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A Tale of 20 Hobbyists - Sign-up - ALL SLOTS FILLED

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Alright, I would love to take part in this and take up the final spot. I was asked last year to do so, declined, and have regretted making that decision - my burgeoning Imperial Fists force was a joy to paint and I'd love to add to it. 


So! I have a list in mind, based on the new rules in the Angels of Death supplement. It has a section for the Imperial Fists, which allows for a Sternhammer Strike Force. This force is a variant of the Gladius Strike Force, and like it requires at least one Battle Demi Company. Seeing as I already have two complete Battle Demi Companies, and as I wish to add to that force with additional Auxiliary and Command choices, I have the following list in mind. These are all additional Formations, so this would be a legal, stand-alone, bound army as well.


Command Choice

Librarius Conclave 

1x Epistolary (3 Mastery Levels) 115

2x Codicier (2 Mastery Levels) 180

2x Lexicanium (1 Mastery Level) 120

Auxiliary Choices

Skyhammer Annihilation Force

Devastator Squad with 2 Grav Cannons in Drop Pod - 175

Devastator Squad with 2 Grav Cannons in Drop Pod - 175

Assault Squad with Jump Packs, Eviscerator and Melta Bombs 115

Assault Squad with Jump Packs, 2x Flamers, Lightning Claws 125 

Hunting Force
Captain on Bike, Power Fist & Lightning Claws - 150
Command Squad on Bikes, Company Champion, Apothecary, 2x Storm Shields, 2x Grav Guns - 180 
Bike Squad, +2 Bikers, 2x Grav Guns - 135
Bike Squad, +2 Bikers, 2x Grav Guns - 135
Attack Bike, Multi Melta - 50
Total: 1655 points.
I have some plans to add Centurions and some Rapiers (I'll count them as Thunderfire Cannons for the purposes of the list entries) too, which I might want to add in the future.
Would this be admissible for the TO18H?

NovemberIX, Augustus b'Raass, kobrakei, I've sent you all PMs regarding the matter. Please respond to them as soon as is convenient. (BTW, Augustus, that list would be perfectly acceptable.) smile.png

Lord Commander Eidolon, that's fine.

SW1: Nice to hear everything's falling into place! Those DW kits looks like a INQ kitbasher's dream, good to know you'll be getting them.

++As a reminder, everyone who has expressed interest in participating must provide an army list to be made official. Please provide me with a list as soon as is possible.++


++As a reminder, everyone who has expressed interest in participating must provide an army list to be made official. Please provide me with a list as soon as is possible.++


I've updated my post with an exact list instead of the vague numbers, which now totals 1620pts.

So I have a list of the Lion's finest!


+ HQ (290pts) +

Company Master (140pts) [storm Shield]
····Power Armour [infantry, Mace of Redemption, Storm Bolter]

Interrogator-Chaplain (150pts) [Power Fist]
····Power Armour [bolt Pistol, Crozius Arcanum, Jump Infantry]

+ Elites (235pts) +

Deathwing Terminator Squad (235pts) [Cyclone Missile Launcher, 4x Deathwing Terminators, Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield]
····Deathwing Sergeant [storm Bolter and Power Sword]

+ Troops (620pts) +

Tactical Squad (150pts) [Grav Cannon with Gravamp, 4x Tactical Marine]
····Rhino [storm Bolter]
····Sergeant [Chainsword, Combi-Plasma]

Tactical Squad (235pts) [Grav Cannon with Gravamp, Plasmagun, 9x Tactical Marine]
····Rhino [storm Bolter]
····Sergeant [Chainsword, Combi-Plasma]

Tactical Squad (235pts) [Grav Cannon with Gravamp, Plasmagun, 9x Tactical Marine]
····Rhino [storm Bolter]
····Sergeant [Chainsword, Combi-Plasma]

+ Fast Attack (351pts) +

Assault Squad (151pts) [7x Assault Space Marine, Jump Packs]
····Assault Space Marine Sergeant [Chainsword, Power Sword]

Ravenwing Black Knights (200pts) [4x Black Knight, Ravenwing Grenade Launcher]
····Huntmaster [Corvus Hammer]

Just looted the bits boxes and found a few old metals that will be getting a new lease in life. The DW may end up getting added to things once purchased taking well over the 1,500 points goal.


Chopped up a plastic daemon hammer from the PA GK kit and converted up a nul rod to become a hammer. It's a shame you can't give a nul rod to an =][= in TDA. I'm going to team that up with an original psycannon for one of the lead Inquisitors. I have another 2 available but the weapons seem a bit more challenging to source. There's a funky looking lead powerfist which I could count as a thunder hammer? The other nul rod I could convert up to be something else.

I've knocked this 'list' up, it seems fairly legitimate from what battle scribe tells me, but bear with me if it isn't! The main 'issue' is fitting in the Stormbird, as it is a Lord of War choice it attracts the 25% limit and weighs in at 850pts I really need to run a 4000pt list.....


