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Iron Warriors 2500 Ironfire

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Definitely! I think MKII would look epic (and work great if you go the Loyalist with Custodes route) so if you don't mind the cost, run with it! Same. Well from what little info I have read on the open day reports they are supposed to be totally different - some guy asked if there were any 'safe buys' in advance of the list and the developers said he should not by anything in advance (not even Land raiders or Rhinos) so it really seems like it's going to be nothing like it!

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks. I just moved house and haven't dug out all my books yet. I've just had a quick rummage and found the source of my confusion - I'm clearly getting old and befuddled as I started with the release of 2nd Ed and GW have tinkered with the rules so many times they all blur together!


When the Medusa was first introduced to 40k outside of FW in the 5th Ed Guard codex (2008?) it was simply Ordnance 1, i.e. in both fluff and rules it was direct fire only. Effectively it had an assault gun role like a Vindicator, presumably to differentiate it from the Basilisk, Griffon and Colussus in that codex which were all Barrage weapons.


My Heresy books are still in a box somewhere but presumably FW looked at the model and figured it made more sense to make it a Barrage weapon given the angle of fire and that change just snuck passed me!

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