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Death Guard Terminator Core


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Calas Typhon


Cataphractii Terminator Squad
10 men, 7 power fists, 2 chainfists, autocannon, plasma blaster
SGT/W thunder hammer, combi-melta, grenade harness

Cataphractii Terminator Squad
10 men, 7 power fists, 2 chainfists, autocannon, plasma blaster
SGT/W thunder hammer, combi-melta, grenade harness


Heavy Support
Grave Wardens
5 men, 5 chainfists, chem-flamer

Plasma Cannonade, Aiolos Armoured Ceremite



Mortarion The Reaper


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I don't think you need that many Power Fist and Chain Fist even with all Terminators. One or two is enough, otherwise stick with stock Power Sword / Power Axe for Cats and Power Fist for Wardens. Use points for more Terminators.


And, I'd replace Morty for another squad of Terminators.

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I do love terms.......but no transport, no ability to run and not any real armour. I can see you getting bogged down quite easily.

Tho if your set to run walking terminators id swap the term squads around and put both plasma in one and both reapers in the other so better to pick targets. And drop a few power fist in exchange for some combi plasma etc to add a bit more firepower

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so i played my first game today against Daemons and... it was a very close one... my terminators did a fantastic job of weathering the incessant assaults due to their 2+ armour and were able to stay on top of things with power fists. i have also made a deal with a friend that i will be trading my two plasma blasters for more reaper autoannons to be able to better maintain range and be able to take down tough units. I was disappointed by Mortarion as he got drowned in cheep troops and was buried under the sheer number of attack, however the game BELONGED to Typhon, his grave wardens and the deredo. nothing that charged them could break them (thank you death cloud) and their grenade launchers wreaked havoc. the Deredo took down a bloodthirster first turn and a daemon prince on the second, before taking out a 3rd and forth prince on turns 4 and 6.


I'm thinking of replacing Mortarion and bulking out the grave warden squad and also getting a heavy support squad with some missile launchers to deal with fliers and transports. Primarchs belong in larger games anyway...

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Well, the problem I see with how your Mortarion played out is that he didn't go Multi-Wound Model (without Eternal Warrior) Hunting with his Instant Death Scythe and his Teleport move. So if he was able to just hop from Daemon MC to Daemon MC decapitating them due to their lack of Eternal Warrior, I think he would have done much better for you. Also, you could have had him stay glued to the Gravewarden Squad to provide a buffer for him when required.


Pretty much ALL Primarchs are susceptible to being Tarpit to death especially if they have Rending.

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^As Dorn found out first hand!



Pun intended?


I use all terminators for ZM its fun. personally i would swap for autocannons on deredeo and wouldnt take Big M until 3k.

why thunder hammers on sgts? scythe is better as you will strike before most other peoples sgts at ap2, plus you have enough anti tank with all those fists.


i would use points for Morty on 3 cortus ceontemptors. make your opponent spread his fire others wise you risk being focused down with so few targets

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^As Dorn found out first hand!



Pun intended?


I use all terminators for ZM its fun. personally i would swap for autocannons on deredeo and wouldnt take Big M until 3k.

why thunder hammers on sgts? scythe is better as you will strike before most other peoples sgts at ap2, plus you have enough anti tank with all those fists.


i would use points for Morty on 3 cortus ceontemptors. make your opponent spread his fire others wise you risk being focused down with so few targets


i'm gonna switch to scythes when the models are released.

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