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A Tale of 20 Hobbyists - Sign-up - ALL SLOTS FILLED

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I understand that the challenge is already full, but would it be alright if I joined as well? I have a history of sticking through group projects on the Warseer forum and a pretty list already made up, it's Deathwatch from the new codex and a small contingent of Militarum Tempestus both of which will be bolstering my existing Inquisition armies.


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+++ Deathwatch +++


+ HQ +

Librarian - Lv 2, Beacon Angelis - 125 points

Watch Captain Artemis - 145 points



Veterans - 4x shotgun, Xenophase blade - 135 points

Veterans - 5x Stalker Bolters - 135 points

Veterans - 4x Frag Launchers - 210 points


+Fast Attack+

Corvus Blackstar - Blackstar rocket launcher, Infernum Halo launcher - 200 points

Corvus Blackstar - Blackstar rocket launcher, Infernum Halo launcher - 200 points



+++ Militarum Tempestus Inquisition Stormtroopers +++


+ Hellrain Bridge Formation +


+ HQ +

Commissar Inquisitor - Power weapon - 40 points

Command Squad - 2 plasma guns, Taurox Prime, Heavy Stubber, Taurox Missile Launcher - 220 points


+ Troops +

Scions Stormtroopers - 2 melta guns - 90 points



SW1: Same at my local when I was thinking about picking some up! It definitely seems like a very popular kit, those Veterans...


Aeternas and Augustus b'Raass: I know it's painful, but remember: "Good things come to those who wait." ;) In the meantime, please share any photos you might have of your builds! :)


jimbo13: Oh, I will, brother, I will. ;) Thanks for the support!


SW1 (x2): Phew! That's... a bit more than I had in mind. If you want to try, though, I certainly won't stop you. :D ;)


MrKeef: Sadly we're really stuffed to the brim, and we have a waiting list too, but if a spot opens up I will most certainly let you know. :)

I'm still experimenting with gauze using the same method as paper tissue. the texture makes it look a little more believable as camouflage (think ghille suits), and it's a little thicker than paper tissue. I'm still working on how to work it around the neck.


Meanwhile, this week, I'm trying to finish my current projects and work on the basing of my list for this challenge. My goal is to not only have a painted list, but a fully painted, based, and playable list.

Uveron: Perhaps utilize Brother Chaplain Kage's tissue cape technique? I honestly don't know...


Still have to make my own list... got an idea of some things I want to incorporate. I'll try to write it up and post it tomorrow.

Lol ... I very much doubt that that amount will get painted. It just felt as if I have a mountain of models I can now find a use for thanks to the new DW codex.


I've already started kitbashing a Watch Master using plastics and one of the really old metal Grey Knight Guardian Spears. I'll likely gs something onto a mk 3 arm to make the Clavis (uber Swiss Army knife of hacking) or maybe make it the relic version. That's just using random bits from the bits box plus from the DW TDA kit one of the PA chest fronts and PA shoulder pad.


I've also inducted a chaplain, captain and 3 librarians into the DW by adding the DW shoulder pads to them. That's over 500 points taking them bare. But I want to convert them up so they will likely increase in points.


Then there's loads of spare TDA heavy weapons that will make their way onto TDA. Not to mention once I get hold of the vet kit I'll likely grab another B@C to mix all the goodies in with it.


That's not mentioning the fun I'm having working out what to include for the Inquisitors I want to make.


I still don't get mixing TDA and bikes or TDA and jump troops together in a unit? In my head it just seems stupid.


My list for the first 1500 points will follow shortly. This won't have DW in but this release has really got my creative juices going. :p

Right I'll do ...




Inquisitor in TDA + lvl 1 + combi bolter = 105 points


Inquisitor in TDA + lvl 1 + psycannon + force weapon = 110 points


Inquisitor in TDA + lvl 1 + psycannon + hammer = 110 points


Inquisitor in PA + lvl 1 + daemon hammer = 78 points




Inquisitor in PA + pair power swords + digital weapons + rad n psychotroke grenades (Malcadon Spyrer model) = 58 points


Inquisitor in PA + pair power swords + digital weapons (Malcadon Spyrer model) = 58 points


Xenos (using Hereticus rules to get the load out I want)


Inquisitor in PA + pair power fistst (Malcadon Spyrer model) = 63 points


Inquisitor in PA + pair power fistst (Malcadon Spyrer model) = 63 points




Inquisitor with mastery lvl 1 and force sword = 55 points


Inquisitor with nul rod and liber heresius = 65 points


If my maths is right that's 875 points of Inquisitors. Added to 500 points of Bulgryns (2x 4 with mauls and small shields) and 550 of priests (10 with Evisorators) that takes me to 1925 points.


