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Dagoth Ur

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Brilliant concept and conceptualization.



Alright, so what is that monstrosity above? Well, as some of you might remember, I reference the place Goddardia several times in my Unification Era stories. Goddard is what I imagine the Gotthard mountain range (The Saint Gotthard Massif) to be called in the far future. The massif is situated within Switzerland, which is what Old-Helvetia is in this continuity, and contains an impressive array of bunkers and artillerly positions that remain from the IInd World War. In my own fiction, a small collection of academics and educated people sought shelter in the bunkers, alongside their creations, just shortly before the bombs fell. Some of these people might have been affiliated with the proto-mechanicum, some part of conflicting companies and institutes and so on and so forth. Goddardia sealed itself off, Fallout Vault-like, and created an own, functioning microsystem. This would over time grow into a prospering, but harsh technocracy that in many ways was similar to the Mechanicum of its age. It desired knowledge above all else, it desired power, conquest and technology, but it saw little value in the dogmatic faith that the Mechanicum and later on the Adeptus Mechanicus held. Technology could be revered yes, but that was a matter of philosophical discourse, not of religious zeal for it was only natural for technology to evolve. After all, technology is just evolution reinvented. It also held psykers in high esteem, trying to selectively breed them and fill its ranks with powerful minds, in a quite literal sense.



I am very intrigued/enthralled by the concept. Enough to actually think about looking for bits to construct a small warband. My head's just spinning loose thinking about the idea.


Just wow!

I really like that you've replaced the Cataphractii arm with something much more bionic. I would say that while the Genestealer arms weren't the best fit for the first iteration, extra limbs would give him a much more monstrous, alien appearance. Perhaps some spindly bionic arms or even a withered vestigial organic one.
  • 4 weeks later...

Goddardia Awakens


Men of steel do not only dwell upon Mars



A week's worth of marching. A week of fighting horrible mutants, mercenary armies and bitter cold. Goddardia was a cruel mistress and were it not for myths about hidden treasure, it would never be visited by any sane person. Most knew the stories of mountains cast aflame by the sun. The part about beasts dwelling in the stone crevices was indeed true, but no sign of troves of credits or caches of ammunition.

Quite frankly, some of us had thought the Emperor mad for leading us up here in search of some old wive's tale. Yet he had lead us across old paths with little issue or doubt. I was tired, my plate weighed heavy upon my shoulders, and yet I was in awe at the sight before us. A circular, massive gate easily fifty paces in diameter and fashioned out of adamantium. Under all the weathering, I could make out markings.


"Raise your weapons, we are surrounded!" My head snapped around and followed my sergeants finger. Behind the stone ridges they had appeared; massive automatons, taller than even the Thunder Warriors and armed with snarling guns. Anne, the squadmate next to me, fired a shot but missed. One of the machines unleashed a single shot from its shoulder-mounted cannon, but it did not aim to kill. Instead, the stony mountain floor exploded before us. I could feel the explosion in my chest; the detonation itself had managed to knock the air out of my lungs.

"Cease fire!" The Emperor commanded with his thundering voice "We come not to wage war, but to engage in the great linkage!"



The machines remained docile, but a gentle, whirring noise came from the gate. A compartment opened in the metal, revealing a small space, barely fist sized but layed out with polished chrome and steaming with desinfectants. A multi-jointed mechanical arm extended itself from the opening. The Emperor stepped forward, unclasped the vambrace of his right arm and offered it to the machine. The needle-tipped limb jutted forward and pushed into the meat.

It remained there for a few seconds and then it vanished as soon as it had come. The silence was broken by the clarion of alarm bells. The machines disappeared in blinding flashes of light and streams of decompressed air escaped the vents surrounding the gate. The Emperor took a step back. The custodian guard swarmed around him, spears trained and searching for any enemy.

Another flash of light cut through the air and was followed by a thundering boom, and before the Emperor stood three figures. They were all tall, two as tall as the custodian guard, the last one even taller. The tallest one spoke first.

