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+++ Spectres of the 101st (2482pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness)++

+ HQ (175pts) +

Sevatar (Master of the Legion: Horror Cult) - 175pts

Consul (Librarian, ML2, Cataphractii plate) - 150 points

Consul (Moritat, AA, Jump pack, Plas pistol) - 125 points

+ Elites (337pts) +

Legion Terminator Squad (6 Legion Terminators, Grenade harness, 3x Chainfist, Trophies of Judgement, 3x dual claws, combi-weapon, reaper autocannon) - 337pts

Legion Rapier battery (Graviton Cannon) - 75 points

Legion Vet tac squad (4x power weapon, 4x combi-weapon, AA, Plas pistol, thunder hammer) - 215 points

+ Troops (795pts) +

Night Raptor Squad (AA, Trophies of Judgement, 5x dual claws) - 285pts

Night Raptor Squad (AA, Trophies of Judgement, 2x power weapon, flamer, plasma pistol) - 230pts

Night Raptor Squad (5x Night Raptors, AA, Trophies of Judgement, 5x chainglaive, plasma gun, hand flamer) - 280pts


+ Fast Attack (220pts) +

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter (2x Storm charges, 2x Kraken missiles, 2x Sunfury missiles, Servitor control, Auguries) - 220pts


+ Lord of War (390pts) +

War Machine Detachment: Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank (Lascannons) - 390pts

codyrstuart: Noted! Thank you for the list!


lionofjudah: Combat shields would bring you up to 1500 points exactly, so if you want to go for it!


Uveron: No, Unbound is a legal type of list too, so if you want an unbound army, definitely write one up!


And everyone listen to what Kurama said, too. It's a big commitment.


Aeternas: Got it.






This sounds like fun, would a Questoris Knight list be eligible?

Yes, it would be! Shall I mark you down for one?

Yes please. I have a tournament in early November so I will most likely start this a month late...so that will be my Joker card played. But it's only 4 Knights at 1500pts.


I'm at work right now so will update the list with points properly later:


Hq: Seneschal Atrapos

Troops: Scion Acheron

Elites: Lancer

Heavy: Arbalester Castigator


Pretty keen to knock over this mountain of resin finally, plus Christmas holidays will be time well spent now!

Rangaman: Done! You are added to the list of the confirmed, because even though you haven't provided points values, it's still a list and it's definitely over 1500 points!


++As a reminder, everyone who has expressed interest in participating must provide an army list to be made official. I've added your names in the first post of this topic, but please provide me with a list as soon as is possible.++





Ok so it only took me about 80 drafts but I've finally got a list I'm mostly happy with. The only thing I'm really missing are my dedicated assault units and those will come later. while brainstorming on the fluff for this army I somehow came to the conclusion, that the intelligent thing to do would be to make a list entirely of models I already have in my possession then add to it once the models I've ordered and am going to order arrive. This should guarantee I will finish or at least of I don't I can't say it was because I couldn't get the models.


++ Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List (Age of Darkness) (3060pts) ++


+ HQ (611pts) +


NÄ“ro Tyranus - Legion Praetor (446pts) [Digital Lasers, Grenade Harness, Mantle of the Elder Drake, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Paragon Blade, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Volkite Charger]

····(Optional) Relics of the Dark Age of Technology [Zeroth Conductor Shield]

····Legion Terminator Command Squad [Grenade Harness, Heavy Flamer, 3x Legion Space Marine Chosen, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 2x Volkite Charger]


Ölak  - Legion Centurion (165pts) [Artificer Armour, Artificer Weapons, Power Weapon, Psychic Mastery Level 2, Refractor Field, Volkite Charger]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]

····May be upgraded to one of these Consul roles: [Librarian]


+ Troops (652pts) +


Legion Terminator Squad (247pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 4x Chainfist, Heavy Flamer, 4x Legion Terminators]

····Legion Terminator Sergeant [Artificer Weapons, Combi-Weapon, Grenade Harness]


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (405pts) [7x Combi-weapon, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Marksmen, Melta Bombs, Nuncio-Vox, 2x Volkite Charger]

····Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Auxiliary Drive, Extra Armour, Heavy Flamer, Hunter-Killer Missile]

····Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Artificer Weapons, Combi-weapon, Power Fist, Volkite Serpenta]


+ Elites (575pts) +


Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (220pts)

····Legion Contemptor Dreadnought [Heavy Conversion Beamer, Plasma Cannon]


Legion Dreadnought Talon (355pts)

····Legion Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Extra Armour, Volkite Culverin]

····Legion Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Extra Armour, Flamestorm Cannon, Heavy Flamer]


+ Fast Attack (230pts) +


Legion Seeker Squad (230pts) [4x Combi-weapon, 4x Legion Seeker Space Marines, Nuncio-Vox]

····Legion Strike Leader [Artificer Weapons, Melta Bombs, Power Armour, Power Fist]


+ Heavy Support (567pts) +


Legion Heavy Support Squad (257pts) [Hardened Armour, 4x Legion Space Marines, Volkite Culverin]

····Legion Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Artificer Weapons, Augury Scanner, Melta Bombs]

········Exchange heavy weapon for a Nuncio-vox and Chainsword/Combat Blade [bolter, Plasma Pistol, Power Fist]


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (310pts)

····Tőzakan Ul'rak - Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Leviathan Storm Cannon, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver]


+ Lord of War (425pts) +


Vulkan (425pts) [Primarch]


I don't have any clue if this list is gonna be any good in game as I rarely ever play in fact I can count the HH games I've played on 1 hand. But I do know it's gonna be a good time to build and paint these fellas I'm very excited for October!!! this thread is full of amazing hobbyists I'm almost as excited about seeing everyone else's work as I am for my own.