Just need to work out what to do with the old SoB special character bishop model. Might just stick him back into the bits mountain for now.

I just ordered an Atrapos as I figured he would fit with the in your face idea of my list.

Wanting to get cracking but will take the time to convert each dude a lil more (anvil order inbound), practice with GS, find a better mobile pic site as photobucket has too many ads, tape and mask my rhino, practice with the airbrush(fall = no mosquitos;)

I've primed my raptor, scimitars and super heavies

Here's where I almost regret vowing, with the pile of unpainted resin staring me in the face laughing as I can't start on them till october... tongue.png

I know right! a full month of not being able to start on models I've been wanting to paint since two weeks into the ETL.... The agony!!!! O well, better start building then - but I think half of the fun of this project is sharing everything: including the building process! AAARGH! msn-wink.gif

I'm just finding more and more stuff to build and paint!!! This was a 15,000 points target wasn't it? msn-wink.giftongue.png

I mean...I have more stuff I could vow, but then it'd hardly be a legal list laugh.png besides, I want to leave a surprise for later ph34r.png

Have to leave at least a rhino to paint outside this challenge as if all I paint this month is VII legion then I might as well don the red gauntlets and call myself a fool now :P



"Ours is the burden of duty."

- Traditional oath of moment particular to the VII Legion, 284 Storm Battalion.


Legion Chaplain: 145 points

Legion Chaplain with Cataphractii Terminator armor, pair of lightning claws, teleportation transponder.


Contemptor Dreadnought: 225 points

Contemptor Dreadnought with Kheres-pattern assault cannon, chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked meltagun,extra armor.

Legion Terminator Squad: 521 points

Cataphractii Terminator armor, teleportation transponder. 7 Terminators with chainfist, combi-weapon. Terminator with chainfist, heavy flamer. Terminator with chainfist, Iliastus pattern assault cannon. Terminator Sergeant with chainfist, combi-weapon.


Legion Tactical Squad: 175 points

8 Space Marines with boltgun, combat blade. Space Marine with boltgun, combat blade, Legion vexilla. Sergeant with artificer armor, power maul.

Legion Tactical Squad: 175 points

9 Space Marines with boltgun, combat blades. Space Marine with boltgun, combat blade, Legion vexilla. Sergeant with artificer armor, power fist.

Legion Reconnaissance Squad: 160 points

Recon armor, cameleoline. Space Marine. Space Marine with nuncio-vox. Space Marine with sniper rifle. Space Marine with Space Marine shotgun. Sergeant with artificer armor, power weapon.

Fast Attack

Legion Seeker Squad: 390 points

8 Seekers with combi-plasma. Seeker with combi-plasma, nuncio-vox. Strike Leader with artificer armor, power fist, plasma pistol.

Heavy Support

Legion Vindicator: 120 points

Legion Vindicator: 120 points

Total: 2036 points

SW1: Well, however much you get painted, this event will be here to encourage and support you through the next six months. Thanks for the list. smile.png

lionofjudah: Cracking! I can't wait to see your Atrapos! Any ideas for what house you're gonna go for? As far as other image hosting sites go, I personally like the B&C's own gallery the best and use it for almost all the images I post on the forum, but if for whatever reason I can't, I find Imgur to be quite convenient in its features. I would recommend checking them both out.

Aeternas: ph34r.pngph34r.png I know what it is... I think. But definitely, get some pallet cleansers for yourself. This goes for everyone, if you're only painting one scheme, get something else just so you don't get completely tired of painting the same scheme over and over and over again. I like the Age of Sigmar character models personally as a distraction, but whatever you get just make sure you have at least something else to paint if you get bored. I think it's a good habit to get into. smile.png


Still working on a DW list . The new codex has some weird options i need to check out.

In the meantime heres a little teaser of the Inquisitors warband.