"So you have returned" Its voice was a cold, sombre thing, though not as robotic as I would have expected it to be. No skin was visible, instead it seemed to be a fully mechanical entity shrouded in robes of pale green. A forest of mechanical tentacles protruded from its back, some tipped in claws, others in syringes, scallpels and more medical instruments I did not recognise.

"So I have, Genetor-Primus"

"Praise be unto the Omnissiah"



I could not hear much more of their conversation, so my eyes shifted to the mech-man's entourage. A brute, armed with some weird-looking gun and chainsword particularly caught my eye. Where its master stood upright, it was hunched which in combination with the skull-helmet gave it a strong, ursine shape. One eye was black and empty, the other glowed in baleful red as it observed and scanned the mass of warriors before it.

There was a baleful intellect in that glowing eye. It scared me. Cybernetic enhancements were not unheard of on Terra, but we only spoke in hushed voices about martian machine-men and thinking cyborgs. Were these three such martians? My contemplation was broken short as the giant door opened with a loud cry of abused steel.

"So be it" The tallest machine-man spoke "As according to pacts and pledges given in this very spot, the Helvetian Technocracy and its priesthood of the Ur-Mechanicum shall serve you, Emperor of mankind."

With that, a gaping blackness opened behind its back and myriads of lenses awoke to crimson glow in the dark.

"We shall sail to the stars and break all who oppose your rule"

The war-robots took their first step in unison and the mountain shook.

Goddardia had awoken and the world trembled.




Hey folks! Quite a few things have changed with the Archmagos, but I am immensely happy with him!


@Pearson73: Cheers man! He really is a giant, now even more so! As for Dorn, gotta break a few eggs to make an omellette ;)


@Honda: Thank you kindly mate! I'd be very thrilled to see what you could come up with for the Ur-Mechanicum, so feel free to go ahead! If you want some more background ideas and concepts just drop me a PM.


@DuskRaider: Thanks for the suggestion and I really did wrack my brain about what limbs to use, but then I found these Anvil Industry arms, which I think work perfectly :)


Alright, that is all for today! Hope you liked this update. C&C is, as always, very much welcome and appreciated!



Holy :cuss that Magos is badass. I love the look of it. You can just barely imagine what kind of man he used to be, but also what kind of machine he has become.


I love the design, your kitbashing has made it seamless. I get the feeling once it's primed/painted, once could barely tell it was a kitbash and not a specific model.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Of Cog and Thunder



"Lord-Technocrat, I greet you in the name of the Omnissiah" Marja-83 was no small woman. Her already gene-bulked frame had been augmented throughout the decades of her service in the name of the Technocracy. Yet still, the Technocrat, lord beneath the mountain, rival to the fabricator-general towered over her in all their glory. She knew not if her lord had once been human, though some certainly adressed him like a man, or if their origin had far more sinister roots. Some whispered of abominable intelligence, other of a meld between the Homo Ferris and the Homo Sapiens. Marja-83 dared not to ask. Nobody did.

"I bid thee my greetings, data-smith" Their voice spoke in her mind. The unified choir of a thousand data-djinns and psy-mouths filled her mind with purpose and warmth. What a sharp contrast their arachnidal face was. A smooth done of ceramite and adamantium with four glowing eyes and snapping mandibles. They stood twice as tall as the Emperor's thunder-warriors, but wielded no weapons. They needed none. Marja knew, for she had seen. "What brings you to me?"

"My lord, the Great Linkage" She whispered with her still fleshy mouth "It has been engaged with success. The gate stands open, the master of thunder and flesh awaits."

Silence spread between them, heavy with the portents carried in her message. They knew, of course they did. The Technocrat saw everything beneath the mountain. Each lense was an eye, each mind but an extension of them, if they so desired.

"What does our new lord require?" The Technocrat inquired.

