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Heresy Iron Warriors + WIP 40k Imperial Fists Crusade Stuff


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A truescale Land Raider?? What are you using as a base? A Baneblade?


I'm still playing round with ideas at the moment, I have a new landraider kit and I also picked up a Storm Wolf for parts that may work with what I have planned. Failing that I can have another bash at the one like Binary's below. 


Well the wardog pattern was the inspiration for this






Nice job on that mate, looks really good and brings back some memories. :)



Still not my thing at all, but I think these are some of the best, as well as easiest to convert, true scale marines I've seen.


Thanks mate, truescaling is always going to be a bit of a niche within a niche, I'd be surprised if it ever became a mainstream thing but if I can make that more accessible for people that are daunted by tons of GS work then my job is done. :)

I've not really had a great deal of free time of late but have had a chance to play around with some ideas for a terminator squad. Using the captain from Calth boxed game I've quickly thrown this guy together to see if it possible to simplify a process foe them.


Pretty easy but still very WIP I've tried to get it to look like one of the regular Astartes would fit in the armour, it's not amazing but it is growing on me and might be useful for a unit of Tyrants.











As a side project I am trying to speed paint a regular space marine army using a few short cuts here and there. I still need to do most of the highlighting and shading but to be honest it is a nice break from just making stuff.

I'm using the Death Watch Mk 8 legs to give them a little height and going for a really, really, really, simple paint scheme. I've not named this chapter as yet (thinking something simple like Praetorians) but I am using left over Ultramarine transfers for the chapter icon and unit markings. I'm not going to worry about background just yet as my goal is purely to knock out a gaming army using whatever bits I have laying around the place.

This is definitely a no thrills army and I will be sticking to a codex feel as much as I can. 










It's interesting to see somebody tackle truescale terminators without going the quick, easy, and outrageously expensive route of using Horus and/or Perturabo. Does this indicate that the BaC Terminator Praetor is noticeably larger about the legs etc. than other Cataphractii? 

Also, nice work on the regular Codex marines. Crisp paintjob and decent colourscheme. 

Thanks mate smile.png

Yeah the Praetor is quite a behemoth compared to regular terminators. It's quite tricky to represent Terminators in truescale as it is far to easy to think Terminators = HUGE! when the truth is a Marine still has to fit in the armour. As a rule of thumb when I came up with the truescale technique the general rule of thumb is 42mm from the soles of the feet to the eyes.

The main problem with the plastic terminators is the shoulder span with the arms coming straight down from the shoulder, really it should be a head's width from the neck to the shoulder but on terminators it seems to be two.

The other problem is the gait of the legs as they tend to put marines in 'over the top legs stretched apart to not far off doing the splits' poses which means if the terminator Praetor were to be stood upright he would be far too tall for my purposes. So as with all 30k/40k stuff I do I am for credible within the game setting rather than aiming for realistic, the proportions are niggling with me a bit but on the whole it is a quick and easy solution to make use of left over parts. Once I get the missile launchers magnetised and put on top it should do the job in an optical illusion kind of way.

For the regular marines I'm hoping to put together a demi-company which I should have the parts laying around for then bolster them with 30 Custodians and some Sisters of Silence I have for the inevitable AoS style Horus Heresy 2.0 that I think we will see in the next version of 40k. I'm also trying to make the Knight Titan I am building dual purpose for both armies as well.

That's a really interesting approach to true-scale terminators, that extra height kind of makes him seem sort of slimmer overall. The regular marines look great too, looking forward to seeing what you do with the Custodes/Sisters. Also thanks again for the simple true scale guide, I was planning on making a Death Guard at first but your Iron Warriors looked so good I ended up building an Iron Warrior first haha.

Thanks mate :)


Glad you found the tutorial useful. :)


Funny you should mention doing it in another Legion to the one you planned as I am toying around with including some World Eater allies using the technique at some point, just need to get the second tactical squad made at the moment and crack on with the Iron Warriors for now as I will be a lot happier with them once I can see two full units painted up. I have the bits for around fifty or sixty at the moment, so either two tactical squads and a heavy weapons or tactical support squad for now as I have a ton of missile launchers and plasma and melta guns laying around.

