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Hello !



That Thunder Warrior is absolutely incredible! Quite possibly the best treatment of the subject I have seen so far!


And what is it with the awesome Raven Guard threads lately? Between yourself and malcharion, the least interesting legion is suddenly looking rather exciting! That really messes with my feels, you know? :wink:


Thanks, means a lot coming from you, been following your blog for a while now, it never fails to inspire. Funny story, i was not that into the XIX at first, it's by playtesting and reading about the rules that i really liked the infiltrating-alpha strike combo ( And rending flamers.. oooh yeaaaah ). Sadly i believe the fluff and "soul" of the minis is as important as the rules, and i loathe the depiction of the raven guard in the HH Novels, from Sharrowkin to the oh so shallow depiction of Corax and his thin-skinned cronies in Gavin Thorpe's badly written (imo) novels. Mary sue freedom fighters are boring as fug.


So i turned to the Xeric, in my mind the dust basins are actually located around the populous east coast of China and the east Asia pacific in general, nuked into oblivion in forgotten wars, the gaping dust craters left behind were claimed by adjacent Turko-mongol and Polynesian tribes/people and a couple of centuries/millenia later BAM, the Xeric. And it allows me to tap into Unification-era mythos and the underlying savagery within , and that's rad.


I'm still adding ravens to the minis though, rule of cool. I'll eventually come with a justification. 



I really like your Xeric XIXth, your work is really well detailed and has a lot of contrast while still being very crisp.


The designs almost look like the Forgotten's from Endless Legend


Thanks ! Damn you nonetheless, for you made me buy that game ...




That Thunder Warrior is something beautiful, truly. Very much carrying an Inq28/Unification-era Mad Max feel.


Between you and malcharion, I'm feeling quite inspired, and thinking it might be time to put together my old XIXth Legion Veteran Assault Company... maybe. We'll see.


Thank you ! Join the shoal brother ! Maybe start a joined PLOG just like In Memoriam about the Predation Fleets :wink: .



Wow that is an amazing thunder warrior, are you planning on doing more? or just the one?


Cheers, i was planning a second one but could not get the bitz to stick "exactly" as i wanted so i shelved it . But i'm getting the urge to do an Inq28 Unification Era Warband :wink:






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Hello !

Great stuff in here and I only want to see more and more of it.

Thank you ! I'll try to oblige :smile.:.

Progress ! I have finished the Terminators. I was gonna play around with the mor Dethyan but i never seem to finish what i start so i kinda froced myself to finish the deliverers first. I'll be working on their ride soon, it's gonna be a Darkwing but i'm gonna base it on the newish Deathwatch flier, the imperial symbols are going to be removed.

" The Xeric Tribes had developed highly codified rules to internal conflict, tribes would ritually shout and sing their deeds and ancestries at each other before joining battle. By contrast, their near constant raids on the Pan Pacific Empire were conducted in complete and soul-chilling silence. "

The Unification Wars Vol. IV ADD.40587

" Silent they were, not a sound except the purring of their armor and the hissing of blood vaporizing on their talons, not a sound as they butchered through the cohort. It's only when one of the XVIIth showed up that one of them started singing a deep drone that made gums itch and ears bleed. "

Report 2574B

Coelia Incident 008M31




" Corvidae ? There are no corvidae on this planet Analyticae minoris, now stop wasting my time with wasteful data and assess production output..."

Noospheric transcription recovered from ruins of mechanicum outpost KL8548

Coelia Incident 008M31





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Hello !



That Thunder Warrior is absolutely incredible! Quite possibly the best treatment of the subject I have seen so far!


And what is it with the awesome Raven Guard threads lately? Between yourself and malcharion, the least interesting legion is suddenly looking rather exciting! That really messes with my feels, you know? :wink:


Thanks, means a lot coming from you, been following your blog for a while now, it never fails to inspire. Funny story, i was not that into the XIX at first, it's by playtesting and reading about the rules that i really liked the infiltrating-alpha strike combo ( And rending flamers.. oooh yeaaaah ). Sadly i believe the fluff and "soul" of the minis is as important as the rules, and i loathe the depiction of the raven guard in the HH Novels, from Sharrowkin to the oh so shallow depiction of Corax and his thin-skinned cronies in Gavin Thorpe's badly written (imo) novels. Mary sue freedom fighters are boring as fug.


