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Militarum Tempestus good allies for DW?

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I am always reluctant to ally "elite" armies with "elite" armies.

DW are definitely an elite army and Scions well they're certainly priced that way.


What do you hope to achieve by running the two side by side? I can't really think of what the Scions could do better than DW. Especially when DW have a formation that give them all deep strike and their codex and load outs are larger than the scions. 

The hellrain gives you a good throw away unit if you can hide the commissar somewhere.


Otherwise yeah, they are an odd mix. Anything the MT does deathwatch will probably do better.


I could agree with Lysere, the hellrain formation would be a relatively cheap way of fielding them and at least you can recycle some. It would be kind of fluffy too I guess?

Yeah, not really sure what gaps MT would plug in a DW list, it's not like they give you numbers for holding objectives or anything, and DW get some really nice kit compared to the MT's fairly standard selection.


In terms of fluff it would be really cool though. :)

If going with fluff take an inquisitor along for reserve bonuses and then just make a small allied detachment of scions as inquisition stormtroopers. Sure this is kinda a waste of points when it comes down to combat effectiveness, but rather have them parked on backboard objectives than your superiour marines ;)


But doing it for fluff points is gravy in itself :D

I plan to go full on toys for my DW, I know everyone advises against that but I want to play with the goodies and GW doesn't want us to, apparently. So, I haven't looked at MT and how much they cost to kit out, but I was either going to load them up with bodies over toys, or maybe I'll just run an AD of guard, and use an elite slot for scions, a guard platoon, an Inquisitor, then my either AD of DW or just a few kill teams.

I may actually do this. I had already made up my mind to do another Militarum Tempestus Regiment so why not an Inquisitorial one? Maybe just a Command Squad and a ten man or two five man squads of Scions that I can grow to two ten man squads later. I'm reading Shield of Baal: Leviathan right now and it's got me thinking about the Glory Boys quite a bit.

Maybe I'll add in a Kill Marine from the Raptors or Doom Eagles Chapters. Too many ideas involving fluffy goodness happy.png!


Why go with Ordo Heriticus Inquisitor and not the Xenos? I'd imagine with a shooty army you'd want to use the most shootiest Inq out there, though would it be heresy to take Jokaero's? I have a strong feeling he DW would frown upon said Ordo Xenos Inquisitor...

  • 3 weeks later...

I was going to be doing a mix of the old =][= and Guard. But then DW dropped and now it looks like all 3 are getting mishmashed together. Points and game effectiveness has gone out of the window on this for me. I'll just have what looks good and then see how much it ends up costing points wise after. ;)


I see an Inquisitor or 10 with the best looking toys (Bulgryns, Scions, DW) and then a flood of Guard bodies to plug the inevitable lack of numbers. :p


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