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That Thunder Warrior is very, very decent :D Really managed to capature both the size and brutality of what they're supposed to be [the head is well-chosen, as is the shield]. 

If/wehn you get around to doing Unification Wars Inq28, i'd be mad keen to see hwat you come up with! [my modelling partner in crime and I started doing concept-work and some basic assembly on same awhile back, and it was pretty interesting to see other folk over on AmmoBunker start to do likewise] 

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Hello ! So i'm back. After a pause in the Hobby due to exams and my pathological inability to see a single army project to fruition, the announcement of 8th ed gave me the kick necessary to get stuff done. I enrolled in The 2017 Tale of Hobbyists to motivate me and structure my hobby schedule.

@sockwithaticket : Sure, but im gonna have to dig him out of the shame pile and take better pictures of him first !

Here's my vow :

I MrBadweed, pledge myself to the B&C 2017 Tale of Hobbyists, my goal will be to FINALLY start and end an army for 8th edition. My project will be a yet unnamed and unfleshed warband of the Black Legion led by Ekron Fal and, if im diligent, the Primaris marines of the Dark Imperium set as adversaries.

" Abbadon's triumph was shortlived, for as the warp thundered through realspace so did the god's warriors. No united front to the warmaster's crusade, but a fragmented horde. Moved by their own grudges, interests and the goading of deamons, Hosts and Warbands reneged their oaths to the Warmaster's cause to rampage across the reeling Imperium. Only the true Legion remained focused on the task at hand, for Terra still stood.

To that end, Abbadon tasked Ekron Fal, Warlord of the Ezekarion and Lord Harrower of the Sin-mat-Ikali, to conquer, hold and fortify the Belis Corona Sub-Sector, eastern bridge between the two halves of the sundered Imperium and key route to Terra.

They were greeted with the blood and fire of avenging sons."

4 Chaos Marines


1 Heavy Support Kill-Team ( Oblit)


1 Berserker on Juggernaut


I had already finished some miniatures for the army prior the starting the Tale, so here's one :

"I do not doubt my Emperor's wisdom in creating a necessary evil such as these fearful warriors, nor do I doubt their effectiveness in battle. It remains my fervent hope however, that though I spend my life making war for the liberation of Mankind that I never again see such inhuman butchery as I have witnessed in the halls of Cerberus."

— Bashar-Colonel Alves Scorn, Terran XXIInd Dracos Regiment, M30

" In Life, The Monsters win "

Unknown, M2



-- Pict Origin : Subiaco-Diablo - Belis Corona Sub-sector --

-- Towering over other Heretic Astartes, the monster single-handedly took control of Bastiion 2545K.B, garrisoned by the 127 men of the 28th Company of the Mordian Fifth --

-- No Survivors --

And a little Preview of what could be my second ( if i get my hands on Dark Imperium at launch ) or third vow, and winner in my book of " conversions that made my wallet writhe in anguish, but fug it " :


Gotta source some bits for his midsection, tis a little bland at the moment, and im probably gonna claw his gauntlet but for now he's patiently waiting in the miniature case !

For the WARMASTER !!

This...is totally going in my "to make" list. That looks better than any of the individual models used to make it. It literally looks like a kit unto itself. SOLD!

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Hello !!

@Doghouse : Thanks ! big fan of the way you retrofit them back to regular Astartes.

@Pearson73 : Thank you brother !

@Mordenthex : hehe, thanks man, i agree fluff-wise, it's very meh. But the miniatures are a joy to paint.

@Bjorn Firewalker : Thanks !

@Triszin : :teehee:

@The Yak : Thanks man ! i'm really trying to get this army right ( and finish it :whistling: )

@Ryltar Thamior : Thanks ! I wanted to convey the brutality and the crudeness of the warriors. I've got a second one on the Wip table. My goal is to build a warband of unification-era warriors present when the Emperor ordered the cull of the Thunder Warriors. I imagined a couple of thunder warriors, Arik Taranis as a banner bearer and then some soldiers of the Old Hundred.

@MordentHex : haha, i was making a wierd face while building that one, the pricetag involved ramped up the pressure of getting him right. All in all he has the same pose as Guilliman ! i added a belt buckle made from AoS Blood bloody bloodudes bitz, i will post him when i get around to painting him.

@Vairocanum : Thanks a lot ! Happy to oblige :wink: .

So i found this :


And thought it was pretty cool . So i made this :





( sorry for the bad crops )

I'm thinking of basing them like the Xeric. The good thing is that minimal fuss over basing brings more attention to the miniature. But then too simplistic aint so good neither. Since the minis are dark i was thinking light tones for the bases. Suggestions are more than welcome !

I'l be posting the rest of the tactical squad next, as well as a some Flying Sharks and Plaguebros :yes: .

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Excellent work on the Primaris Marine. I'm surprised he didn't deface the Chaos symbol on the helmet he claimed as a trophy, though. (A simple swipe with his axe, splitting the Chaos symbol in half, should do the trick.)

Was the helmet taken from an Alpha Legionnaire?

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Hello !