Introducing the Crusaders



How much work can we do before the 1st of October ?


Before you start, you can build, primer and basecoat before you make your vows. Early stages of other work will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. If you've got something that you'd like to work on but you're not sure about, don't hesitate to PM me. :)

Makes me really want to get hold of them now, I really like the conversion.


Regarding the points values and equipment of the different Inquisitors. Can I just say I'll do so many points worth of them from the mountain of models I have rather than fix to an exact build? I can see me getting hold of that DW kit and just getting inspired and ending up with something completely different to what I initially set my mind to after a frantic night of converting.


Thanks to this challenge my converting itch has been triggered!!!


Edit: Actually I'll just amend the initial vow to whatever gets basecoated and carry on converting to have more models to bring out once the first lot are painted.

It's a relief to see base coats is allowable - not because I've got loads of base coated models, but because I've a few models here and there that got a base coat during a batch of painting but never got any further! Saves me having to needlessly strip stuff!!


My destroyer test ended up having a date with bio strip, my plan of heavily chipped armour didn't do it for me, so shall try plan B. Any of you guys have any ideas/suggestions for the scorched armour look? I am thinking weathering powders.


How much work can we do before the 1st of October ?


Before you start, you can build, primer and basecoat before you make your vows. Early stages of other work will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. If you've got something that you'd like to work on but you're not sure about, don't hesitate to PM me. :)

This has me a little concerned: I was under the impression, and enrolled because of that impression, that this was a hobby event, not purely a painting event. For me, the hobby also includes building and converting - in fact it's about half, if not more, of the fun. I'd love to see other people's things and building processes in the event itself, so starting building to me feels a bit like cheating each other of the enjoyment of the shared experience and the mutual inspiration and motivation. If this is just about churning out painted stuff, that's totally fine :), but then how is it different from the ETL or any other painting event - and shouldn't it be called 'a tale of 20 painters' then? ;) This is no criticism of the event's setup, mind you (!) just an honest question and concern about my expectations of the event's setup vs the reality of it, and whether or not this is something for me. There's a lot of frater wanting to join in, so it'd be unfair for me to keep a spot in something that turns out not to be what I personally hope for or expected, and which others would enjoy more than I would :tu:


Edit: spelling and code

How much work can we do before the 1st of October ?

Before you start, you can build, primer and basecoat before you make your vows. Early stages of other work will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. If you've got something that you'd like to work on but you're not sure about, don't hesitate to PM me. smile.png

This has me a little concerned: I was under the impression, and enrolled because of that impression, that this was a hobby event, not purely a painting event. For me, the hobby also includes building and converting - in fact it's about half, if not more, of the fun. I'd love to see other people's things and building processes in the event itself, so starting building to me feels a bit like cheating each other of the enjoyment of the shared experience and the mutual inspiration and motivation. If this is just about churning out painted stuff, that's totally fine smile.png, but then how is it different from the ETL or any other painting event - and shouldn't it be called 'a tale of 20 painters' then? msn-wink.gif This is no criticism of the event's setup, mind you (!) just an honest question and concern about my expectations of the event's setup vs the reality of it, and whether or not this is something for me. There's a lot of frater wanting to join in, so it'd be unfair for me to keep a spot in something that turns out not to be what I personally hope for or expected, and which others would enjoy more than I would thumbsup.gif

Edit: spelling and code

I see what you mean Augustus, but every hobbyist approaches these kinds of events for different reasons. In my case I've built most of my stuff and basecoated before I knew it existed, due to the lovely British weather, but have the motivation to paint 1500 points in seven months now, and that's what drew me in. Others will be looking to build or convert amazing models and paint them up. It's a good way to see different styles of hobbying all in the same thread, which can get a bit lost during ETL due to the nature of forum v forum. That's my take on it anyway :)

This has me a little concerned: I was under the impression, and enrolled because of that impression, that this was a hobby event, not purely a painting event. For me, the hobby also includes building and converting - in fact it's about half, if not more, of the fun. I'd love to see other people's things and building processes in the event itself, so starting building to me feels a bit like cheating each other of the enjoyment of the shared experience and the mutual inspiration and motivation. If this is just about churning out painted stuff, that's totally fine smile.png, but then how is it different from the ETL or any other painting event - and shouldn't it be called 'a tale of 20 painters' then? msn-wink.gif This is no criticism of the event's setup, mind you (!) just an honest question and concern about my expectations of the event's setup vs the reality of it, and whether or not this is something for me. There's a lot of frater wanting to join in, so it'd be unfair for me to keep a spot in something that turns out not to be what I personally hope for or expected, and which others would enjoy more than I would thumbsup.gif

