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You guys are awesome, thanks so much for the kind words!


I've had a lot of fun discovering new techniques and sharing what I learn along the way. The predator is a culmination of what I've been learning and I'm pretty sure I'll be using all those techniques on this army moving forward.


As for what's next, I'm thinking that I may enter the painting challenge the Space Wolves have started on the Blood Angela's forum. But that means I have to paint a mini in just 2 weeks to my army's standard. This will be a challenge.

I, TerminatorAM of the Flesh Tearers, swear to answer the "Cup of Wine, a A Horn of Mjød (Paint Challenge)" and complete 1 model before the challenge's deadline of May 7th.


Here's the model in question. My Librarian which has been mostly stripped of a poor paint job and will now be restored to glory.



The Librarian looks promising. May I suggest he give the following challenge to all enemies of the Imperium?


"You are the Emperor's [female dog], and I am His paddle! Bend over, foul traitor- it's time for your spanking!"


(Replace "traitor" with "mutant," "xeno," or "Daemon," as necessary.)

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
  • 2 weeks later...

Great work on the weathering of that predator mate. Really love the depth and the variation of all the colours and textures that layer into a really beaten and weathered appearance. 


Will have to take note of these techniques and attempt them on my flesh tearers when I get round to painting vehicles>


Keep up the great work. Look forward to more!

That Baal predator conversion is so damn sexy it gave me a slight chub.

I'll definitely be pinching that idea. 

One question though. The binding at the business end of those barrels. Is that a band you have wound round or a larger diameter of pipe that you have squashed to fit?




Edited by LamenterMarine
  • 2 weeks later...

That Baal predator conversion is so damn sexy it gave me a slight chub.

I'll definitely be pinching that idea. 

One question though. The binding at the business end of those barrels. Is that a band you have wound round or a larger diameter of pipe that you have squashed to fit?





I didn't know you could be into tanks that way, but whatever works for ya! Anyways, to answer your question about the barrels, the bindings at the end are made from a bit of brass etch sprue. I bent it around the barrels and super-glued it in place. If you were to look at the barrels from the bottom, you'd see the break were the two ends meet. If I was really outgoing, I would have soldered them together. But that seemed more trouble than it was worth.



I'm still working on my Librarian and definitely didn't stick to my vow of completing it by the competition's deadline. Real life has a habit of getting busy when you want to work on hobby stuff. But while I was waiting for some of the oil paints to finish drying, I got to play around with the base and add more details than normal. I like it so much, I may need to add bunches of details like this to all my future infantry. What do you guys think?



  • 2 weeks later...

I managed to finish my Librarian, although WAY later than the date I vowed for the painting competition. The extra time did allow me to try out some true metal metallic (TMM) effects on the sword and wings. What do you guys think?







No fluff piece on this guy for now. I'm kinda stumped on how my storyline is going to progress now seeing as I've been loosely basing it on the official Flesh Tearer cannon that exists in fragmented publications. Now that the new Primaris Astates are here, I'm not sure how they will affect the story. 


Speaking of the Primaris Astartes, it's been interesting reading how the community reacted to them. I for one think the models are amazing and I plan on painted some up as part of my Flesh Tearer's 5th Company once they are released. The new mkX armor just has too many painting opportunities to be left unexplored and I'm thrilled that we finally has marine models in the proper scale. I have some other projects in the works first before I tackle to new toys, but in the mean time, I want to start thinking about how these guys will fit in with the rest of the my 5th Company veterans.


Will the new recruits just be simple simply accepted as much needed replacements? Will they be challenged by Seth? Will Dante even tell Seth that the new boys are a different breed of astartes? Do I expect the new guys to have been recruited from Craetacia or did the Mechanicum find them elsewhere?


What do you guys think, how should the obvious plot holes be filled for the Flesh Tearers regarding the Primarius marines (assuming GW doesn't elaborate for all 2nd founding chapters)? 

Excellent work. Is his armor rusty because he's been in the field for months, fighting constant battles, and had no time to wash and polish his armor? (I'm assuming it's not because he worships Nurgle.)


One can only hope that the weathering gods I've been trying to appease with this project are not secretly devotees of Nurgle :wink:


That Librarian is perfect. He has this gritty, ominous, almost fallen angel look to him.


Thanks! That's exactly what I was going for.


Very nice weathering on this fella, liking the wings too.


Glad you like him, I was a bit worried the wings wouldn't be very Flesh Tearer-y, but I like the end product.


gorgeous, what marine is that? he looks tall


Thanks man! The marine is the Forge World Sevrin Loth. The model is actually a little bit shorter than a standard marine, so I built his base up a bit so he looks a bit taller now. I'm worried that the Primaris Astartes will dwarf him completely. 



Good looking conversions on those "Evil Angels"!


"Evil" is in the eye of the beholder, right? :whistling:

My friend, I've just found your blog, fantastic work! I've been thinking of resurrecting my flesh tearers for 8th by heavily weathing them. You've inspired me, although I will not achieve this level of awesome!

Good looking conversions on those "Evil Angels"!


"Evil" is in the eye of the beholder, right? :whistling:


That´s right :smile.: . In the eyes of an angel everyone else must be pretty evil, I guess. :tongue.:

Edited by LordVelype
  • 4 weeks later...

So 8th edition has dropped and I'm trying to finish up a few projects that have been on my backlog before I devote a good amount of time to the new Dark Imperium set. Right now I'm trying to get through some scouts that will be used in 40k games (the snipers at least) as well as my Shadow War kill team.





These guys were hard to work on today after my Dark Imperium set showed up. After the scouts are done, I might take a break from the all this red and black and paint some of the Death Guard for a second kill team. Or maybe I'll do a squad or two of the Primaris marines, or another tank, or my Space Hulk set that has been without paint for years, or my Death Company that have been neglected for even longer. Ugh, too many choices. I need some help, what do you guys want to see painted next?

  • 3 weeks later...

The librarian is phenomenal, and I love the weathering on your Baal Predator.


Do you have links to the weathering tutorials?


I would like to weather up my tanks but do not know where to start

Thanks man! Discovering weathering techniques has restarted my love for the hobby and I'm more than happy to share what I've learned so far. The best articles I've found have been from scale model websites and books. It seems WWII stuff commonly has nice weathering.


Here's a few links that have helped me a lot:





  • 2 weeks later...

I'm waiting on some new decals to come in the mail before moving forwards with my scouts. In the meantime, I couldn't resit starting a little conversion work on the new Primaris Astartes.


The length of the bolt rifles is perfect for a special conversion that I've been wanting to do for a long time...





I present to you, the MkII Cawl pattern bolt rifle refitted with a Close Operations Grip. Known to the members of the Flesh Tearers' damned brotherhood as the "C.O.G. pattern".

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