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Iron Warriors 2500 Ironfire

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I've just written up my first list after some careful thought and consideration, how's this? Anything you would change?


Iron Warriors Ironfire



-Legion Praetor, 100

+Cataphractii Terminator Armor

+Paragon Blade

+Volkite Charger

+Digital Lasers

Total, 192


-Terminator Bodyguard Command Squad, 105

+Terminator Chosen

+Power Fists

Total, 155



-Apothecarion Detachment, 45


+Artificer Armor

Total, 110


-2xLegion Terminator Squad, 175 (350)

+Power Fists

Total, 195 (390)



-2xLegion Tactical Squad, 120 (240)

+10 Tacticals

+Nuncio Vox

Total, 230 (460)


Heavy Support

-Legion Medusa Battery, 155

+2 Medusas

+Shrapnel Bolts

Total, 465


-Land Raider Phobos, 225

+2xLand Raider Phobos

+Shrapnel Bolts, Free

+Command Vehicle

Total, 710


Complete Total, 2477 points


I feel like swapping out the LR Phoboses for LR Proteuses simply because I like their models more. But I feel like the Assault Vehicle rule would benefit the Terminators more.


The plan when using this list would be to have the Praetor and his retinue in the Command Land Raider, with the rest of the Terminators following in the other ones. The Apothecaries would join the Tacticals and walk across the board while being supported by the Medusas.

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Interesting point you may wish to consider - replace one of the Land Raider Phobos' with a Proteus with an Explorator Augury Web (EAW henceforth).


That way, you get one of your preferred tanks in and you don't have to worry about losing the Assault Transports for the other Terminators.

The EAW reduces capacity to 8, which is fine as it you stick the Praetor and Command Squad in there they are a 4-man unit and so can still fit.


Furthermore, it gains scout, which confers to the squadron, meaning all 3 Land Raiders get to move towards the enemy before the game begins (Probably making them look a bigger threat than they are and allow the rest of your force to stroll up the board in peace...



Edit: The Scout move will also increase the effectiveness of the Ironfire Bombardment rule - you move your vehicles forward, therefore increasing the reduced scatter range.

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Shame, I thought there were only 3. I would definitely consider cutting one though in return for the Proteus granting the Unit Scout as they could definitely help you out.


As for points costs, is there only one Power Fist then?


Because your list reads 'Power Fists' so I assumed they all had one, totalling 170 Points (still not 175 but not quite 155)

Broken down as follows:

4-man Command Squad = 90

+ 4x Terminator Upgrade = 150

+ 4 Power Fists = 170


If on the other hand you are only buying 1 Power Fist, it is 155.



A few other things I would add really. Firstly I wouldn't bother keeping a Power Weapon on the Terminator Sergeants as these aren't like 40k Terminators and so the Sergeant can get a better weapon so I would definitely spend the extra points to give all 5 Terminators Power Fists.

Secondly, you may benefit from some Chainfists thrown in there too (I usually aim for 2 in every 5 just to make sure)


Funnily enough, if you cut one of the Command Squad (Totalling 35 Points with Terminator Armour and a Power Fist), you would have exactly enough to upgrade one Phobos to an Augury Web Proteus, replace 4 Power Fists with Chainfists and add 2 extra Power Fists on your Sergeants.


Cut one Command Squad Terminator (= -35)

Augury Web Proteus is +5 points on your Phobos (= -30)

Adding 2 Extra Power Fists is +10 (= -20)

Upgradind 4 Power Fists to Chainfists is +20 as you have already paid half the cost for Power Fists (= 0)

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I'm confused now. Command Squad is 75, One Chosen is 15, Terminator armor is 15, and Power Fists are 5. This should equal up to 155?


Wait, I see what I did wrong, I forgot to add the terminator armor up to 60, you're right!


The Land Raider idea does sound good, and only losing Assault Vehicle on one of them doesn't seem too bad, though it wouldn't allow the Praetor and his bodyguards to charge straight into melee. Hmmm... I don't know. It seems worth it though, so I might go with it. Being able to scout with Land Raiders sounds nice. I'll probably give Chainfists to some of the Terminators as well, and if I have any other points left over, maybe some Volkite Chargers for the Command Squad.

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So how's this? I added the points costs to everything in case I missed out on something. If this is against the rules please tell me!


