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So I have this model for my counts-as Raven Guard chapter, the Storm Eagles:


He's a librarian, obviously, but from back when librarians could take lightning claws. He's survived a few different marine codecii, and I kinda forgot about using him since there was no way for a librarian to get lightning claws...

Until recently. I saw him again and was considering using him, but with Swiftstrike and Murder, the relic claws.


But is that a dumb idea?


I mean, there's only one of those relic lightning claws to go around. Is it that smart to put it on a 2 wound character without an invulnerable save? But he might be able to quite a murder machine with the right psychic discipline and powers. He still keeps his force weapon too, so i could choose to use it or the claws, depending on what would best serve him at the time.


Thoughts? Fun idea? Dumb idea? What psychic discipline would he use? Biomancy, I'd think...

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You could say that his Lightning Claws are a Force Weapon. I don't know who would have a problem with that. Treat them as a single Force Sword. That is, of course, if anyone gives you grief about your idea. And, yeah, Biomancy for sure.

What's dumb is not doing this idea happy.png!

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Race- I love librarians, my chapters usually feature at least one in a list, and the fluff around my chapter has quite a few librarians, even though I'm not good with figuring out the psychic phase... gotta get better with that.  I guess I'm just wondering about his lack of Invul save and no access to a 2+. He'd have to go in a Vanguard or Assault squad, for protection if nothing else...


Mehman - yeah, exactly - I was considering using them as "Force Claws" since he can still have a Force Sword, and i can switch to that. Or would a Force Axe be better? I could rationalize that by saying he waits to get a better strike chance and then goes right through enemy armor with an extra punch of Strength. AP2 could be very handy.


I'll have to look at Biomancy and see what would be fun for him.


Lysere - thanks for chiming in. I guess I'm not sure of it now, since I thought relics don't really replace any weapons, but you might be right on that. If that's the case, I might rethink, but then he's really only losing out on Force and Instant Death, and depending on his target that might not be an issue or a problem...


I would LOVE to do a conclave, but  Raven Guard don't seem to have access to that, do they? Not in a Pinion Demi-Company, anyway. Or am i incorrect?

Edited by GrimTeef
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If he's a Chaos Marine, then "Murder" is certainly an appropriate name for a relic lightning claw. If he's a loyalist, then you should rename that claw "Execution" or "Quick Death"- loyalists should NOT consider themselves rogues with anarchic ideals, they should NOT view murder and other capital crimes in a light manner.

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You could say they're a Force Axe but I believe there is a blurb in the Big Rule Book that suggests any unusual Power or Force Weapon either be fit into one of the four categories (for Power Weapons or 3 categories for Force Weapons) or it is an AP3 weapon that uses the model's Strength. Let me check.

Yeah, it's on page 178. Lightning Claws only come in AP3 anyway so I doubt you could get an opponent to agree to AP2. Plus, they have blades like a sword so Force Sword it seems to be.

I'm a big proponent of making up my own stats and special rules for the models I've made. Make some up and see if you can get your opponent to agree to them in a friendly game!

Sorry I couldn't be the bearer of good news but at least you have something smile.png.

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If he's a Chaos Marine, then "Murder" is certainly an appropriate name for a relic lightning claw. If he's a loyalist, then you should rename that claw "Execution" or "Quick Death"- loyalists should NOT consider themselves rogues with anarchic ideals, they should NOT view murder and other capital crimes in a light manner.

I get what you're saying, Bjorn, but I was referring to the relic lightning claws in the Angels of Death supplement, and the claws are named Swiftstrike and Murder. I might have not named them that either, but murder makes sense from a sneaky perspective that the RG have, and ravens do travel in flocks called "murders", so it kinda fits.


Mehman, thanks for the heads up. I'm totally cool with keeping the "force weapon" aspect of the lightning claws as a sword over an axe. Makes more sense anyway.


Read over the Biomancy powers, they sound like a hoot with this guy or a vanguard squad...

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Read over the rules in this regard and I may have to rethink not using a dude with a "Force Claw".


The only way RG will be to use Librarians is through CAD.

You could just take a conclave on its own as a detachment. Yeah they won't benefit from the pinion or whatever but that won't matter much to them. 3-5 jump pack librarians scattered around your army with different melee weapon, could be interesting.

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If you really want hilarity, skip Biomancy and go with Fulmjnation. Fists of Lightning would give him two extra S5 hits each time he hits an enemy. Base of four attacks on the charge, potential of eight more S5 hits from Fists of Lightning, then up to four more hits from SS&M.


And as an aside, a group of ravens isn't a "murder," it's an "unkindness." Crows are a "murder."

Edited by ShinyRhino
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If you really want hilarity, skip Biomancy and go with Fulmjnation. Fists of Lightning would give him two extra S5 hits each time he hits an enemy. Base of four attacks on the charge, potential of eight more S5 hits from Fists of Lightning, then up to four more hits from SS&M.

Holy monkeys! That's ridonkulous.

+1 attack for HoW, +1 for 2 weapons, +1 for charging, on top of the base 2 attacks the librarian has.

5 attacks, potentially doubled to 10 by Swiftstrike and Murder.

And Fists of Lightning adds 2 more hits for each hit.



He could single-handedly mow through a full strength gaunt horde in a single farking assault phase.

That's insane.

That's.........exactly what my librarian is going to do whistling.gif

I'm assuming SS&M would be tallied first, then Fists of Lightning. And you forgot about the Hammer of Wrath attack he gets for charging with a jump pack.

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If you really want hilarity, skip Biomancy and go with Fulmjnation. Fists of Lightning would give him two extra S5 hits each time he hits an enemy. Base of four attacks on the charge, potential of eight more S5 hits from Fists of Lightning, then up to four more hits from SS&M.

Holy monkeys! That's ridonkulous.

+1 attack for HoW, +1 for 2 weapons, +1 for charging, on top of the base 2 attacks the librarian has.

5 attacks, potentially doubled to 10 by Swiftstrike and Murder.

And Fists of Lightning adds 2 more hits for each hit.



He could single-handedly mow through a full strength gaunt horde in a single farking assault phase.

That's insane.

That's.........exactly what my librarian is going to do whistling.gif

I'm assuming SS&M would be tallied first, then Fists of Lightning. And you forgot about the Hammer of Wrath attack he gets for charging with a jump pack.

Now imagine getting warp speed on him thanks to a conclave. Let the carnage begin.

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