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Baltus Sector Crusade general discussion

Black Cohort

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It would be very interesting to create some fluff for a loyalist planet or two on the edges of the sector who have resisted the advances of the heretics. This seems like a very good idea for a group project and I hope I'll be able to contribute a bit!


The way I see it the sector is a mess of loyalists, separatists and chaos worlds by the time the crusade comes, and that isn't even mentioning the worlds that have fallen to Xenos.

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After we have confirmed the timeline and the main plot/ background story, do we think it will be wise to post links for the background of our forces that will be participating in this crusade? etc. IA's Very much looking forward to further develop this along.

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After we have confirmed the timeline and the main plot/ background story, do we think it will be wise to post links for the background of our forces that will be participating in this crusade? etc. IA's Very much looking forward to further develop this along.


Yes, but I am debating about if it is better to update the first post or start a new thread.

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I think first off we should confirm who wants to participate in this on frequent basis and who doesn't want to/can't. Once that's established, an officical request should be made to the Liber Moderatii (hint: I'm not one of them ;)) to ask if we could have our own area to work on our project instead of potentially flooding the front page with threads related to this project. I think that keeping everything in one thread is just unfeasible.

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My creative, WH loving part of me wants to say: HELL YEAH, I'M ALL IN!


But my serious, more reserved part tells me:


Dude, let's be honest. You got a full time job and a family. You are barely able to even write a single line these days except on BnC. You're already part in the BotL. You're participating in two competitions / challenges AND you would love to flesh out you TSons and Warbeasts projects. You're currently more interested in the latter as the BotL doesn't need you Legion asap. Think of it before you'll decide.


The maniac: oh man....damn it....ok, just some small contribution then? A Horde of the Warbeasts or my Tempestus Scions? Nothing big? Would that be ok? Pleeeeaaaaassseeee


The serious: *cough* Ok.


The maniac: YEAH! \m/ ^.^ \m/




After clarifying this, I'd love to participate but not as a main member / writer of it. My contribution can only (due to lack of time) consist of either a company sized Horde of my new DIY or a Tempestus Scions (depending on what would be needed) strike force and throwing in some ideas and the like.


If that would be ok, I'm in. :)

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Id also be interested in joining as a minor contributor, providing the description of a regiment or two of the imperial guard, and/or of a planet or two. I can also do a bit of minimal artwork (starscapes and emblems for instance, not drawings really since I'm no good at that)
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I'd be happy to participate - it'd give me an excuse to work on the ideas for a DIY Guard regiment that I've had pinging around the inside of m'head for a while.


As for seperate threads, when we were working on the Grail Wardens, we managed well enough with one thread, albeit a rather cluttered one. Though I suppose this project might be sonewhat larger in scale.

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Guest Mordray
I'll be working on my Void Reavers regardless so having a side project about a single company and their support elements won't effect me all that much. Having said that I am exclusively an author not a painter nor a graphic artist.
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A few more points (apologies if this comes across as imposing stuff, I just want this to be a success):


There probably should be different categories of contributors to make things more organised, clear, and efficient. For example, there could be a "datasmith" category for people who's job is contribute (sub)faction data such as DIY Chapters, warbands, regiments, Orders, etc. "Wordsmiths" would be the ones who actually contribute directly to creating the narrative, so writing about battles, covering discussions between various characters, etc. Of course, these categories are not mutually exclusive so a Frater could be part of one or more categories depending on the time and energy they have to contribute to the project.


Another important thing is for the project leader (which I assume is @Black Cohort) to be a bit like a taskmaster and to really run a tight ship. People wll bail out during the project and so fallback plans should be at the very least thought of to ensure the successful completion of the project.


Last but not least, if you intend to create a document that is then available for free download from the B&C, it would be great if you found at least one artist willing to add a bit of colour to the pages. A few pictures of people's miniatures painted up in the colours of their subfaction could be really cool, too.


EDIT: Typos.

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So I renamed this thread to be the general discussion thread.  I have created 2 new threads.


Baltus Sector  http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328056-baltus-sector-planets-and-systems/


Crusade forces and organization  http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328055-baltus-sector-crusade-forces-and-organization/



Also should we set up a discord sever or something like that.

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One idea I've been tossing over in my head ishaving a chapter be based within the sector as its guardians only for the chapter to fall apart into seperate groups that can both oppose or still be on the side of the Imperium. Not looking for a full IA on them but perhaps a small sidebar giving the basic details of the chapter and how it fell could be done. From there we can then make groups which are tied to it in one way or another. Thoughts?
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What if part of the chapter was away on campaign when the sector was cut off? They stay loyal and are at the forefront of the crusade to reclaim their home sector and have been a driving force behind the crusade happening. Those who stayed have joined the non-chaos separatists, with perhaps a handful that actually joined chaos.
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Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Part of them are away only to find this waagh at the gates so they rush into that trying to deal with it till the Crusade shows up.

So you want the entire chapter in the sector when it is cut off? It seems to me like the better story is for there to only be a small part of the chapter in the sector, the rest outside leading the call for a crusade. Maybe the part outside has already started to become a fleet based chapter and has expanded beyond their initial size, as has the part that remained. Together they well exceed standard codex size and have to deal with the issues that creates.

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Oh yeah, I meant that part of the chapter is stuck in the sector trying to hold things together while the rest are outside of the sector at the time and are waging war against the waagh as well as they can with what supplies they have. Something to consider though is that the force stuck outside of the sector will be getting more and more desperate when their supplies start to get lower and lower such with ammunition and so on. While it is possible any nearby chapters might decide to send them supplies it could be a flaw of the chapter that they refuse them because at first they believe they can deal with the Waagh by themselves which leads to one of the reasons why the Crusade took some time to actually form.

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