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Iron Wardens and Deathwatch


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Hi all, yesterday i took part in the Armies on Parade at my local store with Iron Wardens Space Marines, so i thought it would be a perfect opportunity to showcase my army and allies smile.png

The Iron Wardens

The Iron Wardens are a successor of the Iron Hands created during the cursed founding. a relatively stable founding, they have a strange anomaly in their gene seed that causes their skin to slowly turn metallic.

Almost my entire force on display in Armies on Parade smile.png i don't know how i did except i didn't place but got a nice badge for taking place. missing is two biker squads and a dreadnought.

Armies On Parade 1

Armies On Parade 4

Armies On Parade 2

Armies On Parade 1

Here is a close up of some of the commanders of my force smile.png since taking that photo i now have about 5 captains, 3 librarians and 2 techmarines.


For my Legion of the Damned allies i came up with The Spectral Guard, my converted count-as unit.

Spectral guard 1

Spectral Guard 2


My as yet un-named Deathwatch fortress is situated close to the Iron Wardens homeworld and has close ties to them. my deathwatch force was inspired by various action movies and as such each of the units has been inspired by my fave sci-fi movies.

Predator Squad

Dutch & Blaine

The first unit inspired by predator and including a bow-wielding Dutch and Blain and his Minigun.

Deathwatch 1

Deathwatch 3

Deathwatch 2

My second unit inspired by Aliens with each marine named after one of the marines smile.png a couple of liberties taken such as making Vasquez male and there only being the one heavy weapon.

Corvus 1

And last but not least my corvus blackstar, this was the inspiration for my deathwatch as it reminds me of the drop ship out of Aliens. hope you like my stuff. comments welcome! smile.png

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I see a lot of really nice conversion work in there. Love the Deathwatch marine with a bow. A lot of the pics are a bit blurry so really hard to give good feedback on them. I really want to see your HQ choices because it looks like you might have done some neat OSL on the terminator captain. I also like your idea for the Legion of the Damned, they look good. The Deathwatch Corvus looks good too.

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thanks for the feedback, i will try and get some pics of my various commanders, i have quite a few now :) the top few pics were taken by the gw store manager during armies on parade.

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I see a lot of really nice conversion work in there. Love the Deathwatch marine with a bow. A lot of the pics are a bit blurry so really hard to give good feedback on them. I really want to see your HQ choices because it looks like you might have done some neat OSL on the terminator captain. I also like your idea for the Legion of the Damned, they look good. The Deathwatch Corvus looks good too.


As promised above here are some hopefully better pics of my force :) included are some new bits and pieces!




My captains, included is one of the web exclusive captains and the limited edition praetor model and a variety of conversions.



My converted librarius conclave, mostly using grey knight parts and the terminator captain from the start collecting box.

Bikers Group

My 3 biker squads, 1 is a melta squad, 1 is a grav squad and the third is a plasma squad.


My dreadnoughts :) i do like my dreads also hoping to build a deredeo, an ironclad and a leviathan. at the moment working on vanguard and the limted edition herlad that came out today.



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The new pics really help. I like your hqs. The captain with storm shield, where does his spear come from?


Thanks a bunch. the spear is a conversion :) chaos marine banner pole arm and deathwatch xenophase sword blade and his shield is plasticard.

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Thanks i recently just finished two squads of vanguard one with similar shield and wielding swords built from the vanguard kit, the other squad is built from a spare assault squad also armed with and shields.

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I think I like what I'm seeing, and I appreciate your second round of photos... but again, I feel like we're just not close enough here and not seeing enough angles to get a good idea of what you've accomplished. I dig what I can see of the paint scheme and the conversion work (and I like what little you've written about them fluff-wise) but yeh... the photos, dude.
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I think I like what I'm seeing, and I appreciate your second round of photos... but again, I feel like we're just not close enough here and not seeing enough angles to get a good idea of what you've accomplished. I dig what I can see of the paint scheme and the conversion work (and I like what little you've written about them fluff-wise) but yeh... the photos, dude.


Sadly i can only work with what I've got, guess i need a better camera rather than my crappy phone one :/ but thanks for the feedback.

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