"That we march to war. Panpacifica must fall." Marja-83 offered a scroll to her lord. Signed in blood and written upon precious parchment, it stated the Emperor's desires and promises. The Technocrat had no need for promises. This was what they had been created for all these aeons ago; before the world had burned in nuclear fire. Back when Mars was a world of sprawling life.


In the dark beneath Goddardia, a swarm of steel awoke. A single word, and ten thousand times ten thousand atomantic reactors were roused to thrumming life.


Terra would burn once more.



---Pict-Capture 29889468-004: The Siege of Telerac, ca m32---

---Extensive damage due to massive electrical discharge---

---Volkite weaponry?---

---Involved forces---

-Teleracian Legio Cybernetica-

-Alpha Legion (Loyalist?)-

-Sons of Horus (Separatist)-




Hey folks, small, cryptic update for y'all ;)


@STC Logisengine: Thanks a lot mate! The magos was a pleasure to build and is quite fun to paint too!


@Battybattybats: Thank you kindly! :)


@Brother Pheidias: Cheers man! Hope your health has gotten better! :D


@SystemSyn: Thanks man! The skull on the chest is, believe it or not, Inquisitor Greyfax' shoulderpad.


@Biohazard: Thanks a lot bro! COncerning the Legate, let's just say that there is something in the works for them ;)


@Vairocanum: Cheers! Soon, soon, he will be done!


@Chickenleg: Thanks man! Your work has been inspirational time and time again.


Well, that is all for today! Expect something thunder-warriory, something legate related and something mechanical quite soon! Have a good day.

Really liking what you are doing here, some very original conversions going on.


I've been tempted to delve into the Unification Wars, interesting that you are including the Mechanicus, is your setting late in the Unification War?




Legio Cybernetica Teleracia



Iram tenetur in ferro

Odio tenetur in fulgur

Mors tenetur in machina


Hoc est primum mandatum


---Credo Cybernetica Primus---


--Day 176 of the 27th and last Panpacific War--

--Status: Conquered and fortified--



---Cybernetica Teleracia Cohort Alpha, Maniple Primus, Machina Primus---

---Automata Type: CASTELLAX---

---Codifier: T4N0R-11---


The arrival of the machines had been a blessing for our forces. I had heard reports of the Emperor's travels into the Helvetian mountains. Goddardia. We never ventured there. Too many were the tales of ghostly automatons. Too few people returned from the snowy peaks. Seems like these machines were the 'culprits'. Dreadful to imagine fighting against them. How their fists crushed steel, meat and bones between them. Horrible. Their roaring guns were similar to the armaments of the Thunder Warriors, but where the warriors' guns tore apart infantry these rent tanks asunder.


-Roki, Diary Entry



---Cybernetica Teleracia Cohort Alpha, Maniple Primus, Machina Secundus---

---Automata Type: CASTELLAX---

---Codifier: M4R14-8---


These are our last moments. I can feel it in the Beyond-The-Veil. The ominous shadow of death looms over us. Great-Emperor Dume had told us that if such a time were to come, we would feel serenity for we had served him dutifully. Instead, we all could feel the hot urine flow down our thighs. The wall infront of me had begun buckling inwards beneath the intruders heavy assault. Me and my psyker coven had pushed our backs against the opposite walls. Our pyrokinetics were useless against these devil-machines; they were warded. Whoever had forged them, had carved hexagrammic wards into layer upon layer of steel and adamantium. There was no use in fighting the inevitable. The wall caved in and I could see the massive clamp-fist tear out man-sized sheets of iron as if it were paper. It did not relent in its assault, not even to spy through the hole.

It knew that we were inside.


-Khangu, Last Moments



---Cybernetica Teleracia Cohort Alpha, Maniple Primus, Machina Tertius---

---Automata Type: CASTELLAX---

---Codifier: M1L3S-5---


The Helvetians really knew no mercy. I stood at the Vojvod's side as the Emperor gave the order. The Technocrat, a large and gangly mecha-freak, had summoned his iron hordes to serve Him.