I gave the Command Terminators Volkite Chargers because I think they're cool. No other reason, really. I now realize that my list would probably be far better off with a single spartan, a 10 man Terminator squad, and the Praetor with a few other Independant characters.


I didn't give them Chainfists as I just can't really see their benefit. Armourbane seems like a great rule, but I'm not sure about them.


Iron Warriors Ironfire



-Legion Praetor, 100

+Cataphractii Terminator Armor

+Paragon Blade

+Volkite Charger

+Digital Lasers

Total, 192


Terminator Bodyguard Command Squad, 120

+Power Fists

+Volkite Chargers

Total, 156



Apothecarion Detachment, 45


+Artificer Armor

Total, 110


2xLegion Terminator Squad, 175 (350)

+Power Fists

Total, 195 (390)



-2xLegion Tactical Squad, 120 (240)

+10 Tacticals

+Nuncio Vox

Total, 230 (460)


Heavy Support

-Legion Medusa Battery, 155

+2 Medusas

+Shrapnel Bolts

Total, 465


Land Raider Proteus, 180

+Hull TL Heavy Bolter with Shrapnel Bolts

+Exploratory Augury Web

+Command Vehicle

+2xLand Raider Phobos

+Shrapnel Bolts

Total, 725


Complete Total, 2498 points

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Unfortunately, it is against the rules to post a full points breakdown like that on here so you will probably have to get rid of that. However, just in case, I ran your points through my own Army List Book just to make sure everything adds up alright before you take them down.


I did notice a few things that are off:


1. Praetor totals 177 Points, not 192 which is what is written underneath.


2. The base cost of a Legion Tactical Squad is 125 for 10, not 120, so both of those are under by 5 points each.


So basically, you're 15 points over with one and 10 points under with the other, which brings your new total to 2493.


I like Volkite Chargers, they are pretty cool, and 30k is always more about fluff and what you like than competitive play so definitely go for them if you like them.

Alternatively (and for the same price as the Volkite) however, and this is partly my own preference for Plasma talking, you could have given the Command Squad and Praetor Combi-Plasmas. Being Terminators, they can move and fire them at either full or half range, and the Combi-Plasma could come in handy - obviously they are one se and the rest of the time you're using a bolter but my thoughts are, as they can't charge when they disembark, they can each rapid fire their Combi-Plasma (8 shots total) at whatever is nearby to hopefully do a bit of hurt to reduce the return fire before they charge? After that, they aren't going to be shooting much anyway and S7 AP2 Plasma is much better at killing stuff than S5 AP5 Volkite. You'll only really be shooting that one time you disembark but can't charge so might as well be a weapon that can do as much damage as possible?


I personally don't care for Spartans, and I take it you don't either, but like I said, 30k is at least 50% what you like/fluff/theme when building an army so no one will criticise that. It could be 'better' with one, but if you're not keen don't bother.

I like the list. Big Tactical Squads with Apothecaries are good! The Scouting Land Raiders will put some early pressure on and can be supported by your Artillery and you have some decent anti-armour with all the Lascannons on the Land Raiders (+Tank Hunters due to Squadron Command Tank). Should be fun to play.


Just to address the Chainfist thing - I like them, and a lot of people recommend them. Armourbane is fantastic if there is an enemy vehicle that needs taking out. Power Fists on their own can do the job decently, but may struggle against AV 13/14 so that is what the Chainfists are for, ensuring that a Vehicle dies.

Now, they may not be needed much but there are some occasions where they are invaluable (i.e. If a Dread charges you - power fists should do a decent job, but some Chainfists will ensure it dies as if the fists don't finish it, you will be stuck in combat a turn longer than you want to be. Also, maybe your Terminators charge out their tank and find there is a Land Raider, a Spartan or maybe a Knight/superheavy Tank nearby. These can be priority targets that will hurt your army and Chainfists would be good here as your Power Fists will need 6's just to glance most of this stuff and high HP's will last a long time. Armourbane can up your chances of doing serious damage to high priority vehicles).

Obviously all those examples are situational, and your Lascannons should help a lot, but I always try and find points for them just in case. It really depends on your opponent though as if they are mainly infantry, power fists and Chainfists are on equal terms, its just against armour where they take the edge.

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Ah, got it! Hope I fixed it correctly, don't want to get in trouble!