One thing I really want to do is either a veteran or recon squad, these guys are very production line and it would be nice to work on something that stands out from the norm. I do have twenty FW boarding marines but I may use them as a regular normal sized booster for the Imperial Fists recon company I was making because the arms are a lot thinner. 


Yeah terminator armour is a tricky beast, this works in some respects for me because it does give the illusion of making him a little more form fitting. I'm not 100% happy with it but really an Astartes in terminator armour is still going to be limited by his anatomy just like every one else. I think the key areas are any height increase should be from the thickness of the boots, in reality even this guy would be exceptionally tall for a marine because of the leg spread he's not stood upright. This kind of makes it feel like an exo suit over a regular marine armour to me compared to the regular power armoured marines I've made.

For left over parts though it does do the job and means I can put the upper half of the unused terminators to good use.

Looking good!

Your work is continuing to inspire me to move to trustable (to the point I have done a pretty hefty bits order to start production!)


I have to echo your own thoughts though, the terminator, whilst awesome, is ever so slightly off.

I agree that terminators shouldn't be huge in height, and merely along the lines of a normal astartes. Bodily limitations and all that. The extra size should come from bulk, and the armour casing above their head)

However, (and it may just be the angle of the pic, and other optical illusion shenanegans) it does look like the eye line of the terminator is lower than that of the apothecary, in the comparison pic.

Everything else matches up just fine, like the shoulders etc, but the head seems lower, like he is hunched.


I think there are two relatively quick fixes to this however, that I would use either, or both on.

Either, as you mention, bulk up the feet a bit with a millimeter or so of plasticard.

Or do the above, in conjunction with lowering the shoulders a bit in proportion. Like in this article :




(Not my work I hasten to add, just a good reference for scale and dimensions)




I really hope this doesn't come across a a criticism, as your work Is outstanding!


I think a lot of what I see is the aforementioned optical illusion, but I could see those two ideas helping to counter the illusion, or just bring it full circle.


Keep the awesome work flowing!

Thanks mate, glad to hear it has inspired you to take a bash at it and look forward to seeing what you can come up with. :)


Yeah the terminator is pretty much a test run, it feels like something is there but I just need to nail it down. Thanks for the suggestions as well as it does help and hopefully most that know me know I am open to opinions. Nice work on that terminator btw. :tu:


I'm going to keep playing around with it but the priority is the tacs for now, although I have a crazy insane idea for a centerpiece for the army I am gathering bits for that should look amazing I hope, probably one of my most insane ideas to date! :D

No problem!

I really didn't want it to come across as critical, as what you have done is ace so far! (to the point of me abandoning all current regular scale projects in favour of it haha).


It's just like you say, there is definitely something there, and it's an excellent starting point.


Following this thread avidly now, so I'll be eagerly awaiting this centrepiece!

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks mate. Looking at the Tartaros legs they could work well for this method of truescaling, the main problem is that the plastic versions have very prominent thigh plating that comes up over the hips and it is quite squared. I'm playing around with a few ideas with trimming them down for an Imperial Fists kill team stationed on the world of Necromunda, already got the Castallan/Sergeant for the squad pretty much done.  

So a bit of an update of sorts.


Something dawned on me today, I realised something that had been nagging me like an itch I couldn't scratch. For a very long time now I've trying to recreate what I see as a Great Crusade Legion. It's a very different mindset to 40k in some respects, you tend to try and get yourself into an almost historical wargaming. Everything is intended to be historically (albeit fictional history) accurate as you are attempting to recreate an age where the Imperium and it's technology was at it's zenith and truth prevailed over superstition.


I think the problem I have had is for a very long time I've been trying to capture that feel and as a result most of the stuff I have made just feels lack luster and flat to me. I lost my spark in short.


I thought I'd take a bash at a 40k kill team for a change of pace but after I started the first model I was already losing interest, to be honest it felt a bit half hearted to say the least. To be blunt it sucks.




I'd started to paint it mapping out the colours roughly but my heart just wasn't in it and as a result I think it was shaping up to be a very poor attempt at making a marine. 


So I stopped.


I thought about what it was that was bugging me so much and thought back to what actually got me into the hobby in the first place and then it came to me. I've stopped making cool things to focus on what I saw as being "historically plausible" and as a result I was trying to production line stuff I have no passion for.


I thought back to being eleven again and considered if I was to make a commission piece for eleven year old me what would I ask for? Something cool.


