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IW Starter Army - Iron Hulks go 30k


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Hi there!

I want to start a 30k version of my 40k Iron Warriors and I need some help what to build.

Like many others I purchased the B@C and BoP boxes. Everything else will be converted for the moment. I started to assemble the B@C box yesterday, so right now i still have some flexibility regarding unit load out msn-wink.gif

For the start I want to create a 1500 point army. I know that this is a small army for 30k, but I need to get used to the special 30k universe, so i think this is a good starting point.

My first attempt was the following list:

RoW: Ironfire

- Praetor: Serpenta, MC Paragon Blade, Digital Laser, Iron Halo [185]

- Contemptor: Kheres, inbuilt Melta, Havoc Launcher [220]

- Veteran Squad: 5 Marines, Art. Armour, Heavy Bolter, Power Fist [170]

- Rapier Squad: 2 Quad [80]

(I used the points from HH-Betrayal,but I'm not sure if they are still up-to-date)

- Tactical Squad 1: 15 Marines, Vox, Vexilla, Power Sword, Meltabomb, Art. Armour [245]

- Tactical Squad 2: 10 Marines, Vox, Vexilla, Power Sword, Meltabomb, Art. Armour, Rhino [230]

- Iron Havoc: 5 Havoc, 3 Missile Launcher, 2 Lasercannons, Art. Armour, Augury [245]

- Whirlwind Scorpius: [115]

Total: 1490

After the helpful comments of some fellow Warsmiths, I changed the list as followed:

RoW: Ironfire

- Consul Delegatus: Seprenta, MC Power Sword, Meltabomb, Refractor field, Art. Armour [110]

- Contemptor: Multimelta, inbuilt Melta, Havoc [205]

- Veteran Squad: 5 Marines, Art. Armour, Heavy Bolter, Power Fist [170]

- Rapier Squad: 2 Quad [80]

- Tactical Squad 1: 15 Marines, Vox, Vexilla, Power Sword, Meltabomb, Art. Armour [245]

- Tactical Squad 2: 10 Marines, Vox, Vexilla, Power Sword, Meltabomb, Art. Armour, Rhino [230]

- Support Squad: 5 Marines, 4 Flamer, Sarge with CCW and Bolt Pistol [100]

- Iron Havoc: 5 Havoc, 3 Missile Launcher, 2 Lasercannons, Art. Armour, Augury [245]

- Whirlwind Scorpius: [115]

Total: 1500

While addapting the list, I thought that i could also use another RoW:

RoW: Chosen Duty

- Consul Delegatus: Seprenta, MC Power Sword, Meltabomb, Refractor field, Art. Armour [110]

- Contemptor: Multimelta, inbuilt Melta, [190]

- Veteran Squad 1: 6 Marines, Art. Armour, Heavy Bolter, Power Fist Vox [195]

- Veteran Squad 2: 5 Marines, Art. Armour, Plasmagun, Power Fist, Vox [175]

- Rapier Squad: 2 Quad [80]

- Tactical Squad: 15 Marines, Vox, Vexilla, Power Sword, Meltabomb, Art. Armour [245]

- Support Squad: 5 Marines, 4 Flamer, Sarge with CCW and Bolt Pistol, Art. Armour [110]

- Rhino: not sure which Squad [35]

- Iron Havoc: 5 Havoc, 3 Missile Launcher, 2 Lasercannons, Art. Armour, Augury [245]

- Whirlwind Scorpius: [115]

Total: 1500

Any suggestions? I'm thankful for any help ^^

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Not too much different. but there is difference. most people know everyone elses units cause we are mostly marines. so they can always help you out.

points have changed from book 1. quad guns for instance are more expensive now and then you add different types of shells for X points.

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