOT more posable than the GW "turtle" (Errant, Warden, Crusader... etc). So I wanted to start on his base really. He would have the same basing style as the Knight Warden: "snow, death and mysterious tech", since they are off somewhere around and past the Ghoul Stars fighting. So I started with a couple of bases with plenty of lovely skulls and mysterious looking tech must have been drunk when I put this pose together!!! I wanted him as a FAST moving lancer barrelling down the battlefield to slay his prey up close. THIS however looks like the japanese robot Asimo walking up stairs ...oh boy Take 2! NOW we're talking, this guy is in a hurry! This is a man with a mission! I was really worried about balancing the whole model on basically 2 toes so I went and bought some 2-part epoxy glue. It was HELLISH to work with since I needed to hold it in place for ages, but I think it will be worth it. I also loved using it on tiny symbols that needed to be in the right place that I can just manoeuvre into the right spot and leave alone (more on that later). I've always HATE the convex shield so I put it in hot water and bent it to be concave. It should deflect blows not catch them! That will just mean more energy to stop the kinetic force. It looks better now I feel, but it can be better! I've never liked the "wire frame" look of the shield, it looks too flimsy, but I understand it would otherwise obscure 2/3 of the model. So I wanted to make it a bit "shieldier" ...but I'm not done! Finally a place the huge =][= symbol fits! I did have to cut about half a millimeter off. I had the worst time gluing it on! I was trying to bend the metal to the shape of the concave shield and I was getting gaps I tried using the epoxy glue but it took 5min to dry and I couldn't keep my finger pressing down the entire surface for that time without risking breaking the model. I tried superglue but then it's STUCK as soon as you touch the shield and I couldn't get it straight In the end I used the epoxy and then green stuffed the edges, I will add some to the upper corners as well. It's not perfect, but it's about as good as I can get it. Here is the general pose of the body The =][= on his carapace his House carries. Also, he's only got like 2 flags so I thought ...MORE FLAGS! The "pole" part of the Grey Knights staff was too flimsy so I used a plastic rod. The flag, like the Warden's sword-flag, is made out of thin metal. It's the metal sheet from around the neck of a white wine bottle. There's no need to drink the whole bottle yourself to get the metal, why not invite a friend over to help? The flag pole is just stuck in place with double tape, not glued yet. and a little size comparison to the Knight Warden, this lancer is a beast! The shield and the lance should be held higher, they are just stuck with double tape to see the pose. Next step is adding all the little details like =][= symbols, eagles, SKULLS etc. before basecoating him Stay tuned for updates on this guy and the warden! Argent aquila, Noserenda, Biohazard and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted August 3, 2016 Share Posted August 3, 2016 Nice posing on the Lancer and nice touch with the flags. I like the paint scheme on the Warden as well. Interested to see how the bases come out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted August 4, 2016 Author Share Posted August 4, 2016 Nice posing on the Lancer and nice touch with the flags. I like the paint scheme on the Warden as well. Interested to see how the bases come out. Thanks for that I'm using a base that's almost twice as big as the original so I thought I'd utilize it, his back heel is even off the base :D I look forward to finishing the first base as well, it's been almost 4 months since I started on the Warden. I'm hoping to make the Lancer's a bit more naturally sloping, the Warden's ins basically flat with 2 bumps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted August 5, 2016 Author Share Posted August 5, 2016 So I've started making the base icy, snowy and bloody!I'm pretty happy with the ice&snow part, I'm wondering if I should add white to it though. The blood part I'm not a 100% sure on, I mean I know what it is and it's kinda nice to break up the monotony. But what do people think? Should I tone it down? Maybe even just skip the blood? or ...MORE BLOOD? Although with his tendency to collect skulls and now spilling copious amounts of blood ...big brother Malleus might begin to look into him. Keep the blood? reduce it? ADD to it? oooo0000OOOO00hhhhhhh~~~ some creepy face-tech that seems to seep an insane amount of blood into the soil?! How mysterious Skinrider mysterious~~~~ *cue X-files