I personally just don't like plasma weapons because of the Gets Hot rule. Might be a ridiculously low chance for someone to kill or hurt themselves, but there's always that chance to do so. Maybe Combi-meltas then? Higher Strength and AP would allow it to take on more enemies, though at half the range. What you say about the chainfists makes sense too. Maybe I could swap out the Land Raider Phoboses for Proteuses and have them use their melta when they exit, then charge the next turn? That way I'd likely have enough points to buy Chainfists as well.


And thanks for pointing out the cost errors!


Edit: looking at the Special Weapons set from FW, it'd be more economically feasible for me to just give each squad a couple multi-meltas, an autocannon, and a chainfist. Though, I'd rather just equip everyone the same, however. An odd dilemma have I. I think I'll probably just give everyone Multi-meltas though, I'm dedicated to this hobby.

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Yeah, that looks fine. You shouldn't get in trouble anyway, the mods will just edit it for you or ask if you wouldn't mind doing it anyway.


That makes complete sense, although if it helps, you still get an Armour Save with Gets Hot, so not only would you have to roll a 1 To Hit to take the wound, but you would then have to roll a subsequent 1 when saving the wound. So it really is ridiculously low! However, if you're not a fan I totally get that. To be honest, I can kind of imagine the Iron Warriors to share your philosophy there as they are very practical with that sort of thing.


Meltas would fit the whole Iron Warriors Siege thing so that could be cool.

Some things to consider though:

- There is no real difference between Strength 7 and 8 as either will wound most things in the game on a 2+

- AP2 and 1 make no difference either as the lowest save is 2+ so it is ignored either way.

- Meltaguns have less shots - 1 at 12" but Plasma Guns have 2 at 12"


- Against Vehicles (without Armoured Ceramite) Meltas are great!

- Also, S8 will cause Instant Death on T4 multi-wound models.


But yeah, if you were to replace the Phobos' with Proteus' that would free up 90 points.

It would cost 35 Points per Terminator Unit to give them all Combi-Meltas (plus a straight swap with the Volkites in the Command Squad but that is no extra cost), so 70 total. That would leave you 20 points to give 4 Terminators (2 in each squad) Chainfists.

However, the Assault Transport rule is hand. But you did say you prefer the Proteus anyway so if that is an excuse to go with what you prefer, why not?

If you're in Cataphractii Armour you have a 2+ Save and 4+ Inv to keep you alive, you can just jump out, fire the Meltaguns (don't waste these on a tactical squad though, Cobi-Meltas are one use and one shot, so save it for something you need dead - a vehicle that doesn't have Armoured Ceramite, multi-wound models you can Instant Death, something with AP1/2 weapons that can ignore your armour).


So it is really up to you.

Option 1

Keep it as it is but maybe swap the Volkite Chargers for Combi-Meltas


Option 2

3 Land Raider Proteus' (one with Augury Web)

Praetor and Command Squad gain Combi-Meltas

2x5 Terminators each gain Combi-Meltas and 2 Chainfists


No worries, happy to help.

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Doesn't AP1 have a bonus on harming vehicles? +2 on the vehicle damage charts, if I remember correctly. Plus I could use them to instant-death things like you said, if the need arises.


I think I'll go with Option 2, but keep the Praetors Volkite, because I'll be using the FW Praetor model, because I think it looks great.


And thanks again for your help! I'll post the new list in a moment.

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Yes it does, Meltas are fantastically better than plasma against Vehicles. I just meant against Infantry it doesn't make any differance if it's AP1 or 2 due to the Armour Save. But against Vehicles +2 on the damage chart is great!


That's cool then. Yes, I love that model! I personally like my HQ to be equipped to match the squad (All combi-meltas or all Volkites) so that they can all be effective against the same thing, so would consider giving the Command Squad Volkite too in that case. As your Combi-Melta Terminators have 2+ Saves and Vehicles covered so the Command Squad and Praetor could all take Volkite for infantry. But that is just my taste, so if you don't mind mixing and matching keep the combi-meltas and just give the Praetor Volkite.


No worries!!

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Alright, I like how this looks! How's this now?


