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The Inquisition has always been a love of mine in 40k background and even in armies of old.

They really do sum up everything that 40k is in my eyes the grim darkness with a bit of that dark humor thrown in.


Well I'm back to it and hopefully you guys will like what I produce.


This isn't just going to be one of those Blanchesque, which I am a massive fan of by the way, but I hope to create an army that will work on the table top as well. using Militarum Tempestus as the back bone of this Ordo  Xenos force and who knows...... may other ordos in the future but Xenos is where I am at the moment.

and withe all the goodies like death watch and Genestealer cults on the way who can blame me.


So with out further ado....


Meet the Xeno Hybris Inquisitor Syliphus


Radical in the belief that any weapon may justify the means and that the clues of man-kinds redemption are found within the lost xenos civilizations that are scattered across the galaxy.

This is not to say that he does not disdain the alien, only that he will suffer them long enough so his needs are met.


3.350.925.M41 on the planet XD-777 was one example of the manipulative nature of such an inquisitor:  Syliphus had met with the native race of the planet and once the a treaty with the techno savant Slive was conducted and 25 of the slitherine monstrosities were conducted to the holding bays of Syliphus' ship, he had his retinue of 50 Storm Troopers ambush the remaining settlements and executed the hierarchy of the planet, thus sending the world into disarray before declaring the planet forbidden for visitation. This way he would have sould access to recruit the xenos and no evidence would be found of this so called "radical" act.




And the Techno Savant Slive.. Requisitioned and sanctioned for use within Syliphus's Warband:




Hope you enjoy this first beginnings of this journey!


Also please feel free to Comment criticize as you see fit, I've a thicker skin than an ogryn with psoriasis 

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@Magicman, The Psycho has got it spot on in his assumption... so no need to ellaborate further..... But yeah in game I use them as Jokaero.


Thank you for the interest people!


The next model shouldn't be too far along. hopefully be up for tomorrow.

Next up... Acrion, The blind light. not the hardest conversion or whotever buuuuuutttt...... Its a quick update.


Psykers.... thought by many to be the true great enemy, though to Syliphus is just another tool to bring humanity to its resplendent position.


Acrion is a close companion to Syliphus and one of few who's words he would contemplate. Rescued by Syliphus from the Mono dominant Araella before he was condemned to the black ships and the astromicon. His ability to act as a homing beacon was needed for the assassination of the Planatary Governor of Scintilla Secondus, In which with the help of the now deceased astropath, V'griss Barrock, a squad from the requisitioned 52nd Deltic Lions infiltrated and eradicated the head of a genestealer infestation.


Acrion destined for the astronomicon has a unique imprint in the warp as if in a sea of color there is a spot of black. Unable to harness the warp he acts as a beacon for those who would be able use it.


Born without eyes he sees the world, as Syliphus would say, in a higher definition than anyone else.






And..... anoher group shot..... As it grows...



Comments and Criticism more than welcome.... Also in case anyone is wondering game play terms hes a mystical mystic.....

Ok.. I'm doing a model or two every night..... until I move then I may be slightly quiet as I will be moving house.


But Meet Flag Lieutenant Cytissorus.


Seconded from the imperial navy to the watch of Syliphus to assist in boarding actions and ship security.

A gifted pilot and strategist he has proven to be an asset in keeping peace and planning assaults.






Also meet Iddimon taken from the Hive slums of Scintilla, was no more than a ganger with penchant for knife fighting and pick pocketing. He picked the wrong person to pick pocket when Syliphus was undercover on a lead against the Slaught infestation. He "obtained" the Inquisitorial rosette and ended up losing a finger and woke up to the vision of his own vitals layed out infront of his horrified eyes. Treated more like a dog than a man. Loyal if only for the scraps. He knows the pains of interrogation and will do anything for his master not to suffer them.




Also as it goes for now..... In the great words of Rita Repulsa........ Watch my monster grow.



But genuinely I am really not sure on the green I really like the pale complexion on these two guys but I do feel the green may be slightly too vibrant what do you guys think?!

These are looking really cool!


=][= As a friendly reminder to all, the board is still dedicated to the Armies of Humanity and those limited allies situation outlined in the rules. Anything being used "counts as" for an appropriate ally should be modified to be recognizable as existing in the 40K universe. =][=

Update 4 of 10....


Meet Veritus, the failed Custodian.


Veritus orginally the custodian of the inquisitor Arramella Goldorf, However when he failed to protect the inquisitor he was sent into dismay feeling he had failed in his holy duty.


Syliphus knew that through past experience that a guardian who's only wish is redemption through sacrifice is the perfect bodyguard and the fears of death in the name of the inquisition are thus extinguished.








As Warband Syliphus Grows



New update... bit late but had a lot going on in real life. Needless to say life got flipped upside down and not in the Fresh Prince sort of way.


So if you are open eyed you'll be able to see two new members to the warband.




First and formost a blast from the past and a quick find in he bits box but.


F1D0 - K19


A Cyber mastiff requisitioned and reprogrammed for use having his circuitry enhanced and supercharged. This model of Cyber mastiff has to tendency to burnt out if in prolonged use and generally need to be recharged after 8 hours of use. Though set loose it is much quicker and destructive than the original model.



I'll post a few more details of the other model in the morrow as I need to get a few better close ups.


Comments and criticisms are always welcome.

  • 4 weeks later...

Looking good so far. :tu:


The only bit of criticism I have is concerning the pictures themselves. Firstly, it's a shame when you have such a nice background and then you see the edge of the book in that first pic of your last post. It's minor but it threw me off for a short while and it's an easy fix. Secondly I'm not sure if it's your lens which is dirty, the macro is behaving very weirdly, or if the over-exposure is causing this but there's patches of blurriness on various pics. Most notably, the picture of the cyber-masitff has a patch of blurriness over the head while the rest of the body is cleary in-focus.


Other than that, I really love what you've done so far. The models are spot-on and their colour scheme and general "brightness/flamboyance" are a refreshing change from the usual "doom n' gloom" of the Inquisition.


Anyway, looking forward to seeing more from you. :tu:

Thank you for your comments! I'm going to be brutally honest an I am currently taking these pictures with my phone... luckily the camera isn't too bad. I've had to put the project on a bit of a hiatus as things have fallen through at home. But.... I have been working on some henchmen etc so I will endeavour to get them posted by the end of the week.


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