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Back on track! :p


My first experience with Agrellan Earth has been a positive one:




I need to figure out what color I'm going to paint the edges, but I like the look of the Agrellan Earth and Astrogranite combo. Nuln & Agrax washes, Zandri Dust dry brush.

yeah, that's a nice easy and very good looking urban wasteland base there thumbsup.gif i think that just a few bits or chunks of concrete bricks etc or the odd half skull and some ammo brass could just pop nicely with this(for character bases to stand apart a wee bit msn-wink.gif )

im writing this one down for the idea's book , Thanks for sharing TG


PS maybe stick with black for the bases, it will contrast well with the black marine/urban grey brown base/black rim.. it will look professional too and won't date like the old Goblin green bases of the 90's yucky.gif

I've been thinking about painting it black. It was Vallejo Game Air Earth, it's now Adeptus Gray. I'm thinking a black gray would be nice.


My Ultramarines, Deathwatch, and their Xenos opposition will all be based the same before it's over.

Apart from Testor's DullCote... 

Let me know how you go? is the AK for your airbrush or a can?... i tend to shy away from AK since they Shafted Mig Jimenz (the brains behind AK in the first place) anywho...thats beside the point. 



I'm with you there. I have more Ammo of Mig than AK, but I have a good friend who raves about their Dullcote. I'll airbrush it on.


Or I'll just stick with my trusty old Testors. Have you ever thinned it with 91% isopropyl alcohol? If not, give it a go. It's by far the best stuff I have ever thinned it with. Just make sure it's the Testors bottle with the purple label.

Back on track! tongue.png

My first experience with Agrellan Earth has been a positive one:

I need to figure out what color I'm going to paint the edges, but I like the look of the Agrellan Earth and Astrogranite combo. Nuln & Agrax washes, Zandri Dust dry brush.

I love the basing texture paints. They've made finishing models and getting great basing results easy. The price tag is a little high, but compared to buying basing grit, PVA glue and other nonsense it seems to work out pretty well.

The armor is pretty much done on the rest of this squad my vow.




I might have to work on a few spots here and there, but I'm getting there.

Tonight's update: the metallics are blocked in.


Thank you the questions and feedback. It dawned on me tonight that when these are finished, it will be the first COMPLETE squad that I have painted in I don't know how long!

Here's a close up of "bionic eye baldy man". I like that.





I don't know if a Crimson Fist seconded to the Deathwatch would keep his red gauntlet, but BEBM is!

Here's a close up of "bionic eye baldy man". I like that.

I don't know if a Crimson Fist seconded to the Deathwatch would keep his red gauntlet, but BEBM is!

He's looking great and really who's going to tell him he can't keep it ohmy.png ... i bet he'd just keep dipping it into the blood of xenos scum just to keep it stained red (i'm sure some xeno types have red blood geek.gif ) ...

"Brother BErBauM, why are you shuto-knife handing those xeno's instead of using your chainsword?"...

"Gaarrrr!!, i told you if you didn't let me paint my fist red what would happen...but Noooo you DeathWatch and your Emo Black....You know nothing Sgt Snow!"...devil.gif

look forward to finished product!!


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