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A Tale of 20 Hobbyists - Sign-up - ALL SLOTS FILLED

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Obscura: Got it, thanks!

Kurama: Sweet mate! That is a damn fine kitbash there. And regarding color scheme, I think we all know there's only one real option. msn-wink.gif

Subtle Discord: I'll hold you to that! msn-wink.gif

Now just have to decide if I want to participate myself, and with what. I should just do my Fists, but with the release of the new Khârn the siren song of Daemonkin is calling out to me...


You, seriously, have no idea how badly I want to get back to my workbench and painting area. Well, maybe you can relate, but really, I keep wistfully looking over at the painting area telling myself it's now only a matter of months. *Starts frothing, just a bit, at the corner of his mouth* Soon... ish. So soon'ish.

Aquilanus: Happy to have you joining us! I'm assuming you're doing your Sisters of Battle, correct? That's what I have you marked down as at any rate. Feel free to correct me if I am incorrect! smile.png

Not quite devil.gif

Hidden Content

Inquisition plus Sisters allies - 1500 pts (1501pts)

Inquisition: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment)


Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor

Condemnor Boltgun, Power Armour, Power Sword, Psyker (Mastery Level 1), Psyocculum, Servo Skulls

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor

Psybolt Ammunition, Psyker (Mastery Level 1), Servo Skulls, Warlord

Power Armour

Hellrifle, Power Sword


Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband

6x Death Cult Assassin


Dozer Blade, Extra Armour

Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband


Bolter, Flak Armour, Hot Shot Lasgun


Bolter, Flak Armour, Hot Shot Lasgun


Bolter, Flak Armour, Hot Shot Lasgun


Bolter, Flak Armour, Hot Shot Lasgun


Bolter, Flak Armour, Hot Shot Lasgun


Bolter, Flak Armour, Hot Shot Lasgun


Dozer Blade, Extra Armour, Twin Linked Lascannon

Adepta Sororitas: Codex (2013) (Combined Arms Detachment)



Condemnor Boltgun, Power Sword, Rosarius, The Mantle of Ophelia


Repentia Squad

Mistress of Repentance, 5x Sister Repentia

Sororitas Rhino

Dozer Blade, Extra Amour


Battle Sister Squad

7x Battle Sister

Sister Superior

Boltgun, Power Sword, Upgrade to Veteran Sister Superior

Sororitas Rhino

Dozer Blade, Extra Amour

Battle Sister Squad

7x Battle Sister

Sister Superior

Bolt gun, Power Sword, Upgrade to Veteran Sister Superior

Fast Attack

Seraphim Squad

5x Seraphim, Seraphim with Two Hand Flamers, Seraphim with Two Hand Flamers

Seraphim Superior

Plasma Pistol, Power Sword

Heavy Support

Retributor Squad

4x Retributor, 4x Retributor with Heavy Flamer

Retributor Superior

Chainsword, Plasma Pistol, Upgrade to Veteran Retributor Superior

Sororitas Rhino

Dozer Blade, Extra Amour

Suffer not the Heretic or the Mutant to live! devil.gif

Edit: I am rather gratified that you know of my little band of pyromaniacs laugh.png

Subtle Discord: I think I have some idea. Not on the same sort of scale as you, mind, but there have been a few month-long periods or so where I was unable to paint even though I really wanted to. You have my sympathies.

Pyroclast91: Great! We'd love to have you join us! Unto the anvil, and a' that!

Aquilanus: "Nobody expects the Imperial Inquisition!" Noted down. smile.png As much as I'd like to be able to say that I'm familiar with your army, I've only looked at your WIP a couple time. Knowing you're a pretty big Sisters fan, I just took the Order name from the side of the screen. unsure.png

I think I'll be going with my Fists this time. Got a lot of stuff to work on for them, and as much as I'd like to go back to Khorne for a little while now is not the time. I'll put together a quick list tonight.


Alright, I must jump in. I'll be joining in with Rahn's pre-Executionners (with a sprinkling of dead XXth, for good measure).


I'll be working on a list tomorrow, mostly aimed at ZMish play at first, but which could be expended to larger-scale games later on.

This might be something to possibly consider...Couple of questions though (and if they're in the rules my apologies :P )


Does it have to be a legal army list in the sense of hq, troops, elites etc. Can the army list have allies (ie, for 30k) Imp fists, Night Lords and Mech, or would you have to limit yourself to one 'army'? 

Aquilanus: "Nobody expects the Imperial Inquisition!" Noted down. smile.png

I was supposed to paint a number of Sisters as Order of the Valorous Heart, but promptly forgot and started more Dauntless Spirit laugh.png This time they'll get done. Also gives me an excuse to finally get a "modern" Era Land Raider. The two I used to have were Rogue Trader Era ones and are long gone sad.png

Player 404: Sweet! We do seem to be getting a lot of VII Legion in this one though...

Aeternas: Hmmm... well, the intent is to stick to an army and finish it, so yeah, it should be a legal army list, constrained to a legal Force Organization. That being said, I'll think about it a bit. When I PM you later we can discuss it further.