You make a fair point, brother, and I agree with it in large part. I would say that while it's true that the only part of the event that's tracked is the painting, it's not the only part that's important, nor the only part you should share with the rest of the group. The primary objective of this project is to build a fully painted army, and everything you mention is part of that. While I would appreciate anyone who keeps that in mind and shares their entire process, I'm not going to require it, especially in this first month when people are just getting into it. All that being said, though, I'll think on it some more. I sincerely do appreciate you bringing this to my attention. I understand where you're coming from, but still, I hope you stay on. smile.png

Also, what kobrakei said. This is supposed to be a less formal event than the ETL or those other events, driven by the spirit of camaraderie. As such, not everyone is expected to approach it in the same way. Is that alright?

I think the whole concept should be 'about the hobby' and agree with the sentiments echo'd by Augustus that most of the fun is in the converting and making your own army unique. I really don't think a little building here and priming there is a major problem, it does take into account people had stuff in the pipeline before the TO20H was announced. I really don't think there will be many people with whole armies primed/based and ready to go at this stage. Plus, unlike the ETL we are building up a whole army, not just a few units!


I will certainly be looking forward to posting WIPs and asking for advice/comments.


I am sure the proposed 'hobby' challenges will keep things interesting, I am going to incorporate 'pre-heresy' versions of some of the other EC contenders into my army.  We can also get a bit of fluff on the go to keep things interesting.

I think the whole concept should be 'about the hobby' and agree with the sentiments echo'd by Augustus that most of the fun is in the converting and making your own army unique. I really don't think a little building here and priming there is a major problem, it does take into account people had stuff in the pipeline before the TO20H was announced. I really don't think there will be many people with whole armies primed/based and ready to go at this stage. Plus, unlike the ETL we are building up a whole army, not just a few units!


I will certainly be looking forward to posting WIPs and asking for advice/comments.


I agree, and it may be worth kicking of the 'official' thread soon sorta for WIP updates on how peoples prep is going! I know I have considered the event to be Live already... (but I don't have many models just waiting on them to arrive now) 


But that being said I am going to be away from the forums for most of this week. (If you follow the US news you may have heard about a 'big' earthquake in Oklahoma.. well I am helping the government with the issues so going to be kinda busy this week.. [ i am still at work at 8pm at night]) 


I agree, and it may be worth kicking of the 'official' thread soon sorta for WIP updates on how peoples prep is going! I know I have considered the event to be Live already... (but I don't have many models just waiting on them to arrive now) 


But that being said I am going to be away from the forums for most of this week. (If you follow the US news you may have heard about a 'big' earthquake in Oklahoma.. well I am helping the government with the issues so going to be kinda busy this week.. [ i am still at work at 8pm at night]) 



Indeed, perhaps it would be prudent to do so. I'll think about it, and if it seems like a good idea I'll have a thread up next week.


Best of luck with the earthquake business. I've been avoiding the news recently, in large part because of the upcoming election, but from what I know it sounds pretty bad.

Hey everyone, I'm very grateful for the constructive responses and thank you for them! smile.png Good to see we can share our thoughts like this. Krobakrei, Uveron, Eidolon and Psycho, your replies have collectively taken away my concerns. I think I can pretty much agree with a everything that has been said. I also very much support the idea of already starting the event thread to share some building posts, only to have us start painting on October 1st. This way, there´s room for all ways of ´doing´ the hobby (and it also aleviates my uinending desire to start building the biker command squad I´m dreaming about msn-wink.gif). Cheers, and thanks again for the soothing replies. smile.png


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Plus, unlike the ETL we are building up a whole army, not just a few units!

You clearly weren't part of the Chaos team in the ETL tongue.png msn-wink.gifmsn-wink.gif

Also also: @Uveron: good luck with the disaster relief you're doing, in whatever form.

Edit: fixed code


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