Iron Warriors Ironfire



-Legion Praetor, 100

+Cataphractii Terminator Armor

+Paragon Blade

+Volkite Charger

+Digital Lasers

Total, 177


Terminator Bodyguard Command Squad, 120

+Power Fists

+Chain Fist

+Volkite Chargers

Total, 161



Apothecarion Detachment, 45


+Artificer Armor

Total, 110


2xLegion Terminator Squad, 175 (350)

+3 Power Fists

+2 Chain Fists


Total, 231 (462)



-2xLegion Tactical Squad,125 (250)

+10 Tacticals

+Nuncio Vox

Total, 235 (470)


Heavy Support

-Legion Medusa Battery

+2 Medusas

+Shrapnel Bolts

Total, 465


Land Raider Proteus, 180

+2 Land Raider Proteus

+Hull TL Heavy Bolter with Shrapnel Bolts

+Exploratory Augury Web

+Command Vehicle

Total, 655


Complete Total, 2500 points

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That's brilliant! It looks like a great list!!


One final point though, sorry, I hate to keep pointing stuff out. Where did you get 231 from for the Terminator Points total?


Because I'm getting 240 each...


5 Terminators

+ 2 Power Fists

+ 2 Chainfists

+ 5 Combi-Meltas

Total 240



Also, a slight mistake on the Land Raiders too, they should cost more.


Land Raider with Augury Web, Command Tank + Heavy Bolter = 285

2x Land Raider with Heavy Bolter = 400

Total = 685 - you're 30 points under the real cost here and I think I know why.


I thought the Hull Mounted Heavy Bolter was 10 points each so didn't notice it before, but they are not, they are 20 Points each!! Not even slightly worth it!! It's making them far too expensive.

I would cut the Heavy Bolters completely to be honest, just don't take them, they aren't worth it at all and gaining Pinning does nothing for them.


That would put you down to 625 for the Squadron, leaving 30 points spare again.

That 30 can fix the points on the Terminators and give you 12 left over. You could give your Tactical Sergeants Meltabombs or something with those spare points?

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That's brilliant! It looks like a great list!!


One final point though, sorry, I hate to keep pointing stuff out. Where did you get 231 from for the Terminator Points total?


Because I'm getting 240 each...


5 Terminators 175

+ 2 Power Fists = 185

+ 2 Chainfists = 205

+ 5 Combi-Meltas = 240



Also, a slight mistake on the Land Raiders too, they should cost more.


Land Raider with Augury Web, Command Tank + Heavy Bolter = 285

2x Land Raider with Heavy Bolter = 400

Total = 685 - you're 30 points under the real cost here and I think I know why.


I thought the Hull Mounted Heavy Bolter was 10 points each so didn't notice it before, but they are not, they are 20 Points each!! Not even slightly worth it!! It's making them far too expensive.

I would cut the Heavy Bolters completely to be honest, just don't take them, they aren't worth it at all and gaining Pinning does nothing for them.


That would put you down to 625 for the Squadron, leaving 30 points spare again.

That 30 can fix the points on the Terminators and give you 12 left over. You could give your Tactical Sergeants Meltabombs or something with those spare points?

Looks like I copy/pasted the costs from the Command Squad and forgot there are only three compared to the five in a regular squad! Whoops! You're right again on the Land Raiders as well.


Hmmm... I'd like to keep the Heavy Bolters, as the Land Raider Armoured Proteus is the model I'll be using for my Land Raiders, as I have a love for it's WWI style sponsons and the Heavy Bolter on it is part of the model. Unfortunately, I'm 58 points over 2500.


What I could do is drop the Power Fists and Command Squad Chain Fist for Power Axes, which would be free and still be AP2 weapons at S5, though not ID'ing anything, unfortunately. That way I could keep the Chain Fists on the regular squads and the Heavy Bolters with the Land Raiders. While Pinning likely won't do anything, it being a free upgrade is nice. Plus if I fight against a non-Power armored army it's possible it'll do more than expected, even against a Power Armored army if I get lucky!

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Fair play, if it's already on the model...

So how to save 60 Points...


Taking the Chainfist and 2 Power Fists from the Command Squad frees up 20 points like you said.

Keep their Power Weapons instead.

(They will then have Power Weapons and Volkite)


Cutting the Power Fists from the Terminator Squads frees up 30 points too.

Again, just keep there Power Weapons.

(They will have 3 Power Weapons, 2 Chainfists and 5 Combi-Meltas each)


That leaves 10 Points left to cut...


Could cut the Praetors digital lasers? +1 attack is decent but everything else is better so that's the next thing on the list that could go.

You would then be 5 points under again so the Command Squad Standard could get a Power Fist or Lightning Claw.