I'm surprised he didn't deface the Chaos symbol on the helmet he claimed as a trophy, though. (A simple swipe with his axe, splitting the Chaos symbol in half, should do the trick.)
Was the helmet taken from an Alpha Legionnaire?

Yep makes totally sense can't have any friendly fire now can we ? And yep, the previous occupant was indeed Alpha Legion. Thanks for the input !


Your Sharks are fantastic mate, absolutely love them.

Primaris Conversion looks boss, too.

Thanks man !

Wow that looks brilliant! Love the bloodied powerfist, really shows of his brutality. You're seriously knocking it out of the park with these primaris conversions and paint jobs. Looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks a lot ! i really like your BA conversion, the one standing over an Ork ready to dinish him off :wub: .

I think this awesome thread can be summed up in a very brief, bilingual joke:

FIN / The End

Hahaha, took me longer than it should have to get the pun . I hope i'l take this project to the fin-nish line :teehee:.

I have been painting the Lord of Contagion, still got some stuff to finish, mainly details and touch ups :




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"@Ryltar Thamior : Thanks ! I wanted to convey the brutality and the crudeness of the warriors. I've got a second one on the Wip table. My goal is to build a warband of unification-era warriors present when the Emperor ordered the cull of the Thunder Warriors. I imagined a couple of thunder warriors, Arik Taranis as a banner bearer and then some soldiers of the Old Hundred. "

This is customarily where people post a reaction-gif of some kind. 

To save bandwith .. I'll jus do the quote:

"You had my curiosity. BUT NOW YOU HAVE MY ATTENTION" 

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Hi brother Badweed !!

Really good job on the primaris !! I'm really glade I inspired you and I have to say that they're exactly like I've paint them myself ! It's bluffing.

I see that you have study some of my exile markings like the fangs on shoulders or the angular swirl that I do a lot. You also adopted the red marks and the use of red to complete your grey tones ;). Cool to see how primaris looks like with this scheme. Personally if I add some to my force I would certainly try with another one.


But I've mixed feelings here.. Even if I'm really proud of how you adopted my scheme, I think those marines lack of a personal touch.

I was completely in love with your raven guard successors, with those markings witch even if they were similar were subtly different with shape that I don't have seen elsewhere. The poses, the green eyelences and your bright treatment of the red witch add a lot to your colour scheme etc..

You'd made some wonderful characters that I like to look at when I'm in a lack of inspiration.

You should look at The Observer work on his badab war tread, he manage to get a personal atmosphere out of his sharks just like you had on your own way with the raven guard successors.


I put a lot of work in searching how I could "own" my carcharodons and how I could make theme "special".

(It's maybe a weird way of thinking ^^.) But I'm 200% sure that with the skills you have, I think you could really add your own personal touch and particular vision to your carcharodons and give a lot of inspiration to the Shark community.

And add to his awesomeness ...


Anddddd what I was saying !

This white Guy is all I was about ! An original and greatly inspired scheme ! the gore on the fist add a lot He is absolute murder !

The carcharodons terminator are describe as white in the Red tithe novella .. And just till now I had absolutly no clue on how it could get well in the middle of a shark army.. You just give the answer.(Say the guys who WAS literally disgusted by the gravis armour) It look damn good and that's what I'm talking about !



I want to see more of this awesomeness men, the Mr BadWeed one ;)


As for the death guard : Big fan ( that white highlighted cloak :wub: )


Hope you'll not be annoyed by my two cents.



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  • 7 months later...

" They swept through the city like hungry falcons attacking a flight of doves, or like raging wolves attacking sheep, with loose reins and shameless faces, murdering and spreading terror... houses and towers made of gold and encrusted with jewels were ruined with knives and fire. Those hiding behind the veils of the great Harem were dragged through the streets and alleys, each of them slain by laughing giants..."



Hey there, i have been tinkering with some Scars after reading Mr.Wrath's additons to the Horus Heresy. The idea is to build a fully Primaris Brotherhood. I'l be mixing n Stormcast Kits for the sculptural statue look i'd like to bring to my dudes. I realize these kind of bitz can be very hit or miss due to specific iconography/vibe, but imo thunderbolts, lions and mystical star lsymbols check the Scars box aswell.

I've added a lot of Skulls. The idea is for them to be those of worthy foes. They will be painted either gold or solid silver. I bought an airbrush for this project, so that will be a first for me. I'm gunning for a cold white with a little battle damage. Gold or Iron for rims and such depending on elite status/seniority. I'l be trying out a technique for jade on some parts of the more elite units. My goal is for every unit to sit on a spectrum between pure savagery and aloof/airy nobility. Most will be a mix of the two.

The goal is, to use brother Malcharion's wise words, to make them mine.

This to be a very personal project and an opportunity to push panting skills. Maybe even sculpting furs/top knots and so on. Primaris can be very bland models on their own, 'l be trying to brng if not nidivuality, at least spirit to the Scars. I'm working on some back story to go with pictures but knowing myself i'l probably dump some random wips from time to time.

Until then, any ideas-inputs are more than welcome !

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