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Looking for help resurrecting my Steel Legion


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i am slowly getting back into 40k was looking at starting a new army then watching some twitch mini painters (Next level painting, slow fuse gaming and many in the brush lickers united) i was inspired to bring back my Steel legion army they are still some of my favorite minis. so i am going to repaint them and am looking for what additional units might be handy.  


I have a CC 2 platoons with 2 squads each 1 squad of ogryns 4 chimeras (3 with hull bolter 1 with hull heavy flamer)1 old leman russ (seeing the magnetic section probably going to get a new one and magnitse it) 1 old hell hound (do same as leman russ) because of the minis made i have many heavy bolters, missile launchers, grenade launchers and plasma guns. 


that is what i have what i am looking for is what else should i get? and what list would work best with what i have available.

I am just getting back into it so any help would be appreciated last time i played was 4ed i think.

So If I have this right, you have:


2 Platoon command squads and 4 Infantry squads, that make 2 bare minimum infantry platoons.


4 chimeras


1 Squad of ogryn


A Leman Russ


A Hellhound


But how many missile launchers and heavy bolters, and how many plasma guns and grenade launchers do you have? Can you field special weapons squads and heavy weapons squads?


I'm hesitant to mechanize platoons, as that gets costly very quick. I'd say as many would that Vets are the only ones worth mechanizing. It seems to me that you have a pretty solid start, maybe another infantry squad, and tool 3 of them as vets, with 2 special weapons in chimeras, with a Company Command Squad, all in chimeras (that takes your 4 chimeras) then you take a platoon with 2 squads, and some heavy weapons squads.


The next thing I'd suggest is getting some more leman russes. For a couple reasons, one they are a great addition to guard, and why else do you play guard? That's right, You play Guard for the tanks (I play guard for more than tanks, I like combined arms, bit hey, I'm weird).


Hellhounds are great, and I wouldn't be opposed to owning some, but I'm kinda taking my guard in a 30k Imperial Army direction, and they have no Hellhounds...


For some cheap extra firepower I'd suggest a full armored sentinel squadron with plasma cannons, that will add some mobile punch, as well as some character. I'd also think about adding Yarrick to your force, since that's some added character, as well as him being a huge help (he can issue orders now).


I hope this helps you...

all right looking over all the minis i have i can answer some of your questions.


7 heavy bolters 

6 missle launchers

3 las cannons

2 auto cannons (converted)


6 plasma guns

8 Grenade launchers

3 flamers (converted)

3 Melta guns (converted)

3 mortars 


4 Commissars

1 HQ squad (Forge world Death corps hq squad)

3 snipers (looks like catachan)

Ok, so what I can see for that would be


I can see a few ways of using this. You're not going to get everything into a single list, so don't worry about that so much.


Looking here, I'd say one thing you might want to consider is one of my first suggestions. See if you can pick up another infantry squad. Once you do that, you should have 3 infantry squads to equip as veterans (either use some green stuff to make carapace for them, or just paint them a wee bit different). I like to run Panzergrenadiers, so carapace armor, with a chimera. Carapace armor also generally means I'm taking plasma, since you get a better chance of survival against gets hot. If you decide to mechanize your vets, I'd mix and match your vet special weapons.


Vets should have 2 of the primary special weapon (plasma or melta depending on what mission you give them) and a heavy flamer. The reason for only taking 2 plasma or melta guns is so that you don't have a useless third hanging out inside. Also the flamer guy can pop up and roast anything that charges the vehicle. You have enough special weapons to do this.


Alternately you can equip a vet squad with 3 snipers and an autocannon, which paired with forward sentries, makes for a good long range cover camping harassment unit. High toughness models will cry at this.


Now, the two squads you'd have remaining, group up into a platoon, and use that to take your heavy weapons. Put heavy weapons in the PCS and Infantry squads. I'd say missile launchers as they are the most versatile. Then take some heavy weapons squads and Special weapons squads.


One of the first things I'd do, is get your hands on a Codex. Get to know how the army works.


All of my advice so far is assuming you'll be using Codex Astra Militarum, but you might want to look into running Death Korps of Krieg from either the seige of Vraks or IA12.


Once you've decided how you want to employ your models, I might be able to help out better.

I've always been a huge fan of the steel legion. Really, just a huge fan of the entire armageddon codex from 3rd. I've been building my templars with that in mind all this time.


Hope we can see your army soon.


As for fleshing it out and deploying it, as much as the russ is a staple of imperial guard armies (and you really should get more, and yes I personally love the idea of the eradicator, demolisher and executioner) the steel legion has a glut of Chimeras so I'd suspect lots of similar hulled tanks as well, like hell hound varients. And they seam to be pretty handy these days from what I hear...


