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A Tale of 20 Hobbyists - Sign-up - ALL SLOTS FILLED

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Dosjetka: *grumble grumble changing lists already grumble grumble* biggrin.pngOkay, got it down. 2500 points though? That's quite a lot... hope you do stick with this. msn-wink.gif


But yeah, it should be alright. Even if I have to pull a few all-nighters to get things painted, then so be it! And there quite a few units that are quite points-heavy so that helps as well. :)

Made a start on the list. The Inquisition part anyway.


Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (Psyker ML 1)
(Bolt Pistol and Force Weapon and Digital Weapons)....60
4 Acolytes(Carapace hotshot Lasguns) 52
2 Crusaders                          30
2 Death cult assassins               30
Weaponsmith                          35
Priest                               25
Psyker                               10
(Lascannon hellstrikes HBolter Sponsons  155
Unit total                           397
The plan for this little lot involves a lot of "counts as" models Since the GW inquisitorial range is pretty woeful at best
The Acolytes with Hotshots are all Scion models the Death cult assassins will be Dark Eldar witches most likely with the blank helms
The Weaponsmith will be a tech priest. The Priest will be a chaos cultist and the Psyker is from the Genestealer cultists in DW Overkill
Death Watch part of the List will need a bit more thought but i hope to have it sorted out tomorrow.
The eventual plan for this seemingly modest little warband will be a bit of a Monster involving at the last count around 7  Codices and a combined force of Skitarii , Mechanicum the Inquisition, Assassins , the death watch and a couple of Knights with support from the Planetary Arbite Swat teams ( aka Scions )
Its going to be Biblical.

Dosjetka: If you say so. Just remember, if you fail to complete your army, you will not only suffer the shame of failure, but worse: my merciless teasing. ;)


Player 404: Well, as Dos implied, there is a point to points (this isn't Age of Sigmar, after all :P,) but since you seem to have a pretty clear outline of what you're going to do, I'll let it pass.


Uveron: Good luck with figuring out your color scheme! I glanced at the thread earlier really quickly, but didn't really have time to look to closely. I'll make sure to take a more in-depth look later. :)


deusmex: Looks like a good start, with some pretty cool modeling ideas! Can't wait to see what the rest of the list looks like! :tu:

Not gonna lie I'm more than a little excited to see your emperors children Leviathans Kurama. It's probably my favorite model atm and I can't wait to see your take on it. Will they be getting the leopard print treatment as well?

Well I have started the assembly side of things and, being the ambitious chap that I am, am already planning "stretch goals".  That is to say things I am going to paint in the unlikely event that I complete everything early.  I am also already tweaking the list a little, more along the lines of a model here, wargear there.  Shouldn't change much in the grand scheme of things.

Ive been planning and scheming as to how I'm going to turn the cataphractii squad I very hastily assembled into proper veterans of the XVIIIth.


20160831_222310.jpgupload foto


The biggest issue with my assembly is I put the shoulder pads on thinking for some reason they gave me an extra set. Just put the top layer on and apparently forgot how to use plastic glue that day. Idk if I was drinking or what but those pads aren't coming off in one piece. So anyways all that said any ideas? I was thinking of either A. sculpting the second layer or B. Sculpting drake hides around the backs and shoulders to bulk them out.


Note the obvious choice of put the other layer you thought we're extras on top isn't available it's a long story like I said not sure what was happening that day.

Skyslayers all the way Kurama, EC love jet bikes and you can never go wrong with massed, mobile heavy weapons


Edit: You could even go as far as to model the jetbike weapons as Blastmasters or a heavier equivalent and count them as Volkite or Melta etc

lionofjudah: Indeed he is!


Brother SP: That's great!!! Always nice to have a few contingency plans in place for possible eventualities of early completion!!! :tu:


Pyroclast91: That's unfortunate about the shoulder pads. :( Still, it looks fine, and adding drakeskin, as Dos says, would look awesome.


Kurama: Come on, man. You know what you want to do. Outriders or jetbikes? Pah! A silly question! You know you'll have to do Outriders and jetbikes! :P (but seriously, if you have to choose one, go with the Outriders. You don't see enough of those lovely models, which is a complete and utter shame.)


Now, I'm sad to say that unfortunately due to circumstances beyond his control, Mephiston Bread will not be able to participate in the Tale. This opens up a spot in the 18, and though I've contacted Lord Commander Eidolon about joining in, he hasn't gotten back to me. So, for now, we have one open slot again!



Kurama: Good man! Look forward to it all! :tu:


Lord Commander Eidolon has gotten back to me and is willing to take Mephiston Bread's place, so that fills out the 18. That being said, if you're still interested in participating, just give me a shout! I want anyone who wants to participate to be able to, and worst case scenario I'll drop out myself and add any necessary slots to enable people to join in! :)



Selecting models I have and like to make up a =][= force. The SW's will be saved for next ETL (where I aim to break the 5 figure points barrier next year). So I may end up doing some prep of tem during this challenge but I won't be applying paint!


Currently chopping up Ogryn bodies to reassemble them so I get a bit more variation. To them. GWS wants me to stick with legs A to body A, legs B to body B and so on.


Currently working on One each of the correct pairs and then A+B, A+C, B+A, B+C, C+A and C+B. Once the bodies/legs are sorted it's time to test fit the 8 sets of fancy armour from the Ogryn/Bulgryn kit to them and select the best 8 out of 9. If this works I have my first 500 points worked out. Want them to look different from my regular Guard ones while sharing basing and possibly bask story with them.


I've also got 10 Priests that were modelled last year but bever got past the primer stage (some haven't even been primered yet). So that's another 550 points as they all have Evisorators!!! ;) :p


The other 450 points to hit the minimum 1,5000 points will be made up of Inquisitors. Once I've been thought my bitz boxes for likely Inquisitor parts I'll know how they're being armed. I've got several Grey Knight PA kits and TDA kits to pilfer bits from. :p

Great to be on board, given I am more of painter than a gamer -- mainly because I have no Army, I've been pondering lists this evening and almost have something ready to go.


I am just wondering, is it possible to include my scratchbuilt/converted from toys Stormbird project? It is still very WIP with only very small parts of the internal bay/cockpit partially done. I put it on hiatus to get the ETL stuff done, so the project would need kickstarting again, plus the inclusion of the big bird allows the Army to be appropriately themed..... If not, I can just re-hash the list.


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