"What is your wish, sire?" It had inquired from our lord.

"Gaze upon this city, old friend" The Emperor had pointed towards Uman'Dakhar, capital of the Panpacifican Empire. The last hurdle before we could pluck Dume's head from his shoulders "See how it defies my will? See how it struggles against my wish to uplift mankind?"

"I do, my lord" The machine-man responded, ever so taciturn. Its four eyes cast a baleful gaze towards the stone steeples.

"I wish to see it broken" The Emperor command, his voice and face grim all of a sudden "All of Dume's forces must burn. They are...tainted."

"I understand" The Technocrat responded. Without a word the cohorts of iron around us arose to baleful life. The cold efficiency of his next command send chills down my spine.

"Take no prisoners."


-Ivan "Ruinwalker", Diary Entry



---Cybernetica Teleracia Cohort Alpha, Maniple Secundus, Machina Primus---

---Automata Type: CASTELLAX---

---Codifier: TR4V0LT4-1---


>>>Habitation-Complex; Entry locked from inside; Potential para-military survivors inside<<<

>>>Engage scanners<<<




>>>Scanning inconclusive; Access-Protocols engaged<<<

>>>Door breached; Occularum engaged; Scanners engaged<<<

>>>Visual contact: NEGATIVE<<<

>>>Telemetric Scan: NEGATIVE<<<

>>>Conclusion: NO ENEMY PRESENT<<<

>>>Response: CONFUSION<<<




---Cybernetica Teleracia Cohort Alpha, Maniple Secundus, Machina Secundus---

---Automata Type: CASTELLAX---

---Codifier: S3L1N4-2---


The riflemen stormed through the burning city. The army had been broken; Dume had been captured by the enemy. Nanjo felt a burning shame in his chest as he and his men fled the field of battle. Yet, there was nothing here for them. They were psy-mutants. Everybody knew the Thunder-Lords policy on them. For a short time he had thought that the Panpacificans could actually win. Then the machine-men arrived. War had turned to slaughter. He ordered the soldiers down a smoke-choked backstreet; just two more crossings and they'd be on their way up to the salt plateaus. The wind picked up behind them; it unveiled one of the baleful automata, just waiting for them.

-NO PRISONERS- It bellowed in its screeching vox-voice.

Then its flamers unleashed a wall of blazing death.


-Nanjo, Last Moments



---Cybernetica Teleracia Cohort Alpha, Maniple Secundus, Machina Tertius---

---Automata Type: CASTELLAX---

---Codifier: S1M0N-6---


Days after the battle I had visited the forge the Helvetians had set up in Dume's palace. Apparently the mad tyrant had been in the possession of many rare tools for the forging of psy-mechanica. From a respectful distance I observed the robed servants of the Omnissiah tend to the damaged machines. One of them hung suspended above the opened brass-cranium of one such machine; her hands were elbow deep in what appeared to be brain matter, yet its reflection had a sort of oily, even plastek like quality. The machine's eyes were dull, as if asleep. This part of the forge was astonishingly silent. Only the wet, shlicking noise of fingers subsumed in faux-brain broke through the silence. Perhaps these priests required special concentration?

The priestess removed her hands from the brain and with a snapping thud the brass cranium sealed itself again. The dull eyes awoke to unholy life. Narrow lines of white code broke up the neon-purple lenses for a few seconds as the machine recalibrated itself. Then I noticed something. The automata was staring at me. Not just in a mechanic, threat-assessing way, there was something more to it.

I recoiled as I understood what it was.

It was observing me, but with something more than just predatorial instinct and lexmechanic routine.

The machine was intelligent.