So i turned to the Xeric, in my mind the dust basins are actually located around the populous east coast of China and the east Asia pacific in general, nuked into oblivion in forgotten wars, the gaping dust craters left behind were claimed by adjacent Turko-mongol and Polynesian tribes/people and a couple of centuries/millenia later BAM, the Xeric. And it allows me to tap into Unification-era mythos and the underlying savagery within , and that's rad.


I'm still adding ravens to the minis though, rule of cool. I'll eventually come with a justification. 



I really like your Xeric XIXth, your work is really well detailed and has a lot of contrast while still being very crisp.


The designs almost look like the Forgotten's from Endless Legend


Thanks ! Damn you nonetheless, for you made me buy that game ...




That Thunder Warrior is something beautiful, truly. Very much carrying an Inq28/Unification-era Mad Max feel.


Between you and malcharion, I'm feeling quite inspired, and thinking it might be time to put together my old XIXth Legion Veteran Assault Company... maybe. We'll see.


Thank you ! Join the shoal brother ! Maybe start a joined PLOG just like In Memoriam about the Predation Fleets :wink: .



Wow that is an amazing thunder warrior, are you planning on doing more? or just the one?


Cheers, i was planning a second one but could not get the bitz to stick "exactly" as i wanted so i shelved it . But i'm getting the urge to do an Inq28 Unification Era Warband :wink:








I agree with all of the sentoments above, this is an incredible take on the Thunder Warriors. I love that there's a bloom of these projects. Can't wait to see more, ooking forwards to getting back to my kits

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Hello !

I agree with all of the sentoments above, this is an incredible take on the Thunder Warriors. I love that there's a bloom of these projects. Can't wait to see more, ooking forwards to getting back to my kits

Thank you very much :smile.:.

I'm entering exam period so updates will be sparse until after christmas, that being said i worked a bit on a Black legion Warlord and since Thousand sons seem to be back on the menu i'm posting half a squad of an on-hold Prosperine project :



And the Black Legionnaire. ( I apologize for the bad pic, i'll be taking better ones when he is done !)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello !




May I ask, where did you get those birds from?



The birds are from the  Zombicide game .



Aww, I love your Carcharodons (:wink:), great job on the free-hands :smile.:


Hehehe, no hiding that. I was tempted to go full sharky shark sharkness, but i guess you need ten thousand years of isolation to go craycray. The more i look at them the more i am kinda dissapointed in mt handling of the free hands, mini by mini they seem okey. But once you put all the mini's together i find them too eclectic. i'll try to "dtandardise" them on the next marines.



Well done.


Many thanks my good sir :)


My exam preparations have been taking most of my time but i have managed tobuild some stuff. Since wrath of magnus my interest in the 40k part of things has rekindled, and i really hope the Dorn rumors are true.


Expect ZEAL



Mr Badweed

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  • 2 months later...

Hello ! So i'm back. After a pause in the Hobby due to exams and my pathological inability to see a single army project to fruition, the announcement of 8th ed gave me the kick necessary to get stuff done. I enrolled in The 2017 Tale of Hobbyists to motivate me and structure my hobby schedule.

@sockwithaticket : Sure, but im gonna have to dig him out of the shame pile and take better pictures of him first !

Here's my vow :

I MrBadweed, pledge myself to the B&C 2017 Tale of Hobbyists, my goal will be to FINALLY start and end an army for 8th edition. My project will be a yet unnamed and unfleshed warband of the Black Legion led by Ekron Fal and, if im diligent, the Primaris marines of the Dark Imperium set as adversaries.

" Abbadon's triumph was shortlived, for as the warp thundered through realspace so did the god's warriors. No united front to the warmaster's crusade, but a fragmented horde. Moved by their own grudges, interests and the goading of deamons, Hosts and Warbands reneged their oaths to the Warmaster's cause to rampage across the reeling Imperium. Only the true Legion remained focused on the task at hand, for Terra still stood.

