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Calgars siege


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Did the current Codex: Space Marines even feature those events? I know it was in the previous one, with an exciting one-liner in the timeline, but I'm not sure about the latest. Found it odd that Black Library's website talked it up as the true events of that Codex event.


Anyway, I hope this one's good. Will pick it up when it hits paperback I think, now that I've decided to keep going with Space Marine Battles trade paperbacks after all (took a break after Death of Integrity and got some catching up to do. Thankfully a lot of releases since were anthologies which I read piecemeal anyway.


So how's Kearney's depiction of the Ultramarines, compared to the other authors? Anything jarring, anything he paid homage to?

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So did he held a gate alone vs a waaagh?

If by "alone" you mean he managed a low resourced outpost (more of a small city) against a waaagh then yes, several weeks or months I believe. It wasn't bolter porn and he didn't come across as super powered so it was good.


Obviously we all know he doesn't die, but I did feel a bit sorry for him as a lot of his most valued officers were picked off.


It also gave hints that his artifers armour was superior in several ways. (some only minor).


Plus the Orks don't come across as stupid with just "charge" tactics. So that's always a plus!

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Time period? 1 hour? 1 day?

Eh, he was literally alone for maybe an hour, certainly no more than a few, could've been a little less tbh. Mellow's right, he orchestrated the defense for about 6 weeks before the final show down, where him and his bodyguards held out for a day and a night, but had help of the forces he'd brought and the soldiers fighting for Zalidar, couple tens of thousands of troops (mostly militia, judging from Boros' briefing midway through the novel, the highest number they had was about ~46 thousand troops, 16k trained militia, 30k conscripted).

Of the forces he brought he had 19 SM at the beginning, 14 human honor guard.

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Ah ok. Cause in the piece of fluff it was single handed. Good to see things were not Matt ward influenced. Might have a look at it.

Of course, the piece of fluff was heroified


"What do you mean alone? There were bloody ten of us and a whole city! And there were only twenty Orks!"


"Shut up Gaius, that isn't as heroic. We don't need facts... We need heroes!"

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