Aquilanius: Shame about the RT Land Raiders. sad.png Always do like seeing Sisters though, even though they're not one of my favorite armies. I look forward to seeing what you bring!


I failed my Brothers, my Chapter and my own ego on this last year for many of the reasons listed in the FAQ.  This year I intend on doing better.  If you will have me I, Brother SP, shall join in this valorous endeavour once again this year.  I shall get a list up ASAP.

Player 404: Sweet! We do seem to be getting a lot of VII Legion in this one though...

I'd seen so many III Legion lists, I hadn't realised so many had expressed interest in the VIIth... Praetorian of Dorn has significantly increased my appreciation for the Fists and I am now really tempted to go with them, but I might still flip the coin over and go with the IVth, I'm still juggling with the idea (and this would be a good motivation to antagonise Slipstream's own boys in yellow)...

Brother SP: "You come here, a lonely traveler, to seek redemption? Very well. Here, redemption you will find." You're most welcome to join in, mate! You're going to succeed this time (and no, that isn't a question. It's going to happen this time. I'll make sure of it. devil.giftongue.png)

codyrstuart: Everything should be either bare plastic, primed, basecoated, or otherwise in a very early stage of painting. What "a very early stage of painting" is specifically will be decided on a case-by-case basis. I haven't seen your Knight, but the way you describe it makes it sound a bit too far gone for this. Sorry about that! sad.png

Player 404: ...


...I can't even look at you right now. tongue.png

(but seriously, whatever you go with, make sure you're really serious about following through with it. You don't wanna commit to something when you'd rather be painting a different army.)

Kurama: thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifJust remember, the event doesn't actually start 'til next month. Don't get overeager. :)

++As a reminder, everyone who has expressed interest in participating must provide an army list to be made official. I've added your names in the first post of this topic, but please provide me with a list as soon as is possible.++


I've been working on my list and I've come to the conclusion I need to quit being cheap and buy the books cuz battlscribe just ain't cutting it. Can anyone clarify something for me to run fury of the ancients you have to take a forge Lord? For the sake of legality and all.

I've been working on my list and I've come to the conclusion I need to quit being cheap and buy the books cuz battlscribe just ain't cutting it. Can anyone clarify something for me to run fury of the ancients you have to take a forge Lord? For the sake of legality and all.


Yes, you do. To quote 1d4chan (because the wording's good):


"Fury of the Ancients: Contemptors and Boxnoughts become compulsory troops, you must bring both a Forge Lord and a Primus Medicae, you cannot seize the initiative, can't bring neither allies nor fortifications, and dreadnoughts give up an additional VP when killed. EACH. It lets you bring a billion dreads, but at what cost?."

A forge Lord and a primus medicae? Alrighty then still some re-tooling to do I suppose. I think I may go a different route as I have a bunch of dreads to paint. Well a contemptor a levi and two boxes but Vulkan has also been patiently awaiting the brush along with what remains of my Calth box.

Pyroclast91: Keep in mind that only Contemptor and standard Dreadnoughts would have been made Troops under the RoW, so with only three it probably wouldn't have been your best option. I would suggest doing a different list. smile.png

codyrstuart: Very good! I'm guessing you'll be going with your Bloodmaws? Gotta get them painted! smile.png

++If you edit your post to include your army list, please let me know either by posting in this thread or by PM. I cannot guarantee I will see it otherwise.+



And one 1500 pts List.  Not a particularly good one but a list...



+++ Tale of Hobbyists - 2016 Fist of Medusa (1850pts) +++

++ Space Marines: Codex (2015) (SM IH Fist of Medusa Strike Force) (1850pts) ++

+ (No Category) +

Chapter Tactics [iron Hands]

+ Core (990pts) +

'Battle Demi Company * (990pts)
····Assault Squad [Jump Packs, Plasma Pistol, Replace Bolt Pistol and Chainsword with an Eviscerator, 4x Space Marines]
········Veteran Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Combat Shield, Lightning Claw]
········Power Armour [bolt Pistol, Crozius Arcanum, Jump Pack, Melta Bombs]
····Devastator Squad [Armorium Cherub, 2x Lascannon, Missile Launcher (Frag & Krak), Missile Launcher (Frag & Krak), 4x Space Marines]
········Space Marine Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Signum]
····Tactical Squad [Grav-gun, Heavy Bolter, 9x Space Marines]
········Rhino [Dozer Blade, Storm Bolter, Storm Bolter]
········Space Marine Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Power Sword]
····Tactical Squad [Meltagun, Multi-melta, 9x Space Marines]
········Rhino [Dozer Blade, Storm Bolter, Storm Bolter]
········Veteran Sergeant [boltgun, Power Fist]
····Tactical Squad [Grav-cannon and Grav-amp, 4x Space Marines]
········Space Marine Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Combi-grav]