To that end, Abbadon tasked Ekron Fal, Warlord of the Ezekarion and Lord Harrower of the Sin-mat-Ikali, to conquer, hold and fortify the Belis Corona Sub-Sector, eastern bridge between the two halves of the sundered Imperium and key route to Terra.

They were greeted with the blood and fire of avenging sons."

4 Chaos Marines


1 Heavy Support Kill-Team ( Oblit)


1 Berserker on Juggernaut


I had already finished some miniatures for the army prior the starting the Tale, so here's one :

"I do not doubt my Emperor's wisdom in creating a necessary evil such as these fearful warriors, nor do I doubt their effectiveness in battle. It remains my fervent hope however, that though I spend my life making war for the liberation of Mankind that I never again see such inhuman butchery as I have witnessed in the halls of Cerberus."

— Bashar-Colonel Alves Scorn, Terran XXIInd Dracos Regiment, M30

" In Life, The Monsters win "

Unknown, M2



-- Pict Origin : Subiaco-Diablo - Belis Corona Sub-sector --

-- Towering over other Heretic Astartes, the monster single-handedly took control of Bastiion 2545K.B, garrisoned by the 127 men of the 28th Company of the Mordian Fifth --

-- No Survivors --

And a little Preview of what could be my second ( if i get my hands on Dark Imperium at launch ) or third vow, and winner in my book of " conversions that made my wallet writhe in anguish, but fug it " :


Gotta source some bits for his midsection, tis a little bland at the moment, and im probably gonna claw his gauntlet but for now he's patiently waiting in the miniature case !

For the WARMASTER !!

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Love oblit SpecOps team! Nice execution. Your zerkers are gorgeous by the way. How tall are they compared to a non converted marine?


And your daemon prince rocks! Or is he Abaddon? I recognize the base model (easy to spot, you used the Alpharius model) but I cannot recognize the chaosy bits on him. Looking great.

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Love oblit SpecOps team! Nice execution. Your zerkers are gorgeous by the way. How tall are they compared to a non converted marine?


And your daemon prince rocks! Or is he Abaddon? I recognize the base model (easy to spot, you used the Alpharius model) but I cannot recognize the chaosy bits on him. Looking great.


The Chaos bits look like they are from Archaon.


He is looking great mate, you've done a fantastic job meshing Gulliman and Archaon together. I didn't realise the Everchosen was quite that big.

All your other conversions look good too. I'm also seriously impressed with how good your XIX legion look.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello !

How tall are they compared to a non converted marine?

This one is based on the Slaughterpriest, so pretty big, he's Primaris size with added height via the base. And yes it's Archaon !

Looking very nice.

Thanks !

@Checkmate : Thanks brother !

@RRChristensen : Sure thing, old pics though :


i got my grubby hands on Primaris Marines ( Primarii ?/ Primaroi ? Primaruses ? ) , i went with Carcharodons, they are highly inspired my Malcharion's awesome stuff on this very forum.





And here's the test/appetizer i did while waiting for Dark Imperium. They are painted in slightly darker tones compared to the Xeric forefathers.

" ... and so Remember Einar and his kin, in red ruin found, Fenris Hjolda !"

Einar Hralfsson's Saga

" Stand or step aside Wolf, it matters not. Rights were given in ages past, we are coming ... "

Corrupted Vox-echo, Silius XV, M33.





Fenris Hjolda !

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Hello !

WOW, those Carcharodons are nothing short of amazing! Some phenomenal freehand as usual, definitely looking forward to seeing some more character models with this quality of painting!

Thanks man ! i just finished the Primaris Captain. On characters an,d elites/older marines some markings will be red, the logic is that the more a brother falls tothe Blindess the more he is susceptible to attack his brethren. Red denotes the shame of having shed the blood of kin. Some marines will be covered in red and be considered "death company" esque by the rest of the sharks. Just like mako's after a feeding frenzy ! ( once again the red Markings idea is shamefully stolen from malcharion's Sharks :teehee: :wub: )







And the Command Cadre :


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