song* I'm new to painting and really I'm learning techniques as I put the brush to the model and the base. I was just trying out what would happen if I dry brushed here, thinned my paint here etc. This is the first base for my army so this one will set the mood. I'd love to hear c&c Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted August 24, 2016 Author Share Posted August 24, 2016 The Warden "Gangur" is finished! Here are his catwalk pics I did a matt varnish on his armor plates, I just bought a gloss varnish, I'll do a coat of that ASAP I was really happy how the eagles on his gun plate came out His skull face and the mass grave Hope you guys like it, C&C always welcome Bjorn Firewalker 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted August 30, 2016 Author Share Posted August 30, 2016 Work on the Lancer is progressing! I've finished up the skeleton and am working on the armor plates now. I was using a new gold (Vallejo liquid gold) so I started with the rims as I didn't know what to expect. Skeleton before washing Side view The skeleton has been washed I wanted this model to be a lot shinier than the previous so I'm doing a lot of highlights, I've even highlighted the red cables The shield is still a WIP, I'm making it darker and more highlighted, I'm thinking of a dark square around the =I= and highlight the red The shiniest gold in the world! I washed the gold to make it dirtier, it will look better like this with some highlights I think The =I= will be red, but the gold part is getting there, maybe highlights Right now I'm working on the black armor plates, I'm going to go black->grey->white on them :O Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted August 30, 2016 Author Share Posted August 30, 2016 I'm working on doing the armor plate shading right now. I wanted to do a HEAVILY highlighted model, but also keep the base color black, I looked around for ideas and saw many things that were interesting but wouldn't work for knights. We don't have raised edges like SMs on the armor due to the rims, so everything would have the same effect as SM shoulder pads, which always had the least interesting highlights. I was falling asleep one night thinking about my knight (see what I did? :D ) and then it came to me! ~~~GO FRIGGIN NUTS~~~~ So I decided to make the highlight HEAVY from black through grey to white, see the results below. I'm not finished though, as much as I like this, I'm thinking of adding some symbols and markings to the plates as well. This one shows quite clearly what shading I'm going for on the plates You will note that the upper plates haven't been painted, I'm going to paint them purple->light purple->white similar style as the black His head also has this effect, but you won't ofc be able to see the top part once he's inside hsi whole shell THIS one got me excited, here you'll see the general effect that the knight's color scheme will have! This is where I am today, I'm REALLY looking forward to finishing the rest of the armor plates. The toes are going to be a bitch! I'm going in 10 directions in my head with the carapace. I'm thinking of doing a big fat diagonal dark red band over the whole carapace, or maybe a viking "wyrm pattern" in red, or a V-shape over the whole carapace with the tip ending at the front. I'll need to lie under a fur for 7 days and 7 nights to make up my mind I think. C&C always welcome Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted September 2, 2016 Author Share Posted September 2, 2016 I only got a little bit of painting in this week, but I DID manage to finish my 2 PURPLE shoulders! :O I was thinking purple or red, I asked my wife what would look good with it without giving her any options, she said PURPLE, which either means it's an awesome color for this or that I married someone with a similar taste as me... hopefully both :D The Next Steps: I had a CRAZY idea, this sort of idea where you SHOULD go "no it's too late to start converting the model NOW! Do it on the next one! But I'm going to do it. I'm ordering some stuff and then doing crazy conversion on the carapace (despite having painted the rims and basic layer of black T.T And I'm getting a NEW HEAD! The whole model is going into a bit of a crazy direction. The idea for the house has always been that they fight on the edges of the galaxy against new and unknown foes. They decorate themselves a lot in the universal symbol of death (skulls) as it is something that means death and strikes fear into even those without a common culture. The warden (Gangur) is covered in skulls so I've got an idea to make this more apparent on the model as I move forward. I'm waiting for a delivery