Gah, the pains of taking out a loan to buy a new car for the family...

Speaking of which, would anybody be interested in buying that car so I can go get some funds so i can participate in this? ;)

Anyways, I might be able  to participate schedule, wife  and wallet willing.  



Welcome Mephiston Bread and deusmex! With their declaration of intent, the 18 are complete! That being said, if you still want to participate, either send me a PM or make a post in this thread about it. There's always the possibility that someone will drop out, or even that I might open up a few more spots (I'll think about it overnight, but it's still pretty likely to happen :))


And remember it's not till October so plan it and prepare. If something comes up and you can't participate let The Psycho know.


Quality and improvement are the goals so find your motivation as we're in it for the long haul

Psycho: Another questions for you! I've got a ten-man Tactical Squad assembled with the Sergeant almost fully done (missing a proper base)  but the rest of the models are only undercoated with white. Could I still "pledge" the whole squad even if the the Sergeant is painted?

Again, Kurama speaks words of wisdom. We don't start until October, so if something, anything comes up please let me know! If you're unable to participate for whatever reason, I want to be able to make sure that if someone else is able to participate if they want to. I plan on running a tight ship this year: if you're in, you are committed for the entirety of the event until you complete the required models. I don't want anyone bowing out early this year. :)


Pyroclast91: "Good things come to those who wait." ;)


Dosjetka: Just this once. JUST THIS ONCE. ;)

I've taken the liberty to change my list as the previous one didn't please me. This one I'll stick to until the end, have no fear! Also, to compensate for the change, I added an extra 1'000 points. ;)

Feels like cheating having only four models, but...here is my House Ærthegn list.


+++ House Ærthegn (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v33) (1705pts) +++


++ The Age of Darkness (Questoris Knight Crusade Army v16) (75pts) ++


+ HQ (50pts) +


Seneschal (485pts) [Cerastus Knight-Atrapos]


+ Troops +


Scion Martial (415pts) [Cerastus Knight-Acheron]


+ Fast Attack +


Scion Uhlan (400pts) [Cerastus Knight-Lancer]


+ Heavy Support +


Scion Arbalester (405pts) [Cerastus Knight-Castigator]


Created with BattleScribe

With a Beer in hand I spent last night dreaming up a plan for the start of my new army.  


So this is the Planned list (I havent listed equimment as I don’t own the models yet, so I need to be prepared for problems to get in the way).


The Army itself with be primarly from the Blood Angels codex, but its primarly going to be a thematic army based around a force that has been gathered as the imperial response to a Chaos insergency (AKA my Chaos Army)



Hidden Content


+++ The Emperor's Harbingers  +++

++ Blood Angels: Codex (2014) (~1500pts) ++


+ HQ (~200pts) +

Captain (Terminator)
Sanguinary Priest


+ Elites (750pts) +

10 Death Company Squad

Furioso Dreadnought [Drop Pod]

Terminator Assault Squad


+ Troops (~330pts) +

Scout Squad [Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles]
Scout Squad [Camo Cloaks, Sniper Rifles]
Tactical Squad [Drop Pod]


 + Fast Attack (~120pts) +

Assault Squad [Drop Pod]


+ Heavy Support (~135pts) +

Baal Predator


++ Inquistoral ‘Alies’ (~250pts) ++

Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor

Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband



I will probaly start a new WIP thread today detailing the plan in a more clear plan. 

Dosjetka: *grumble grumble changing lists already grumble grumble*  :D Okay, got it down. 2500 points though? That's quite a lot... hope you do stick with this. ;)


Rangaman: It does feel a little cheatsy, doesn't it? Nevertheless, it's allowed under the rules. I didn't take Knight armies into consideration when drafting the rules... I'll have to keep them in mind for next year. :)


Uveron: Sounds like you have a pretty clear plan of what you're going to do, even if you don't know the specific upgrades you'll take. I look forward to seeing the new WIP thread. :tu:



Alright, seeing as there are already all that many Imperial Fists pledged here, I've given this a little twist and come up with a list which I'll definitely be able to go through with without breaking the bank, even if it's not really competitive (actually I have no clue, haven't played in years).

The plan here is to get started on an army instead of getting a winning army on the table...


V Legion : Brotherhood of the Dawn (515pts)

  • Vigilator : AA, MB, Glaive
  • Squad A : Bolter/CCW tacticals x10 - Sgt (AA, Fist), Vexilla
  • Fire Raptor : Hellstrike missiles
VII Legion : Chapter CXL Resolute Bastion (607pts)

  • Legion Champion : Cataphractii, Shield, THammer
  • Squad B : Cataphracts x5 - Shield x2, CFist, TwLC, Illiastus AC, CMelta x1
  • Squad C : Bolter+CCW tacticals x10 - Sgt (AA, Fist), Vexilla, Rhino
IX Legion : Chapter XL Angels Vermillion (498pts)

  • Primus Medicae : AA, BoPerdition
  • Squad D : Plasma+CCW tactical supports x9 - Sgt (AA, Fist), Rhino

+ Edit : Realized part of the list was unreadable on the mobile scheme, so removed the text colors except on the headers...

Got it, 404. Funny thing is that I was thinking of doing something similar when Retribution was first shown with the Shattered Legions, but it never came to anything. I look forward to seeing where you take the concept! :tu:




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