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Hammer of Olympia 2k - Need help to finish the list

Brother Aiwass

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So far I have the list like this


Siege consul


Cortus talon (2) with kheres


15 Tactical with ccw & MB

15 Tactical with ccw & MB

15 Tactical with ccw & MB


Leviathan with Melta lance & phosphex





If everything is ok I have 320 points left and I wonder what to add to reach the 2000 mark. Ideally would be Golg and some Tyrants, but that's a lot of points even removing one scorpius. The Consul is also barebones atm.


Will be worth to drop the tacticals to 10, swapping one scorpius for a 5 men Tyrant squad for Golg to join and the Siege consul with TDA (to give them tank hunters & wrecker)? Or maybe drop one tactical and run normal termies with Golg? -Not set in stone with Golg, but is cheap and have nices rules and I need a Praetor to take the RoW (or a Delegatus maybe?)


Or what other options would you consider?


The battle plan is easy, the Scorpius stay at the rearguard and everything else marches forward dealing with everything they find.


Thanks in advance.

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Something like this?



Siege Consul in TDA, CF


Cortus talon (2) with kheres


10 Tactical with ccw & MB

10 Tactical with ccw & MB

10 Tactical with ccw & MB


Leviathan with Melta lance & phosphex



Tyrants (5)


100 points remaining, thoughts?

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Yeah I personally think multiple scorpius is a bit of a "that guy" move..


Well, I didn't intend or want to be "that guy". It's not like ironfire phosphex spam with medusae AP 2 rain for added flavour. I aim to play a nice and fluffy army and survive to it. I'm a 40k chaos player who always played fluffy lists, but I stopped playing 40k CSM a year or so ago. My gaming group only plays 40k and as they are my friends, they have no problem with me playing HH armies. So I have to deal with Blood Angels, Necrons, Eldar and Tau; I understand that "spamming" scorpius may seem waacky, but I'm not or so I believe xD


Actually, just want to survive podded ironclads, markerlight spam and monolith spam -yes, one of my friends sometimes deploy 3 of them at larger games. And I don't have any HS unit besides the Leviathan and some rhinos that I can convert to scorpius (and a lone dakka pred).

If youre taking golg as your warlord why not use the Terminators that he unlocks as troops?

My first thought was to go with normal terminators, but then the Siege Consul abilities are "wasted"  as only one heavy weapon would benefit from the tank hunter rule, and if I take a large squad that would mean less HS (which is the point of the Hammer RoW I think) so I decided that Tyrants would be a more wise unit to go with the consul as they have 5 heavy weapons (and here I'm wasting the Golg skill but looks like a lesser loss to me).


Other reason is because I envision the regular grunts that have to go to the meat grinder are better suited with marines that terminators, they are less valuable theme-wise. They are there to take objectives or die trying.

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Something like this?



Siege Consul in TDA, CF


Cortus talon (2) with kheres


10 Tactical with ccw & MB

10 Tactical with ccw & MB

10 Tactical with ccw & MB


Leviathan with Melta lance & phosphex



Tyrants (5)


100 points remaining, thoughts?

I like the list. The most obvious point to sink the 100 points is a dreadnought pod for the Leviathan. Failing that, another 2 Tyrants.

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