+ Command (710pts) +

'Librarius Conclave * (265pts)
····Librarian [Mastery Level 2]
········Power Armour [Auspex, Bolt Pistol, Force Stave]
····Librarian [Mastery Level 2]
········Power Armour [bolt Pistol, Force Sword]
····Librarian [Mastery Level 1]
········Power Armour [bolt Pistol, Force Axe, Jump Pack]

'Strike Force Command (445pts)
············Artificer Armour [Auspex, Plasma Pistol, The Gorgon's Chain, Thunder Hammer]
····Command Squad [Company Standard]
········Apothecary [bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Narthecium]
········Company Champion [bolt Pistol, Combat Shield, Power Sword]
········Razorback [Dozer Blade, Storm Bolter, Twin-linked Lascannon]
········Veteran [bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Storm Shield]
········Veteran [bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Storm Shield]
········Veteran [bolt Pistol, Chainsword]

+ Auxiliary (150pts) +

'Honoured Ancients (150pts)
····Venerable Dreadnoughts
········Venerable Dreadnought [Extra Armour, Twin-linked Lascannon]
············Power Fist [storm Bolter]

Created with BattleScribe

Created with BattleScribe


No joke brother I've been trying to hammer something out for a couple hours now to no avail I have a feeling I'm going to be a pretty fair amount over the 1500 mark but I just can't make up my mind on anything really should I do pride of the legion and order some termies? Or should I go with a siege breaker and a ton of shields on the field. I'm having a harder tone building this list than I've ever had with a model lol


@ The Psycho yea I don't think I'm gonna do the dreads I'm not gonna have the patience to hold off on them anyways as they're already base coated and staring at me.

Id like to throw my hat in the ring for this... 92nd, the Ironfists of the VIIth.

heres my list



Legion Centurion with AA, PW, boarding shield, MB and JP-110



Contemptor- CCW/ Chainfist, 2 grav guns and a DDP- 305

3 thudd guns with shatter shell-180



Legion assault squad- sgt with AA, PW, 2 PW, MBs all around-270

Tac squad-sgt with AA, MB, PF, vex, vox  and add CCW in a rhino-235


Fast attack

Sky HUnters- MB, culverin-160


Heavy Support

Fire Raptor with AC-210

Brother SP: Got it! Thanks!!!


Pyroclast91: Don't sweat it, mate, you've still got a month before we start, and while I would like lists ASAP, as s. Remember, it's no problem going over 1500. It's a minimum completion size, but if you're really having trouble putting together a list don't hesitate to PM me. I'd be more than happy to help out. :)


lionofjudah: *grumble grumble not quite 1500 points grumble grumble* :P Just messing with you man, 1470 points is close enough (though if you could add something to put it over, that'd be awesome,) welcome aboard!




The Bloodmaws have heard the call to arms! Let none stay the Curs'd Lord's wrath! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAWOOOOOOOOOOOOO........ Sorry, the Wulfen almost took control.


Anyways, I'm in. List below. Let's do the damn thing.


+++ Tale of legions (1506pts) +++


++ Space Wolves: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1506pts) ++


+ No Force Org Slot (71pts) +


Lone Wolf (no force org) (71pts) [2x Fenrisian Wolf]

··Terminator Armour [Frost Axe, Storm Bolter]


+ HQ (210pts) +


Bran Redmaw, Curs'd Lord (FW) (210pts)


+ Elites (233pts) +


Wolf Guard (233pts)

··Drop Pod [Deathwind Missile Launcher]

··5x Wolf Guard [5x Bolt Pistol, Combi Flamer, 2x Combi Melta, 2x Combi Plasma]

··Wolf Guard Pack Leader [Combi Plasma, Power Sword]


+ Troops (342pts) +


Grey Hunters (171pts) [3x Close Combat Weapon]

··Drop Pod [Deathwind Missile Launcher]

··5x Grey Hunter [5x Bolt Pistol, 2x Bolter, Plasma Gun, Plasma Pistol, Power Axe]


Grey Hunters (171pts) [3x Close Combat Weapon]

··Drop Pod [Deathwind Missile Launcher]

··5x Grey Hunter [5x Bolt Pistol, 2x Bolter, Plasma Gun, Plasma Pistol, Power Axe]


+ Fast Attack (505pts) +


Skyclaws (200pts)

··9x Skyclaw [7x Bolt Pistol, 8x Chainsword, 2x Flamer, Power Maul]

··Wolf Guard Sky Leader [bolt Pistol, Power Sword]


Skyclaws (185pts)

··8x Skyclaw [6x Bolt Pistol, 7x Chainsword, 2x Flamer, Power Maul]

··Wolf Guard Sky Leader [bolt Pistol, Power Sword]


Swiftclaws (120pts)

··3x Swiftclaw Biker [2x Bolt Pistol, Power Lance]

··Wolf Guard Bike Leader [Power Sword]


+ Heavy Support (145pts) +


Long Fangs (145pts) [2x Long Fang w/ Lascannon, 2x Long Fang w/ Missile Launcher]

··Long Fang Ancient [bolt Pistol, Chainsword]


Edit: Before group shot




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