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Interior Land Raider doors

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I'm building a Land Raider Redeemer at the moment, and I'm planning to give the interior some colour.

The problem is this: I noticed that you only get 2 sets of doors for the interior, while there are 4 openings.

Does anyone know where I can get another set of these doors? I've tried Ebay, but the limited amount of sets I found were too expensive for something so silly.


Thanks in advance

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Perhaps try recasting the ones you have? A simple press mold and some resin could do the trick.

Never done that before and I don't have the materials, so it wouldn't be very cost-effective. smile.png

If they don't need to open, perhaps try making them from plasticard cut-outs?

Guess I won't have much choice if I want those holes closed. I'll look around my hobbystore tomorrow.

I'll look in my extensive bitz box, I should be able to help you out. I'll P.M. if I find some.



That would be awesome, thanks!

No, that's the weird part. They only supply 2 sets of doors. I stumbled upon Jeff Tibbetts blog while searching for an explanation on google, and he made 2 extra sets out of Plasticard. It seems ridiculous to make such an amazingly detailed interior, and then supply not enough doors to finish the model. I've send GW an e-mail anyway to ask what their intentions were. I can make my own doors, but with such an expensive, common and detailed kit, I shouldn't have to.

Wel, they didn't answer my question, they only confirmed that just the 2 sets are included. It was a friendly chap however, so he'll send me the bits I need. 

That's the reaction I expected from GW. I wouldn't be surprised, if you got a (nearly) complete land raider.


I had a look, and couldn't find any, but, IIRC, there's two "equipment" panels that fit in the gaps behind the sponsons, I'll grab a pic when I get home.




ah, I thought it was something like that. maybe you aren't supposed to build two interior doors but two doors and two panels.



I had a look, and couldn't find any, but, IIRC, there's two "equipment" panels that fit in the gaps behind the sponsons, I'll grab a pic when I get home.




ah, I thought it was something like that. maybe you aren't supposed to build two interior doors but two doors and two panels.



Maybe 2 sets of doors was a wrong description. There are 2 halves of a door (so 1 door) and an equipment/radarscreen panel. Nonetheless, GW confirmed that's the way it is. 

It's still weird.


Wel, they didn't answer my question, they only confirmed that just the 2 sets are included. It was a friendly chap however, so he'll send me the bits I need. 

That's the reaction I expected from GW. I wouldn't be surprised, if you got a (nearly) complete land raider.


I had a look, and couldn't find any, but, IIRC, there's two "equipment" panels that fit in the gaps behind the sponsons, I'll grab a pic when I get home.




ah, I thought it was something like that. maybe you aren't supposed to build two interior doors but two doors and two panels.



That's it: of the four holes in the hull only two are going to be doors, while the other two will be covered by the sponson, and so won't be usable as exits



Wel, they didn't answer my question, they only confirmed that just the 2 sets are included. It was a friendly chap however, so he'll send me the bits I need. 

That's the reaction I expected from GW. I wouldn't be surprised, if you got a (nearly) complete land raider.


I had a look, and couldn't find any, but, IIRC, there's two "equipment" panels that fit in the gaps behind the sponsons, I'll grab a pic when I get home.




ah, I thought it was something like that. maybe you aren't supposed to build two interior doors but two doors and two panels.



That's it: of the four holes in the hull only two are going to be doors, while the other two will be covered by the sponson, and so won't be usable as exits



Ofcourse. And that would be ideal if someone glues their Landraider shut. But when doing the interior, those sponsons cover NOTHING on the inside.


But since pictures tell more than a thousand words... You see on the picture below the first interior panel with all the monitors. There are tools sculpted on the other side of the panel, so you can choose what you use. The back entrance is what you see with the sponson installed. Notice the huge gap that shows the interior of the hull.





On the next picture you see the other half of the hull. Here I installed the 'door' that came with the kit. Here the sponson doesn't cover the entrance either. 




That one door and one panel is all that came with the kit, which in itself is already a weird combination.

And you can see the gap if you look inside from the front hatch. GW made such a detailed interior, and then made the mistake of not supplying enough doors/panels. Quite a shame.


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