The List would then look like:


Praetor - 162

(Terminator Armour, Volkite Charger and Paragon Blade)


Command Squad - 146 / 308

(Terminator Armour, Power Fist, Volkite Chargers, 2 Power Axes)


2xTactical Squad (235 each) - 470 / 778

(20-Man, Vox)


2x Terminator Squads (230 each) - 460 / 1238

(5 Combi-Meltas, 2 Chainfists, 3 Power Axes)


2 Apothecaries - 110 - 1348

(Artificer Armour)


3 Medusas - 465 / 1813

(Shrapnel Bolts)


3 Land Raider Proteus' - 685 / 2498

(3x TL Heavy Bolter with Shrapnel Bolts, Command Tank, Explorator Augury Web)


How is that?

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Fair play, if it's already on the model...

So how to save 60 Points...

Taking the Chainfist and 2 Power Fists from the Command Squad frees up 20 points like you said.

Keep their Power Weapons instead.

(They will then have Power Weapons and Volkite)

Cutting the Power Fists from the Terminator Squads frees up 30 points too.

Again, just keep there Power Weapons.

(They will have 3 Power Weapons, 2 Chainfists and 5 Combi-Meltas each)

That leaves 10 Points left to cut...

Could cut the Praetors digital lasers? +1 attack is decent but everything else is better so that's the next thing on the list that could go.

You would then be 5 points under again so the Command Squad Standard could get a Power Fist or Lightning Claw.

The List would then look like:

Praetor - 162

(Terminator Armour, Volkite Charger and Paragon Blade)

Command Squad - 146 / 308

(Terminator Armour, Power Fist, Volkite Chargers, 2 Power Axes)

2xTactical Squad (235 each) - 470 / 778

(20-Man, Vox)

2x Terminator Squads (230 each) - 460 / 1238

(5 Combi-Meltas, 2 Chainfists, 3 Power Axes)

2 Apothecaries - 110 - 1348

(Artificer Armour)

3 Medusas - 465 / 1813

(Shrapnel Bolts)

3 Land Raider Proteus' - 685 / 2498

(3x TL Heavy Bolter with Shrapnel Bolts, Command Tank, Explorator Augury Web)

How is that?

Yeah, that looks good actually! I think I'll give the Standard Bearer a Power Fist. I would have replied earlier, but I was busy.


Thanks for all your help, mate!

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That's alright mate!! I'm glad you're settled on a list now.


Will you be starting a thread so we can see you build and paint it? I look forward to seeing it if you do and hearing how the list fares...

Yeah! I'm hoping to get some MkII marines to start off next week for my birthday!


Also, I wrote out this list as an alternative, what do you think compared to the other one? This lets me add in a Dreadnought with a loadout that's purely because I think it'd be cool, regardless of the Dread's effectiveness.



Plus, this way I can make an army solely out of MkII marines and Cataphractii, for a bit of an Early Crusade/any time in the Heresy feel.



Iron Warriors Ironfire V2



-Legion Praetor, 100

+Cataphractii Terminator Armor

+Paragon Blade

+Volkite Charger

Total, 162


-Terminator Bodyguard Command Squad, 120

+2 Power Fists

+Chain Fist

+Volkite Chargers

Total, 156



-Apothecarion Detachment, 45


+Artificer Armor

Total, 110


-2xLegion Terminator Squad, 175 (350)

+3 Power Fists

+2 Chain Fists

+5 Combi-Meltas

Total, 245 (460)


-Contemptor Cortus, 135

+Chainfist (Replaces Heavy Bolter)

+2 Meltaguns

+Carapace Havoc Launcher

+Extra Armor

Total, 195



-2xLegion Tactical Squad, 125 (250)

+10 Tacticals

+Nuncio Vox

+Sergeant Melta Bombs

Total, 240 (480)


Heavy Support

-2xLegion Whirlwind Scorpius, 115 (230)


-Land Raider Proteus, 180

+2 Land Raider Proteus

+Hull TL Heavy Bolter with Shrapnel Bolts

+Exploratory Augury Web

+Command Vehicle

+Dozer Blades

Total, 700


Complete Total, 2497 points

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Brilliant! I quite like MKII Marines - saying that though, I don't know if you're aware of the plastic Betrayal at Calth set? They are all MKIV so not what you're looking for but there is going to be a sequel to that 'The Burning of Prospero' I believe it's called, that comes with either MKII or MKIII Marines (as well as Tartaros Terminators, Custodes and 2 characters but you could always sell them on...), the photos aren't great so I'm not 100% which sort they are but if they are plastic MKII they will be SO much cheaper than Forge World.

