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Blood Angels 2500 Day Of Revelation


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Legion Preator
Volkite Charger, Power Fist, Master Crafted Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jump Pack



Master Of Signals
Artificer Armour




Dozer Blade





Assault Squad

Melta Bombs, 2X Inferno Pistols
Sgt W/ Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Inferno Pistol, Combat Shield


Assault Squad

2X Power Swords

Sgt W/ Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Inferno Pistol, Combat Shield, Melta Bombs



Tactical Squad
Additional Close Combat Weapon, Vexilla

Sgt W/ Power Sword, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs

Dozer Blade



Tactical Squad

Additional Close Combat Weapon, Vexilla

Sgt W/ Power Sword, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs

Dozer Blade



Fast Attack


Legion Seekers

3 Additional Members, 8 combi plasmas, Nuncio Vox

Sgt W/ Power Sword Artificer Armour

Land Raider Proteus

Explorator Augury Web, Twin Linked Lascannon, Printle mounted Assault Cannon



Primaris Strike Fighter

Battle Servitors, Ground Tracking Auguries, 6 Kraken Penetrator Missiles



Heavy Support


Heavy Support Squad

Assault Cannons

Sgt W/ Artificer Armour 



That leaves me at 2401 points any advice and suggestions on what to spend the last 99 points on would be greatly appreciated. 

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Inferno pistols are bad.


Sgts should have power fists always, maybe a sword and axe for power weapons so you get both S5 AP2 and I5 AP3 as options.


The assault cannon squad is terrible without a drop pod, and probably even then.


Lightning has too many missiles, drop one pair. 265 points for 2

Hull points? And then 210 more points in support for its deep strike with Master of Signal and Damocles. I would drop all of that.


Why are you taking tactical squads when you already got two troops? Tactical squads are bad and you can get veterans for almost the same.


The seeker squad is outrageously expensive and as the only really threatening unit with high AV means it will be the first to die.

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Inferno pistols are bad.


Sgts should have power fists always, maybe a sword and axe for power weapons so you get both S5 AP2 and I5 AP3 as options.


The assault cannon squad is terrible without a drop pod, and probably even then.


Lightning has too many missiles, drop one pair. 265 points for 2

Hull points? And then 210 more points in support for its deep strike with Master of Signal and Damocles. I would drop all of that.


Why are you taking tactical squads when you already got two troops? Tactical squads are bad and you can get veterans for almost the same.


The seeker squad is outrageously expensive and as the only really threatening unit with high AV means it will be the first to die.

so do you have any advice on what to do with the 1700 points that you suggest that i drop?


So what's the plan for how this is gonna go on the tabletop? Damocles, Seekers and MoS scootching forwards and giving DeepStrike bubbles?

the plan is that the MOS and the Heavy support squad start either in the damo in the best nest they can find and basically soften up units before assaults with the power weapon assault squad and the tacticals (once they are in range) the melta assault squad along with the lightning is there to remove armour from the field, the seekers job is the deletion of deathstars and Lord Commander Stabby McStabtastic is there to help kill any characters that he comes across

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Well for the tactical squads, Veterans cost almost the same while being way better.  You can also take a couple of apothecaries with jump packs to run around with the assault squads. You can keep the lightning, I just don't think 3 pairs of krakens is a good investment as you will get your early volley of 4 out, and then still be a threat enough to get targeted (which for lightning == instant death).  You could leave the third hardpoint empty or take one of the cheaper options like the bombs.

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Legion Preator
Volkite Charger, Power Fist, Master Crafted Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jump Pack



Command Squad
2 Extra Members, 5 power swords, jump packs




Dozer Blade




3 Apothicaries W/ Jump packs, Power Swords



Terminator Squad 

3X pairs of lightning Claws, 1 assault cannon and Chainfist

Sgt W/ Grenade harness, Paired Lightning Claws




Veteran Tactical Squad (Weapon Masters)
5 Additional Members, 2X Melta Guns, Legion Vexila 

Sgt W/ Artificer Armour, Power Sword

Rhino W/ Dozer Blade



Veteran Tactical Squad (Weapon Masters)
5 Additional Members, 2X Melta Guns, Legion Vexila 

Sgt W/ Artificer Armour, Power Sword

Rhino W/ Dozer Blade




Assault Squad

2X Power Swords

Sgt W/ Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Inferno Pistol, Combat Shield



Assault Squad

2X Power Swords

Sgt W/ Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Inferno Pistol, Combat Shield



Fast Attack

Primaris Strike Fighter

Battle Servitors, Ground Tracking Auguries, 4 Kraken Penetrator Missiles




now i'm still stuck with 99 points and no clue what to spend it on.

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Cool they may be, dead weight is dead weight. If you know theyll be making their investment in points back from use, then fine.


But a 6" Melta Pistol is a hard pill for me to swallow at their price point.

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Javelins would be a great idea.


Perhaps ditch the power swords from the apothercaries and add a MB and 5x shields to the command sqd - the 5++ in combat would be useful. I'd also consider power axes over swords so that they can support the Praetor when he's dealing with small TEQ units.


I think power axes on the vet sergeants would be better so that they can deal with enemy sergeants in artificer armour during challenges.

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Ditch the Inferno Pistols and thats 30 points right there. They aren't going to be doing much of anything anyways.

actially i'm keeping my inferno pistols... they killed 3 leman russ's last game... they are very dear to me


Thats fair enough then.

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