So that is what I settled on, make something cool.












It is still very much WIP. The idea I am playing around with is that this guy is a Castellan for a small fortress on the world of Necromunda which although in the original Confrontation skirmish system was garrisoned by the Blood Angels was to later become retconned into an Imperial Fists recruitment world in the Ian Watson novel Space Marine.

I only really intend to make a kill team of these guys but I am going full gothic on this guy adding little details like honour markings and little relics here and there. One example being the piece of wood nailed to the torso which is some ancient relic from the Siege of Terra, perhaps an interior gate or door.


I'm still building up the colours and applying washes but he's getting there but for the most part I'm trying to include little details that I can use to build a narrative in my mind. I'm just building up the skin tone at the moment, ideally I want it to contrast with the worn armour and ground in grit and dirt that comes with countless patrols of the lower tiers of a Hive city.


Well the wardog pattern was the inspiration for this


Excellent work. I recognize the Baneblade chassis. Does this count as a Land Raider, or is it meant to be a different vehicle? (Compared to a Land Raider, the Baneblade has thinner side and rear armor, but far more Hull Points.)

Thanks mate smile.png

The model Binary is referring to is this one here that I made many years ago.


In short it was just supposed to be a regular Land Raider that was just scaled up. It was dubbed the Bane Raider and even likened to the bat mobile at one point. biggrin.png

Having made 2 bane raiders I have to say they are truly EPIC!!!! Thank you for bringing it back DogHouse!!

Looking forward to seeing your new stuff continue


I got into my Tartaros after my last post and the torsos were plastic welded together and I realized I am just going to have to focus on the army thats taking WAAAAYYYYY to long already and think about a second truescale army in a few years.

lionofjudah: Thanks mate, yeah to be honest if you already have them made it might be best be use them for your existing army. You could always put together a kill team at some point though. smile.png

Vairocanum: Thanks mate. I've always been a fan of the superstition that surrounds 40k and I thought this might make a little nice touch to represent that. I may work more little details like that into this and any other marines.

Just a quick update

I've managed to crudely cast some flag stone base toppers. I'm a big fan of the idea of medieval styles combined with the more gothic future elements. I've only just base coated this and added some washes and stencilling of A3 to the floor to give it more industrial feel. I can see this being in one of the Necromundian hanger bays or large open industrial areas. I may add some more small details to this base, maybe something to give a sense of scale.

Not done anything to the marine other than fix him to the base for now and I am next going to work on building up the colours on the base then crack on with the rest of the marine.




Pretty cool Imperial Fists kill team you got going there, doghouse! If it makes you feel any better, eleven-year-old me would have loved to have that first one. :tu: :)

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Thanks mate smile.png

The model Binary is referring to is this one here that I made many years ago.


In short it was just supposed to be a regular Land Raider that was just scaled up. It was dubbed the Bane Raider and even likened to the bat mobile at one point. biggrin.png

My god, imagine the bike that would come out of that batmobile!

It is still very much WIP. The idea I am playing around with is that this guy is a Castellan for a small fortress on the world of Necromunda which although in the original Confrontation skirmish system was garrisoned by the Blood Angels was to later become retconned into an Imperial Fists recruitment world in the Ian Watson novel Space Marine.

I only really intend to make a kill team of these guys but I am going full gothic on this guy adding little details like honour markings and little relics here and there. One example being the piece of wood nailed to the torso which is some ancient relic from the Siege of Terra, perhaps an interior gate or door.



This is the kind of stuff that drives my modeling as well. In my first army (DIY), I used to adorn the armor of worthy individuals with a small stone fragment that was from the Emperor's palace.


I love it when someone else puts some thought into how the figure looks and adds a little narrative to the figure.



Augustus b'Raass: Thanks mate :D


Honda: Yeah I know what you mean. I like the superstitious nature of things like the finger bones of saints and the likes, harking back to medieval times I think it really fits the feel of 40k well. There are some nice little touches in the DA codex regarding this, one of the artists puts nails in various parts of their armour in their artwork but I've not been able to find the significance of these. Chaplain Grimaldus' retinue are another great example.

I'm hoping the Imperial Agents codex will open up more options with the Inquisitors and other things that can be used as allies. I have some ideas floating around already but really need to see what it offers first.


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