-Ivan "Ruinwalker", Diary Entry




Hey folks! Here is the basis for a small Legio Cybernetica force I am currently building; my second vow after I finish my Magos and Perturabo. See if someone can spot the little reference I slipped amongst one of the automata ;)


@Mr Yellow: Thanks man, glad you like my stuff! I've always wanted to do Mechanicum stuff (The minis are so gorgeous after all), but I also wanted to explore something a bit distanced from the regular Mechanicum, a sub-branch if you will, so I designed the Ur-Mechanicum/The Helvetian Technocracy/The Teleracian Priesthood; a conglomerate of priests that had separated from the nascent Mechanicum aeons before the Unification Era and locked itself away in the bunker systems of the Gotthard massif in Switzerland as the nukes began falling. As such, I can have them set whenever I like in the Unification Wars :)


Anyways, this is all for a while. Next update will have paint! C&C is, as always very much welcome and appreciated. Have a nice day!

The craven Lion

I am recording this because this could be the last thing I ever say

The city I once knew as home is teetering on the edge of radiocative oblivion

A three-hundred thousand degree baptism by nuclear fire

I am not sorry, we had it comming

A surge of white-hot atonement will be our wake up call

Hope for our future is now a stillborn dream

The bombs begin to fall and I am rushing to meet my love

Please, remember me

There is no more

---J'on Karp'nter, Tech Noir---


Let go, take flight, Dreams begin to reignite. The words of some long forgotten song mother always used to sing; before the cancer ate through her throat that is.

A man needs a cause. Never let anyone take that away from you; no matter what it is. The dying words of my father; a man broken by war and insanity.

I had been born to people who had done much in the name of Mankind's future. Father was a soldier, not a mere barbarian or warrior, but a soldier of the geno-regiments. I remembered how proud I had been of that fact as a kid. Old man taught me how to kill. Killed my first man with eight. A cruel thing that was; not the murder, but that a child had been taught such things by their parent. Brutal and uncivilized knowledge born of a brutal and uncivilized age. I understood that; even as a child I knew it to be true. Eventually, mother was killed by the world that had sired her, and father had been felled by men who opposed his ideals of unity and prosperity in the name of the Emperor. I was on the cusp of puberty then, left alone with barely anything in a world that cared so little.

It is then that the Emperor's men had spirited me away in the dark of night. I was cut up, restructured, remade. The blood that dripped from my body, far more than should have ever been in me, had grown black with haemo-alchemyks. My bones extended with such speed that I could hear them splinter and reform. All the while the cogitators whispered to my mind of peace and betterment, of how I would become the first step of Mankind's salvation. Fool that I was then, I accepted this as truth. After all, so had my parents. I had failed to learn from their mistakes.


I awoke a monster. I was tall; impossibly tall for any man to be. Scars that were ashen and black now had been fresh and raw then. Only then did I learn that we were to be the first breed of a new sort of soldier; the Bellator Tonitrui, the thunder Warriors. We would be the hammer that would break the enemy into pieces. We had been stuck in coma for nigh a decade, fed a constant dose of stabilizing substances and psycho-indoctrination. Future generations of our kind were not awarded that luxury, that I know today. I stared at the men and women around me. All elevated and yet deformed, any kindness cleansed from their bodies and replaced with sheer brutality.

It had taken me a long time until I was able to scrimshaw and smith again. My strength had grown way beyond my control and if I wasn't crushing tools between my fingers then I was either applying too much pressure on the bone or struck the iron too hard. I had precious little times for such things in those days; all I did was war. The Emperor had armed us in customised armour and weaponry; much finer examples of Terrawatt craftsmanship than the thunder regiments would later see. I knew that we weren't as noble as the brass of our armour implied. My lion mask reminded me more of a hyena. I knew that I was a monster, a beast made to slaughter, but I found solace in the thought that I would help build a better future.

During that age, I believed in the Emperor and saw him with the same eyes as you might.