I have had the idea of running a fast attack 'Air Cavalry' force using the Angel's Wrath Rite of War, as I wanted to emulate the classic BulldogUK's Stormbird with Assault Marines dropping out. I appreciate it is a big list (a lot of it is coming from the flyers) and I doubt it will be that effective, but my view is I am stuffing in units that I want to paint, such as Destroyers, Seekers and some Dreads.



Loyalist Emperor's Children - 4,000pts


1 x Praetor - JP
1 x Forge Lord + 4 Servitors

1 x Standard Bearer
4 x Command Squad - JP


2 x Apothecaries - 1JP


10 x Tacticals
(Storm Eagle)

10 x Assault Marines - JP


10 x Destroyers - JP


10 x Seekers
(Storm Eagle)


2 x Landspeeders ( Old Skool classics)


1 X Stormbird


5 x Sunkillers (Lascannon Heavy Support)
5 x Veterans


2 x Contemptors
1 x Leviathan



However, if the idea is to build up a proper competition list I can revise it! It is my understanding this is more of a guide to show intent, as opposed to a cast iron 'I will paint this'! I will certainly be painting up the 2 Eagles and the big bird, other bits may change as per my whims!!

I, theradrussian pledge myself to muster 1,500 points (of game-legal) Deathwatch Marines.

This will give me something nice to work on when I get back to the UK in a couple of weeks :)


Now, maybe I should get a codex...

Player 404: Got it, thanks a bunch!


kobrakei: And the Dark Angels 5th Company have been added to the roster! Thanks for providing the list!


SW1: Sounds like it's coming along nicely! Regarding the power fist as Daemon hammer, if you think it works, I'm fine with it. Since this is distinctly a challenge, not a competition, as long as you get an army you can use painted up to whatever your standards of fully finished is, I'm down for it. :tu:


Lord Commander Eidolon: Damn, 4000 points? I'm tempted to say just ignore the 25% limitation, but at the same time I really want to see you paint up 4000 points of III Legion. Ah well, something to note down for next year *Psycho scribbles furiously in a notebook*


Theradrussian, elohimalpha: I'm sorry to say that we're unfortunately oversize as it is, but I'll try to make it work out. Sending you both PMs now. :)


I'm pleased to say that both Augustus b'Raass and kobrakei are going to be joining us. Their addition brings us to an even 20 hobbyists! As the Emperor first made 20 Legions, so do we have 20 armies to be built: all planned to together total well over 30,000 points when all is said and done.





*Wonders which two participants will get purged*



Let the hunger heresy games begin!



And may the (Chaos G)odds be ever in your favor!


*pumps shotgun* Oh how you wish you knew... ;) *cackles maniacally*

While it's cool to have more people (the more, the merrier), having too many people and trying to accomodate everyone won't work too well, in my opinion. Either you get rid of some people/some of us decide to bow out, or someone else organises a "shadow" Tale for those who'd like to participate (not something you should do, Psycho, as you already have enough to keep you occupied).

FWIW, I'd be fine with giving up my place though I would really like to participate in this.


Just my £0.2 worth.

Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, September 3, 2016 - Off Topic, not board appropriate
Hidden by Grotsmasha, September 3, 2016 - Off Topic, not board appropriate



Well we do have multiple 3rd legions.... I'm just saying

Where we're going, there is no safe word.

To the brink of insanity and back buddy I got the cocaine the hookers and the toys!

Posted · Hidden by Grotsmasha, September 3, 2016 - Off Topic, not board appropriate
Hidden by Grotsmasha, September 3, 2016 - Off Topic, not board appropriate



Well we do have multiple 3rd legions.... I'm just saying

Where we're going, there is no safe word.

To the brink of insanity and back buddy I got the cocaine the hookers and the toys!



You're my new best friend.

Oh dear... I see why having multiple Emperor's Children together was a bad idea now. :P Don't worry, no one's getting eliminated from the challenge. I've been planning this for many months now and there are multiple contingencies in place. Everyone who's in now will stay in. ;)



Lord Commander Eidolon: Damn, 4000 points? I'm tempted to say just ignore the 25% limitation, but at the same time I really want to see you paint up 4000 points of III Legion. Ah well, something to note down for next year *Psycho scribbles furiously in a notebook*




I really wish you would be tempted to let me off the 25%! I've actually read up on a few of the alternative force organisation charts, but don't fancy the Leviathans of War chart. So it looks like 4000pts it is.....


3 lots of Emperor's Children it is, so much pink! :) Mine will be Loyalist unlike Obscura and Kurama's deviants... No coke and no hookers; however legal high's and courtesans might feature. :) I might make 'pre-heresy' versions of Obscura and Kurama as characters in the army, depending on what they come up with in the course of the tale! 


Here's a little taster of what Emperor's Children Air Force looks like!!


Purple is going to be the Colour of this Comp...  I plan on using a few pots on my Blood Angles Sucessors! 



I also hope that tonight I shall be able to work out how many extra points I will be adding in imperial allies to my Chapter. (A few Assassins and an Inquisitor)


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