As vulnerable ad the chimera hull can be, having several vet loaded Chimeras and he'll hounds in somebodies face can create trouble with target selection and also cover each other's side aND rear armour

i do have the codex astra militarum and will be using those rules. i am in the process of getting 1 or 2 more leman russ and i am going to magnitse them for maximum flexibility.


The idea is to paint my steel legion minis like german WW2 Paratroopers (fallschimjagers) with splinter camouflage  and my vets like SS Panzergrenaders with the SS pea pattern camouflage.


I am also thinking of seeing if i can get some Death Korps for my Vets because i have some for my command squad and they look like a more elite version of the steel legion. unfortunately all of the heavy and special weapons are on my normal steel Legion. one of the reasons that i am thinking about that is this army is mainly metal minis that case is heavy!


Also what do you think about adding some militarum tempestus. they look OK but that hot shot volley gun looks like it would do well vs space marines. i could use death korps grenadiers as these too i think the minis have hot shot lasguns. tho i would have to modify someone to make the volley gun.

I feel that the Militarum Tempestus models are out of place in a guard army. The older Kasrkin and Storm Trooper models look far better with the current range of minis. The Scion models look too much like the Solar Auxilia (Which I kind of intend to repurpose mine to be).


As for the MT rules, I find them to be lackluster when compared to the old Storm Troopers. They lack the tactical flexibility, and close combat effectiveness of the previous incarnation. Storm troopers have to get within charge distance to be most effective, and scions lack the number of attacks to make an opponent think twice.


So If you feel like you want Militarum Tempestus, get the start collecting box, and use the Hellrain Brigade formation, for infinite Scion Squads. That will give you the most bang for your buck with Scions, otherwise you're just getting glorified vets with an AP3 weapon and some special rules.

Welcome to the B&C and barracks DoD! :D The Start Collecting Scions box is great value for money, especially when purchasing from an online reseller :) Sadly their rules/costs could do with a bit of amendment but they will add some very useful capabilities to your Guard, and the Hellrain formation that comes with their Start Collecting box is a great way to get them on the table with nice bonuses.


It looks like you have a good collection of Guard models already, do you have some pictures to show us?

Hellhounds can make a nice compliment to Chimeras as they can block the AV10 flanks (Chims) with their own AV12 flanks.


I've never been opposed to standard infantry squads in Chimeras as they're still quite cheap but really the bump up to Veteran squads is small. I'd say try a mix; go one platoon and a couple Veteran squads.

  • 3 weeks later...

As i am starting to rework this army i am wondering about bases. can i still use 25mm bases? or do i need the larger bases (are they 30 or 32MM?) for my guardsmen. I would like to know so there legal. Also so i can start getting them while i am in the early stages of the rebuild. 


Also if you know of any way to get inexpensive bases that would be great. they don't need to be slotted i can drill and pin them to the bases.


Besides Scionss would their be any other good groups to add? 


Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. I appreciate it and keep them coming.

Guardsmen still use 25mm. And shall remain so from my understanding... essentially 32mm is what they moved space marine and similar sized dudes to, like certain larger xenos.


It waits to be seen where sisters end up as they are between scions(25mm) and astartes (32mm)

As i am starting to rework this army i am wondering about bases. can i still use 25mm bases? or do i need the larger bases (are they 30 or 32MM?) for my guardsmen. I would like to know so there legal. Also so i can start getting them while i am in the early stages of the rebuild.

Guard are still mostly 25mm bases. Also, old models are still legal with their current bases. You do not need to re-base your minis. Unless you are planning on going to a tournament, and they demand you re-base, you're fine.



Besides Scionss would their be any other good groups to add?

Ogryn are a fun addition, though maybe not entirely fluffy for the Steel legion. I advocate Scions/Storm Troopers heavily, as they are my favorite unit in 40k. You may want to get some assassins, to help out in areas like CC and picking off characters. The C:AM is rather sparse on infantry. Tanks are always welcome, and you might think about adding some flyer support (Valkyries and Vendettas are helpful, although I prefer the Vulture). Armored sentinels with plasma cannons are also always a welcome addition and they're fluffy.



Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. I appreciate it and keep them coming.

You're most welcome. It's what we're here for.

  • 1 month later...

Since i am not on any time line to finish this army is it worth resurrecting this army right now. Would it be worth the wait for a new Astra Militarum codex? Because i would not want to spend tons of time modifying them just not to be able to use them.

I'd say go ahead and work on the things that are least likely to change (or change much). Infantry platoons, Vets, and Leman Russes. Chimeras will probably only move to fast attack, and see no real rules changes, so those are all probably good bets. 


Since there has been no official announcement of either a new guard codex, or 8th edition, I'd just press on with the bread and butter of the guard, infantry and tanks, with a sprinkling of artillery.


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