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Imperial Fists - 2000 pt Armoured Breakthrough


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Hi all,


I think I might have finally done it: settled on a list that I want to build my B@C around! Ever since Armoured Breakthrough was announced I have been pining over do an Imperial Fists force utilizing said RoW, but was never happy with the results. However, I think this list might "the one":



Master of Armour - Sicaran Battle Tank with Lascannon Sponsons, Armoured Breakthrough RoW

Legion Champion - Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Master-crafted Power Sword, Solarite Power Gauntlet (Goes with the Support Squad)



Predator - Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Predator - Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Support Squad x9 - Volkite Chargers, Extra CCW, Sergeant with Artificer Armour, Rhino with Dozer Blade (Champion goes here)



Veterans x10 - 2x Heavy Bolters, Vexilla, Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Power Axe, Marksmen (Goes in a Proteus)

Veterans x10 - 2x Heavy Bolters, Vexilla, Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Power Axe, Marksmen (Goes in a Proteus)



Javelin - 2x Hunter-killer Missiles

Javelin - 2x Hunter-killer Missiles



Land Raider Proteus - Twin-linked Lascannon

Land Raider Proteus - Twin-linked Lascannon

Sicaran Venator - Dozer Blade


Points: 2003


It's not optimized in that the Support Squad are hardly the ducks nuts of close combat, but it includes all the important things in life:

  1. Tanks!
  2. Veterans with sniping Heavy Bolters!
  3. A Champion to go around punching people!
  4. CHOOM!

What do you think?



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