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My army needs reinforcements


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Just started 40k a few months ago, I have a pretty good astra militarum army going. Just thought I'd get your thoughts on what my next purchases should be.

Here's what I have:


1 company command squad (vox, med, standard, plasma)


1 platoon command squad (vox, 2 hf)


2 infantry squads (1 vox, gl, flamer)


2 vet squads (2 vox, 6 meltas)


4 heavy weapons teams (1 AC, 3 have yet to be built, was thinking lascanons or more AC's)


2 chimeras (multilasers)


2 leman Russ tanks (swappable turrets)


1 leman russ demolisher (probably gonna go with punisher)


1 wyvern


1 basilisk



Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated, thanks

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If you grab a manticore you'll have enough models to run the Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company formation. This allows you to issue orders to your artillery tanks as if they were an infantry unit, and can use vox-casters from other units to gain twin-linked for the formation. It's very powerful and very fluffy and it makes your backfield gunline reallly scary. That would be the best best to quickly turn what you have into a potent force.


As for mobility, you can't go wrong with vendettas. Quick, resilient, powerful, and can carry a special weapon team or something else. The problem with imperial guard is that speed is not one of our strengths. We have fast units but theyre either very fragile or come from reserve. 


You've got a pretty decent force so far with a solid selection of units. Definitely grab that manticore first, and a vendetta if your wallet allows it and then cackle with joy as your basilisk and manticore have ignores cover or tank hunter and annhilate everything they touch.

perhaps more infantry squads for a guard army 50 troopers isnt really that many,or iron fist squads,sentinels are good for speed and fire power and the kits are great as far as painting them up and putting them together,perhaps some deep striking tempestus  or rough riders squadrons(allowing for tons of conversion possibilities

Welcome to the B&C and barracks Gloom :D Got any pictures of your army to share? Looks like you have a good core to build on, some more infantry wouldn't be a bad idea to bulk their numbers out. A second Wyvern would go far (another Basilisk too, perhaps). Another Chimera or two would aid in your mobility, but there's also Scions if you fancy a different sort of mobility (through Deep Strike).

Max 1 heavy flamer per command squad


Personally my theory of play (where I'm going to start once I rebuild my guard and start playing again, grains of salt and all, but I read a lot of theory hammer here, so it's my attempt at applying other people's anecdotes)


Everything is vulnerable, and I don't like merging squads, but that seams to be a good idea I guess...


Every INF squad gets 1xGL, 1xVox

Every PCS gets 1xVox, 1xHF, 2xF

Every CCS gets 1xVox, 3xGL

Every VET sqd gets 1xVox 3xPG (or 3xMG)


Chimeras for CCS, PCS, VET as needed. Provides Survivability and mobile order bubble for CCS, PCS.


Also you see I gear PCS with lots of flamers, that makes them a counter attack unit, so chimeras are good for that.

Vets need chimeras for survivability and getting the bs 4 plasmaguns and meltaguns into range.


Not sure about tanks yet. I'd like to get up close to support the infantry... so demolishers, eradicators and executioners appeal to me. DEMO brings the S10 AP1, ERAD brings AP4 ignores cover, and EXEC brings so much plasma which is just awesome to me.


Hound varients sound useful too...

The Scion Start Collecting Box is a pretty good addition, the formation that comes with it is phenomenally good. I'd say that some Storm Troopers/Militarum Tempestus would be a good addition.


Just be aware that you haven't picked the strongest army. Our Codex is a bit lackluster and our basic guys are a tad weak, but the real strength of the guard is tanks. So many tanks...

Just be aware that you haven't picked the strongest army.

But you have picked the manliest msn-wink.gif Who dares wins - and any fool can pick up Eldars and win.

Indeed, if it was easy, everyone would do it. Just like JFK said, "We do this, not because it is easy, but because it is hard." I just didn't want the OP to have high hopes and get disappointed. We don't have a ton of cheese in our book, and it's easy to become disillusioned in the face of Eldar, Necrons, Tau, and Space Marines.


That's why I joined the guard.

Which part? The tanks? Because that's why I love the Guard...

The Scion Start Collecting Box is a pretty good addition, the formation that comes with it is phenomenally good. I'd say that some Storm Troopers/Militarum Tempestus would be a good addition.


Just be aware that you haven't picked the strongest army. Our Codex is a bit lackluster and our basic guys are a tad weak, but the real strength of the guard is tanks. So many tanks...

All true. Personally I hate the models for scions and the Taurox.


I wish they would make plastic cadians kasrkin, I'd build a whole codex Militarum Tempestus army then to ally with my guard

I'd kill to get plastic Kasrkin - there's more than enough reason to have different versions of a widely diverse elite Guard structure... I'd commit genocide for plastic Tallarn though :P


But since we're dealing with reinforcing an army with actual models; what sort of mobility are you looking for in particular? As I said Scions can provide excellent mobility, though chiefly one time unless you spring for a transport. As mentioned flyers provide excellent mobility but at no small cost, you also have to put up with reserves and enemy interceptor AA risks. I'll also second Sentinels - more Scout Sentinels than Armoured - as another source. Stalking in from outflanking that's a form of mobility and they often achieve more than the output of their shooting (and assaults) as your opponent scrambles to deal with them :)

Sounds like a good plan to me :tu: Sadly flickr is claiming it's adult content so you can't view without an account. As a B&C member you can create galleries here without limit, so that's always my recommendation as you can easily take the images for posting :)


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