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basic troop choices for Coils of the Hydra lists.

The laughing raven

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It could work with Dynat who would give them an effective AP1, but honestly it's not a trick I would use often as it exposes them to a lot of retaliation.  It just illustrates how much mobility they can have.


I'm going to shift some things around and give the 3 assault squads a proxy game or two. They also make good delivery vehicles for Alpharius, who can pop out on turn 2 ready to assault the enemy ranks at the cost of a 13-point Marine.

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It could work with Dynat who would give them an effective AP1, but honestly it's not a trick I would use often as it exposes them to a lot of retaliation.  It just illustrates how much mobility they can have.


I'm going to shift some things around and give the 3 assault squads a proxy game or two. They also make good delivery vehicles for Alpharius, who can pop out on turn 2 ready to assault the enemy ranks at the cost of a 13-point Marine.



would skip on using Dynat as have a phobia of special characters apart from the Idea of Alpharius, which sounds incredibly good fun to do, my usual opponents are a cheese tag team who could do with some nasty surprises.... :)


fancy doing a summary or batrep of the performance after you've done the test runs?

I want to find a way of using destroyers with assault marines, but think they may end up a very squishy glass cannon, wish i had two spartans as was thinking you could transport a squad of eac in both then double assault out, but think this would have to be for 3k+pts.


has anyone made an alpharius conversion and if so what base models have they used?

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