of my parts, until then I'll be doing the 3 flags he's got dangling and waving. He's a big supporter of team Jötnar, Þursar and the Inquisition, gotta support the team! As well as the dreaded toes :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 Bloody hell...that's some epic knight building skills. Love the dynamic that you have gone for... Skinrider 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted September 3, 2016 Author Share Posted September 3, 2016 Bloody hell...that's some epic knight building skills. Love the dynamic that you have gone for... Thanks a lot for that, I'm glad gluing my fingers together, covering my work desk with black spots, breaking apart poor glue-jobs and the 800 painting mistakes I had to redo aren't as noticeable on the models as they are to me. But I'm loving it, making my household and little story (to be rewritten for 30k). I've done a bit of painting tonight, I may do a little more I'll post tomorrow. Trying to finish the basic "shading" on the armor plates (except the carapace which will be converted a bit). I also got a little excited and wanted to do a dry-fitting of the painted parts. Perhaps I should have waited till I finished the knees and toes, oh well A little dry fitting (toes and knees unfinished) Same again, I like the look of the purple :D Toes finished, only finished the full highlighting on the big toe. I'm thinking of adding rust and stuff to his toes and shin armor, so I shouldn't be putting the final highlights on to be honest. But, like with the dry fitting, I wanted to see what it would look like :D Thanks a lot for that, I'm glad gluing my fingers together, covering my work desk with black spots, breaking apart poor glue-jobs and the 800 painting mistakes I had to redo aren't as noticeable on the models as they are to me :D Thankfully a knight is such a big model that a small mistake is usually overlooked, people barely even notice the metal skeleton I repainted the metal on because the wash came out poorly :O Argent aquila 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted September 4, 2016 Author Share Posted September 4, 2016 ~*~~**FUN WITH FLAGS**~~*~ Today me and Hræsvelgur had fun with flags, I painted his 3 flags I didn't want to overdo it and post 3 pics of these, so here are all 3. From left to right: The lance flag, showing allegiance to Precipice's Legio Orcus "Þursar" The crotch flag, showing 12 missions and 23 super-heavy kills for the pilot The carapace flag, showing the House Jötnar and =I= heraldry The flagpole on the carapace flag and yes... I AM the sort of sick psycho that would highlight metallics with white I originally made the banners SO flat, but so clean I almost liked them, I'm thinking I'll need to rust and dirty up the lower armor plates now to see if it improves them as much as it did on the flags. Pretty nervous about that since I have no idea how to highlight around dirt and grime. Oh well, if I'm not growing as an "artist" then why even try at all? Right? Argent aquila 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skinrider Posted June 23, 2017 Author Share Posted June 23, 2017 So it's been a WHILE! I've been abroad away from my poor models so they've been getting no love. So to get my ass back in the game I did the following: 1. Ordered a WARHOUND TITAN 2. Ordered an airbrush 3. Got to reading Warlord: Fury of the God-Machine Unlike washing a dog, this was a lot of fun and I was meticulous, no hosing the bastard off on the porch I'm planning on converting his Plasma Blaster into an Ursus Claw, we've been told that will be an available loadout in the Adeptus Titanicus specialist game. My long-term goal is an Adeptus Titanicus 28mm army, since all I'm interested in is knights and titans that should be doable, all I need to do is explain to my wife that at least it's cheaper than getting into vintage cars. This Warhound will have the working title "Lupus et Odio" as I'm not 100% sure it means "Wolf of Hatred" or "a wolf who hates". His nickname will be "Hati", named after the wolf of Norse mythology who chases the moon across the sky, the name "Hati" mean "he who hates". I felt the name applicable for a wolf carrying an Ursus Claw chasing after Warlords to trap and kill. I'll still need to finish painting my Lancer Hræsvelgr before starting on painting Hati, but honestly I'll probably work on some conversions for Hati first. More to come! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaBoiKyknos Posted June 24, 2017 Share Posted June 24, 2017 for all your adjustemnts and customizations! Skinrider 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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