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A Tale of 20 Hobbyists - Sign-up - ALL SLOTS FILLED

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Think of us as children just before Christmas.

No you cant open any presents before Christmas....ok you can open just 1......but you cant play with it till christmas.....

Thankfully we dont have to wait till Christmas.

  On 9/6/2016 at 9:05 PM, SW1 said:

Makes me really want to get hold of them now, I really like the conversion.


Regarding the points values and equipment of the different Inquisitors. Can I just say I'll do so many points worth of them from the mountain of models I have rather than fix to an exact build? I can see me getting hold of that DW kit and just getting inspired and ending up with something completely different to what I initially set my mind to after a frantic night of converting.


Thanks to this challenge my converting itch has been triggered!!!


Edit: Actually I'll just amend the initial vow to whatever gets basecoated and carry on converting to have more models to bring out once the first lot are painted.

Im with SW1 on this . I can Provide you with a list, but the part list i posted has already changed slightly as i build stuff and see something shiny i want instead of whats on the list.

  On 9/7/2016 at 8:43 AM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Hey everyone, I'm very grateful for the constructive responses and thank you for them! smile.png Good to see we can share our thoughts like this. Krobakrei, Uveron, Eidolon and Psycho, your replies have collectively taken away my concerns. I think I can pretty much agree with a everything that has been said. I also very much support the idea of already starting the event thread to share some building posts, only to have us start painting on October 1st. This way, there´s room for all ways of ´doing´ the hobby (and it also aleviates my uinending desire to start building the biker command squad I´m dreaming about msn-wink.gif). Cheers, and thanks again for the soothing replies. smile.png


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  On 9/6/2016 at 11:51 PM, Lord Commander Eidolon said:


Plus, unlike the ETL we are building up a whole army, not just a few units!

You clearly weren't part of the Chaos team in the ETL tongue.png msn-wink.gifmsn-wink.gif

Also also: @Uveron: good luck with the disaster relief you're doing, in whatever form.

Edit: fixed code

Haha, I got a sizeable force painted up I'll have you know.....

Glad you are still on board, after all I was promised to be a named biker your army... I'll want to see 'me' progress from unpainted blagh to a work of art! msn-wink.gif. I'll even model an EC guy after you, pick any consul (apart from a Chaplain/Vigilator as I've got them done), Sgt or specialist and it'll be in my list!

Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (Psyker ML 1)

(Bolt Pistol and Force Weapon and Digital Weapons)....60



4 Acolytes(Carapace hotshot Lasguns) 52

2 Crusaders                          30

2 Death cult assassins               30

Weaponsmith                          35

Priest                               25

Psyker                               10



(Lascannon hellstrikes HBolter Sponsons  155


Unit total                           397


Death Watch


(combi Flamer Power Sword ) .... 120



ML 2 ......................................95


Ven Dread

Twin linked Las

Heavy Flamer .........................140



Sergeant with plasma pistol and power sword

Combi Melta

Frag cannon..........................160



5 Power Swords

Combi Flamer........................195


5 Vanguard Vets

2 with Lightning Claws

1 Heavy Hammer

1 Plasma Pistol.....................190


5 Vanguard Vets

1 with Lightning Claws

1 Heavy Hammer

2 Power Swords

2 Plasma Pistols..................225


3 bikers

2 power swords

1 plasma gun....................135


2 Terminators

heavy flamer

Assault cannon

Melta fist 

Chain fist,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,125





Grand Total ....................1587





This may change as i add shiny stuff like Corvus Blackstars or more Inquisitors or Skitarii or ...etc etc.....

So what happens when I get left with a box of bits?

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Pleased he came out well and he might have to wriggle his way into the initial vow now he's near enough complete. Just need to clean up a few bits. Mainly fixing the slightly gummed up hand holding the spear.

After thinking it over, I'll be putting up a new thread on 12 September: that is to say, Monday of next week. It will serve both as the official thread for the event, and as a place for people to share WIP build photos prior to the official start next month. Until then, feel free to share any pictures of your builds and such in this thread. :)






Great. It'll give me time to get some stuff ready in time to contribute something in the new thread. :)


It's tough seeing so many people already so far ahead with their vows but I'll get there soon, too!

Doing a poll to help me decide what to do first for the Tale (though all will get their chance soon enough:)




More details can be found in my thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/319687-the-burden-of-duty-poll/page-8?do=findComment&comment=4494290

Seekers all the way!


I have to thank you all for the general excitement in this Tale of Painters, you've really kicked me into overdrive trying to get my current project out of the way in time for our official start date. With that said, I am looking forward to the WiP thread next week and seeing everyone's army builds before we hit the brushes.

Time is short, my brothers (and I'm in a wee bit of a foul mood because of a jury summons I just received,) but I shall endeavor to respond!


Augustus: There will be signature rewards for completion (probably,) but I haven't thought about participation banners... hmmm...  to be honest,I'm rubbish with that sort of stuff, but I'll try to sort something out before the beginning of next month. :tu:


Aeternas: ... fine. As Dos says, it's never too late to irritate me with that sort of thing, just make sure to let me know when you make it. :)

Some more of the Inquisitors crew.

The guy with the pistol and case will have a slung hotshot lasgun but i liked this pose so keeping it using the rule of cool.




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