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Manderghast is part of a project of mine called The Court of the Sun King, which – in addition to being spelled various ways, with a predilication for ünnecessary metal ümlauts – revolves around a feudal world, a suspicious Rubricist, and an imposter Imperial Commander – a recipe to ensure diverse alarums...


The figure was also an exercise in making an updated version of a model from an old Adeptus Mechanicus army I made back around 2006(ish), which used the same base model. Hope you like him; would love to hear what you think.







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Thanks, and while a good guess (he does look quite sorcery, doesn't he?), the base figure's a Scavvy gang leader from the short-lived Fanatic/Specialist Games set. Took a while to track down; I'd got the original version years ago, but by the time I decided I wanted to give it another go, the figure was OOP and no bits service any more :(

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Looking pretty cool in a junkyard dog kinda way. I can just imagine him jealously guarding a tech repository on a feudal world, denying all below him access to hallowed archeotech that barely works. ^_^

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