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Another 2,500 Day of Revalation List


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Instead of hijacking the previous thread this is a list I have been using that I've found to be extremely effective at this points level.


+++ Blood Angels - Day of Revalation (2500pts) +++


+ HQ +


Legion Praetor

Artificer Armour, Blade of Perdition, Digital Lasers, Inferno Pistol, Iron Halo, Jump Pack


Legion Command Squad

3x Legion Space marine Chosen - 3x Jump Packs, 3x Power Axes 3x Combat Shields

1x Legion Standard Bearer - Jump Pack, Power Axe, Combat Shield


+ Troops +


Legion Assault Squad

13x Legion Assault Space Marines - Power Sword, Power Axe

1x Legion Assault Sergeant - Artificer Armour, Combat Shield, Power Fist


Legion Assault Squad

13x Legion Assault Space Marines - Power Sword, Power Axe

1x Legion Assault Sergeant - Artificer Armour, Combat Shield, Power Fist


Legion Reconnaissance Squad

4x Legion Space Marines - Recon Armour

1x Legion Recon Sergeant - Artificer Armour, Power Sword


Legion Reconnaissance Squad

4x Legion Space Marines - Recon Armour

1x Legion Recon Sergeant - Artificer Armour, Power Sword


+ Elites +


Apothecarion Detachment

2x Legion Apothecary - 2x Jump Packs

1x Legion Apothecary - Jump Pack, Power Sword


Legion Terminator Squad

4x Legion Terminators - Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, Chain Fist, 2x Power Fists, Power Sword 3x Combi Bolters

1x Legion Terminator Sergeant- Power Sword, Combi Bolter


+ Fast Attack +


Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod


Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron

2x Legion Javelin Attack Speeder - 2x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon


+ Heavy Support +


Legion Fire Raptor Gunship

4x Hellstrike Missiles, Reaper Autocannon battery


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon

1x Leviathan Siege Dreadnought - Armoured Ceramite, 2x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, Leviathan Siege Drill, Leviathan Siege claw, Phosphex Discharger

1x Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod


So The idea is to use the Recon squads to infiltrate into an advantageous position and drop your infantry/Leviathan within 6" of the Nucio Vox.


From here concentration of forces will ruin whatever is in front of them once they get their charge and the units themselves are quite survivable with the apothecaries.


The command squad also has an apothecary and acts like a wreaking ball taking on the toughest threat.


Combat Shields and Axes give an excellent combination of durability and killing power. This unit will munch through Catapracti terminators.


The army is weak to armour but the leviathan goes a long way toward rectifying this issue

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I feel like you're going to really struggle with facing any sort of armor, has you have barely any anti armor in this list. I think you at least need to give the leviathan melta lance, so it can hit something turn one, and give the javelins meltas and hunter killers. Also more melta bombs across the army would help. I'd also replace the fire raptor with a lightning with the usual anti tank armaments, just really need some more solid anti armor choices.


Also I'd drop powers swords on the terminators, doesn't seem like a great choice for them. I'd pretty much always give them ap2 weapons.

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Correct, the Recon Squads do have Nucio voxs. As for how useful they are, that's been a mixed bag. Provided there is enough cover and I can put them out of LOS they give me 2 bubbles with no scatter for my Jump Packs and Levithan. On cover light boards they tend to melt quickly.


Agreed the army lacks anti armour but not too badly. The Leviathan deals with normal armour just fine as do the land speeders. Spartans and AV14 are an issue but again, chain fists and Seige drills make short work of those.


Instead of Melta bombs my assault sergeants have power fists which are a bit more versatile. The command squad could use some Melta though


I'm going to further tweek the list as time goes on.

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Maybe you just play in a meta where people don't use vehicles that often, but to me this list has a very serious deficit in anti armor capabilities. Sure, the leviathan can tear apart almost any vehicle in an assault, even a knight with a bit of luck, but that's not until turn two at the earliest, plus your opponent is going to get his vehicles as far away as he can from the leviathan. Also while the fire raptor is great, it's really only good against light/medium armor, anything av thirteen/fourteen it's going to struggle against. Really simple changes like taking a melta lance on the leviathan and melta bombs on your recon units would go miles to improve your anti armor capabilities. 

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swap the recons out for a command rhino. wider area of scatterless deep striking. and an orbital bombardment thrown in


See this would be my go to, but I quite like the Recons. Sure the bubble is bigger on the Damocles, but its stuck inside your deployment....


The Recon's aren't!

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Revised List


+++ Blood Angels - Day of Revalation (2500pts) +++


+ HQ +


Legion Praetor

Artificer Armour, Blade of Perdition, Digital Lasers, Inferno Pistol, Iron Halo, Jump Pack


Legion Command Squad

3x Legion Space marine Chosen - 3x Jump Packs, 3x Power Axes 3x Combat Shields

1x Legion Standard Bearer - Jump Pack, Power Axe, Combat Shield


Damocles Command Rhino


Legion Vigilator

Artificer Armour, Refactor Field


+ Troops +


Legion Assault Squad

13x Legion Assault Space Marines - Power Sword, Power Axe

1x Legion Assault Sergeant - Artificer Armour, Combat Shield, Power Fist


Legion Assault Squad

13x Legion Assault Space Marines - Power Sword, Power Axe

1x Legion Assault Sergeant - Artificer Armour, Combat Shield, Power Fist


Legion Reconnaissance Squad

4x Legion Space Marines - Recon Armour

1x Legion Recon Sergeant - Artificer Armour, Power Sword


Legion Reconnaissance Squad

4x Legion Space Marines - Recon Armour

1x Legion Recon Sergeant - Artificer Armour, Power Sword


+ Elites +


Apothecarion Detachment

2x Legion Apothecary - 2x Jump Packs

1x Legion Apothecary - Jump Pack, Power Sword


+ Fast Attack +


Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron

2x Legion Javelin Attack Speeder - 2x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon


Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron

2x Legion Javelin Attack Speeder - 2x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon


Primarias Strike Lightening

Ground Tracking auguries, Servitor, 2x Kraken Penetrator Missiles


+ Heavy Support +


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon

1x Leviathan Siege Dreadnought - Armoured Ceramite, 2x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, Leviathan Siege Drill, Leviathan Siege claw, Phosphex Discharger

1x Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod

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Looks solid enough, i took a similar list (In concept) to the Shadow wars event and it acquitted itself well, Assault Cannons and combat Leviathans did fairly well for AT but you really cant go far wrong with a Lightning :D 

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