We were violence given form. Once unleashed, the chem-frenzy would see us murder whole hives before we either regained control or collapsed due to exhaustion. I remember Nu-Iork, the carcass-city. I had raged for nine full days before the Emperor's cohorts had found me atop a hill of pasted bodies and wrecked mechs. It took months to learn how to control the frenzy. Even then, casualties happened. I rarely saw the aftermath of our wars as we were marshalled from warzone to warzone, but what little I saw only strengthened my faith in our cause. I saw dead cities return to life; industry blooming anew and fellow men trusting each other again. Truly, we were on teh cusp of a golden age. Then, I wondered if I would survive long enough to see it.

Slowly, I had noticed the curses of cancer and gene-blight creep into the regiments. Hair fell out in unnatural patterns, skin blistered and fell off, muscles would grow necrotic and need to be replaced. Horrible to see. The war-haze also seemed to grow worse amongst them. Curious, how I had come to think in terms of us and them. We were all thunder warriors, fellow men and women remade for war, but it became very, very clear that there was more than just one breed of us. The regiments that had followed our inception had not enjoyed our careful stabilization procedures. How could they? The Emperor needed soldiers now, not in a decade. I still believe that it is this what killed them. We, the Trueborn, called them Halfmade when we were amongst ourselves. Few remained of my first comrades. Not even a quarter cohort could be mustered before the slaughter at Ararat.


Ararat was terrible. I saw how the Emperor's bodyguards began slaughtering my kin. Luckily, me and my four compatriots had seized one of the few Terrax assault drills that the thunder regiments had been issued with. We needed to flee, lie low for a while, but distraction woul dbe needed. I decided to lead us to one of the many atomics storages present on the south-eastern Yropean peninsula. It was not particularly well protected as it was in a long-freed and stable part of the nascent imperium. The unaugmented soldiers fell quickly. The technicians were even less of an issue. Soon enough we would be standing in the control room. I remember standing there, closing my eyes, breathing in as I turned the keys and pushed the launch button.

Let go

The world beyond the protective glass began glowing in bright yellow and white as the warhead of ancient Terra launched into the skies. It was aimed for one of the geno-encampments in the Nord-Afryk; the machine would not aim for Ararat, be it because of technical failure or the Emperor's hand.

Take flight

The warhead flew higher and higher before its flight path curved slightly. There was only dread in me. My father's words rang in my ears. Cause. It had been taken from me by the man who had given it to me. Nobody could order the custodian guard. Nobody but the Emperor. This order came from him.

Dreams begin to reignite


Eventually we fled the facility. We disappeared in the underhives of Nord Mercia, hid for years and then hitched a ship that took us off planet. Now, in this age of heresy, I am left alone, my comrades killed in violent wars of a mercenary life. I gaze upon an empire devouring itself. Pitiful. Mankind crippling itself, the age old maxime. The primarchs and their sons are blind. They too shall become obsolete. The Emperor does not love.

Remember that, Space Marine.


Hey fellas! Today I have some WiPs of a new Thunder Warrior conversion! I am waiting for the greenstuff to dry so that I can tidy it up; also needs a couple of grenades and pouched and some more details on the leather gloves. The miniature is based on this artwork by John Blanche.
Also, the initial quotation just after the title is the intro from Gunship's song Tech Noir.

If you like synthwave music, then definitely check it out!
@STC Logisengine: Soon there will be some paint on them :wink:
@Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks man! There will be some nice and chunky gore on the machines :smile.:
@Vairocanum: Cheers man, glad you like it so much!
@Battybattybats: Thanks for the kind words! I always try to add a bit of horror to my mechanicum writing; I think it just suits their inhuman nature so well.
@Brother Pheidias: Thanks mate! I am right there with ya and believing.
Anyways, that is all for today. Hope you like him! C&C is, as always, much appreciated and welcome! Have a nice day.

Dammit! I’ve been doing awesome staying focused on one game system and on one army. Now I want Thunder Warriors!

The minis are awesome and the fluff just oozes such awesome character. Going to scour over GW’s site loooking at AoS stuff...

You certainly continue to inspire us. A wonderful concept model that really does capture what makes Blanche's work...work. Love him.


The story was painful and beautiful at the same time.


Please continue....


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