I would also recommend Betrayal at Calth for the Cataphractii Terminators (GW now sell them as a box on their own, but if you look on ebay you'll find them going for about £25 brand new as people have bought the box and are selling individual kits on.



So in that list, you have replaced the Medusas with 2 Whirlwinds, a Contemptor and brought back the Power Fists and stuff?


I like it! The Whirlwinds are really good - better range than the Medusas and although the Strength and AP are worse they can put more Templates out if they don't move and combined with the Ironfire rules they shouldn't scatter.

Also, they can't be a squadron so you have 2 individual Whirlwinds, meaning that they can target different units!


So yeah, I really like the look of that list. Might be hard walking the Dread up the board, but I would do the same with mine, and your Scouting Land Raiders should give it an easier time. Other than that it looks really solid and very thematic for the Iron Warriors.


Stick with that then! Cool theme too, although the time periods are the opposite to what you said - it would be any time in the Great Crusade (as MKII was the norm then) and early Horus Heresy (most of the Traitor Legions had been re-equipped with MKIV by the start, but there definitely would have been some still in MKII - especially amongst the Iron Warriors). In truth, it really would be any time in the Great Crusade or Horus Heresy as even though MKIV was becoming the norm, not everyone had it, and there were a lot of groups that maintained that MKII was the most 'efficient' design - and the Iron Warriors love efficiency!

So really going MKII could place your force in the Crusade, or as either Loyalists or Traitors at any point in the Heresy!

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Haha! Yeah, you're correct actually. I do know about Betrayal at Calth, and the sequel. I was actually thinking of maybe getting it for the Terminators, and using everything else as Sons of Horus. I could order a few of the FW Chainaxe sets for them and run them as Reavers and/or Veteran Squads for the Sons of Horus. And I could save the bolters for the Burning of Prospero box which has MkIII marines, as I rather like the look of MkIII with Tigrus Bolters. Would be a lot cheaper than my plan of an all MkII force! Then again, I feel like MkIII should be for units that have Hardened armor or Artificer armor.
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Not going to lie, if you don't get it from GW, you could probably get Betrayal at Calth for the same price as one unit of MKII from Forge World - I got mine at 20% discount so around £70 which was awesome, so might be worth mentioning it if your birthday is coming up.

Or waiting for the sequel and picking that up. Although I see what you mean abot MKIII, I'm of that opinion too so wouldn't use them as basic troops (although some legions make it work), however I'm sure I read somewhere that they might be MKII instead as they look the same from behind but the rumours were always MKIII.


Regardless, Iron Warriors look great in MKIII! The heavy set armour really fits the siege specialist thing they have going. Would not look out of place at all and is considerably cheaper than Forge World, especially as you have several tanks and stuff to pick up...


It's hard, as I would personally go for one of the boxes (or both if you have a use for everything you won't use in this army) to reduce cost, but MKII looks great!

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Eh, my birthday's next Monday, and I haven't seen any pre-orders for the new box either, unfortunately. The custodians in there are awesome though! If I did get the Custodians, I'm thinking of maybe painting them in their RT-era colorscheme with the black armor and red plumage, should Inferno's fluff allow it. Or do it anyways, because it'd probably look cool.
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Ah, that's a shame. I suppose you cold always get something else from the list (like a tank) while you wait for the box to be released. But it depends on where you want to start really.


Now, I don't know if it's still the 'correct' fluff, but I'm fairly certain the Custodes painted their armour black after the Emperor's death as a sign of mourning? If that is still the case, it may not be in Inferno as it is after the Heresy they go black...

But to be honest, you could just do it anyway and justify it by another means. So, the Word Bearers had Custodes watching over them after their censure before the Heresy, maybe they failed in their task when the Word Bearers turned but were not killed and so re-painted their armour in shame. They then join up with your Iron Warriors (who would have to be Loyalists in this case, but weren't at Istvaan 3) whilst travelling in space...

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Nah, it's cool! Besides, having my own MkII marines will be cool. I'm pretty sure you're correct regarding the Custodes, but it's fine either way. Can't wait to see the Custodes own army list when it comes out, I'm wonfering how different they'll be compared to the Legions army list?
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