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Soldier of Dorn

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My Path to Redemption starts next year with one of the very first vows I failed back when I was but a wee lad. ;)


And my off-month has to be April next year as I'm on active service with the military so all free time will be spent recovering from whatever hell they make us go through.


It sucks and I hate backing out of things but this is one challenge that I've taken up this year that just doesn't seem achievable given what's been going on recently and what's set to happen. :(

I've got the Fulmentarus done to the point where I need to do the edge highlights on the armour (and all the rest of the stuff is undercoated black) on four of them. The fifth one has the edge higlights done, the gold done, a basecoat of brown on the pteurges done, and some battle damage on the legs done. The Apothecary is undercoated black and his head has been fully painted. I've got time this evening and tomorrow evening and then I'm off on a family visit from Friday morning to Tuesday evening. The only way I could succeed is by not sleeping from Thursday to Friday but even then it's not guaranteed and I'd hate to miss my flight or forget something because I haven't slept. laugh.png

Gah. Why does this stuff happen? laugh.png

My advice, do what you can.  Anything you paint this month isn't needed to be painted later.  I would also maybe suggest a rethink/rejig of your list back to the base 1500 points if Psycho will allow it in light of your changed circumstance.  That way you have an easier to reach target as well.  After all you can paint more after the Tale is over.  Heck if time permits you can sneak in extra as you go.  That's what I hope to do.  Most importantly, if you can, commit yourself to a certain goal or time spent painting every day where possible.  Rich that I, the King of Procrastinatopolis, give this advice but what can I say, speaking from experience. 

I completed my second vow, but Photobucket is down and I can't upload any pictures. Just so you know - I did complete the squad. I'll upload pictures later. 

@ Psycho: You made a booboo when linking to my first completion in the first post. It links to SW1's first October completion instead of to mine.

Right! Photobucket is functioning again, so here are the pictures, as well as some fluff. 


In other words, second October vow finished!


XI Devastator Squad

XI Devastator Squad is, together with XII Squad, the first to employ the recently developed portable Graviton Cannons. The new technology is a further development of the Graviton weaponry that was used during the Horus Heresy, made in the two millennia following the Horus Heresy by Techpriests of the Forgeworld Tigrus. With its strength in damaging heavier equipment, the Techmarines of the Imperial Fists have had an interest in the technology´s development since its inception, and have employed it during the recent quelling of the Risa Uprising, where the Imperial Fists eliminated the heretical pleasure cults led by the Risa Hedony. The weaponry is deployed by experimental squads, with a slight but authorized deviation from the Codex Astartes, in that they are led by Techmarines learned in Graviton technology. Recent tactics show good results in combat effectiveness through deployment in Drop Pods, in conjunction with Assault Squads.





Veteran Tech-Sergeant  - Jahan Hotar - Dosjetka

Jahan Hotar was one of two Techmarines sent to the Forgeworld Tigrus to learn the appropriate maintenance, upkeep and firing rituals associated with the newly developed Graviton Weapons. He has learned to create strong bonds with the Machine Spirits of the weapons, and has functioned as the commanding officer of the experimental XI Devastator Squad. As such, he is obligated to wear the traditional officer's crest associated with that rank, a practice he grudgingly agreed to. More interested in the technological aspect of the weaponry, he has come to value the advice and tactical support of XI Squad´s comms officer, Svadir Har., and has formed a bond of friendship with him.



Vexillarius - Bellos Galiko - Aquilanus

Blessed with a rash and impetuous character, Brother Galiko was honoured with the Vexilla for actions during the breaching of Risa's weather control system, which destabalized the atmosphere, allowing for deployments that eventually led to the annihilation of the Temtibi Lagunate pleasure cult of Riza. Galiko is known for his crude and brash behaviour, but also for being menacingly effective in close range support.     



Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Cynerik Deorwin - Brother SP

A stoic Astartes if there ever was one, brother Deorwin has proven crudely effective as a destroyer. Selected for his incredible strength, he wields his Graviton Cannon with ease. Unlike his squad's fellow weapon specialist brother Hason, however, he never boasts his achievements. Instead, he retreats in silence, listening to the tales of victory and destruction, with which his brothers share their achievements with him.



Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Crassu Hason - Aeternas

Aggressive and terribly strong, Brother Hason was drafted from his penance in IV Squad, where he served a five year penance duty for, after having been wounded, disobeying an apothecary's orders to accept treatment and returning to fighting instead. Brother Hason is a prideful man, who often boasts about his squad´s achievements among his brothers of 5th Company. He always relates the stories of his fellow squad brothers as well as his own in these tales, however, and so has earned the respect and friendship of them in return.



Battle Brother - Jurgen Falku - deusmex

Brother Falku's keen eye earned him a position of spotter in XI Squad, after having served as the comms officer of IX Squad for a period of two decades. He is a fine brother of the line, and despite his relatively old age of 65 standard years, does not mind at all his rank among his younger brothers. Instead, he relishes the opportunity to develop new tactics with which to rain destruction upon the enemies of mankind.



Armorium Cherub

The original condition of the Inquisitorial authorization of XI Devastator Squad's deviation from the Codex were that their activities would be monitored at all times by an Inquisitorial Acolyte. Captain Landa steadfastly refused this on the grounds of it inhibiting operations. Eventually he agreed that an Armorium Cherub would accompany the unit during deployments, so that they would reap benefits from the inclusion, as well as limiting recording of XI Squad´s activities to in situ operations. 


Argh ... RL can really throw you curveballs at times Dosjetka.


Make sure you make the right decision for you.


Just been through the pads I've collected and made. They now number 74 PA pads and 6 TDA pads. I could add a few TDA pads from different SW Great Companies and a random DA pad but I want just as much variety in the TDA so it looks like I'll need to concentrate on them now. Guess the challenge is now going to be painting them up and then painting the models to stick them on to. :p

Well done guys, keep it going till months end. Keep the head up Dos, don't fret too much, real life is real life. Augustus, sorry I didn't see your post earlier but I've sent you a Pm. This month has been hectic and I'm sorry I haven't been more more involved with the group. I'm in a race, that I think I'm winning, to finish before the months end. Next month I plan on being much more involved.

  On 10/20/2016 at 3:46 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Hey guys, thanks great participation with the naming of the miniatures vowed. I made a second October vow and it´s the first half of the Devastator Squad.

So they need names! More than half of you have answered the call, yet there remain a few... so Aeternas, Aquilanus, Brother Androcles, deusmex, mactire, lionofjudah, and

Player 404, you guys would do me a great honour if you would each pick one of the last seven spots. smile.png

XI Devastator Squad

Veteran sergeant - Jahan Hotar - Dosjetka

Vexillarius - Bellos Galiko - Aquilanus

Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Cynerik Deorwin - Brother SP

Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Crassu Hason - Aeternas

Battle Brother - Jurgen Falku - deusmex

Comms Specialist - Svadir Hark - Rangaman

Vexillarius -

Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) -

Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) -

Battle Brother -

Grav Cannon Specialist - Harkon Cayhil, chapter veteran and all round A-hole. Never promoted above Specialist rank due to constant clashes with superior officers. Maybe see if you could model something non regulation on the model or his base.

Okay so I need to base these guys later and learn to take better photos but for now here we go with some really bad images of my guys:


Left: Brother Perephone. Right: Brother Armist.


Left: Brother Sergeant Xeron. Right: Brother Teronne


Left: Brother Felix. Right: Brother Erix


Left: Brother Harridan. Right: Brother Privett


Left: Brother Eximon. Right: Brother Maxim


Tactical Squad Xeron


Revered Ancient Cirion

So better pics are incoming. As is fluff for everyone (once they are based). But for now I guess that means my November vow is COMPLETE

That is indeed a beautiful maroon red. I also really like the bright blue spot colour you used here and there - you might even consider doing more of that! Only thing I see that could improve is the iconography - why nto use transfers for those? There's a sheet of white tactical transfers with every kit now...


Pictures are decent - if you want to improve, Kierdale has a guide to taking pics with your phone camera somewhere, which has been a great help to me. 

Augustus: If I may, I'd actually encourage SP to further paint the symbols as freehand so that he improves over time with brush control, brush loads, paint consistency, etc. He's already improved quite a bit since his first attempts a while back. :tu:

I did not know that and gracefully accept the rebuke ;) Sorry SP - I personally avoid painting iconography, and am very grateful for the transfers, so my comment was in that spirit. It is definitely true that iconography is a great way to improve brush control - and I'd be hard pressed to get as thin roman numerals as you have (I'm still not happy with the XI on Dosjetka's Tech-Sergeant...). Especially the IV  on Brother Felix's shoulder pad is admirable. 

  On 10/27/2016 at 8:08 AM, Dosjetka said:

It wasn't meant as a rebuke, brother. msn-wink.gif Just as a suggestion that he should continue with his efforts! Abhor the decal! Purge the decal!

Oh crap, I´m diggin a hole where there is none! Sorry - bear in mind English is not my first language, and I still get intensity of meanig worng sometimes. Rebuke was WAY too sharp. But you did rebuke me on transfers and that makes me go furious.gif Transfers are awesome, transfers are love! Don't hate, appreciate! ;)

SP - the only thing missing is a picture taken from the side so I can see the pad. ;) :p


I've started painting the pads with the first 22 being basecoated (reds/whites). Splitting them up into coloured groups is going to make the process so much easier. First off I'll get all the backgrounds done. Then separate them again into groups with the same/similar coloured emblems. Sounds a bit OTT but you waste so much paint if you mix up paint for an individual pad. I can also ensure there's a good variety to the shades used on the different pads. So say a darker one will end up being the shade colour of mid tone ones and they will be the shade for the lighter ones.


Lol ... I need to invest in some new paints as a lot have finally dried up. So I'm mixing everything from the few paints that haven't dried up yet.

Kurama, those dudes are looking GOOD, dude. Welcome back. With a vengeance. Holy crap on a cracker.

  On 10/27/2016 at 9:16 AM, Dosjetka said:

Even if you covered me in hot sauce, dunked me in chili flakes, and then sprinkled some ground-up pili-pili over me, I wouldn't be able to compete with those two in a beauty contest. Wow.

Is it weird that I'm aroused right now? cool.png

  On 10/27/2016 at 7:03 AM, Brother SP said:

But for now I guess that means my November vow is COMPLETE


Looking great! 


Do you mean October? 



  On 10/27/2016 at 9:04 AM, Kurama said:

So with the end of the month rearing and kurama slowly awakening I have built more and created life;


And I'm currently trying to figure out something for my legion champion


Welcome back!  The Praetor looks great... not sure I understand what you are doing with the greenstuff on the Primus Medicae.



  On 10/27/2016 at 9:16 AM, Dosjetka said:

Even if you covered me in hot sauce, dunked me in chili flakes, and then sprinkled some ground-up pili-pili over me, I wouldn't be able to compete with those two in a beauty contest. Wow.


That was quite a sentence to read first thing in the morning.... and I mean it, it was the first thing I read about 30 seconds after my alarm went off! 


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