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Advice on How to Deal with Ork Stompas?

Tallarn Commander

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Hi everyone,


I’m in need of some advice on how to deal with ork stompas.  I played in a 2000 pt. maelstrom game against an ork super-heavy last weekend and lost handily.  In the end I had something like 11 maelstrom points and he had about 20--it was a really fun game though.  My opponent was a great sport and he asked ahead of time if he could bring the stompa.  Since I’d never fought against a super-heavy before and since I’m not particularly competitive, I said sure.  As you might expect, the stompa slaughtered about 600 points of my army. The stompa has AV14 on the front, 12 hull points, 5 shields, and cost 300-something points! 


Any advice on what units I could have taken?  I prefer to stick to units in the IG Codex  rather than Forgeworld, Knights, allies, or what not (yes I lose a lot).  Is there any way I can kill the stompa using units in our Codex? 


In addition, do you have any advice on tactics I could use against a stompa?  For this game, I tasked 2 chimeltavet squads and a lascannon platoon with taking on the stompa.  I drove 2 chimelta units at it and I also shot at it for 2 turns with a tank-hunterized lascannon blob.  I think I managed to take down 1 shield with a meltagun and 1 shield with a lascannon. By turn 2, 1 squad of chimeltavets was dead and the other squad had been hilariously moved back to my lines when he used something called a “lifta droppa” to move them around.  I then ignored the stompa for the rest of the game as it blasted me apart and locked down a third of the board. 


Here are some photos of the match:


His stompa facing off against my Hellhound.  The Hellhound died (but got a maelstrom point).



His killa kans vs my assault platoon.  The platoon’s meltabombs won the match for me.



As an aside, I’m an ork player as well, but I don’t play any of the FW units nor do I use any ork formations or super heavies so much of his stuff was new to me.  

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Do you have any Vanquishers? Vanqs with hull Lascannons are among the best armour-busters we've got. Their 2D6 rule means that their average AP roll is enough to pen AV14, and the AP2 gives it some chance at doing extra damage.


Alternatively, see about bringing along Manticores or Vendettas. The former can strip HP pretty quickly if you get good rolls, the latter isn't necessarily as good at penetrating but packs AP2 and is more survivable as a flyer.


In general, you'll want to either bring down the shields ASAP, or keep your meltavets in reserve until you get it in bum-rush range. I believe autocannons are decent at spamming shields, but its been a while so my memory is hazy. In general though, keep your best anti-tank stuff safe until you get the shields down, then hit it with everything you've got.


Worst comes to worst, bring a Shadowsword. After all, the best counter to a super-heavy is another super-heavy.

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The shields are void ones right? Either way they need stripping first with lesser fire power, then you break out the big guns to deliver the proper damage. As Qun said stripping hull points is all you need to kill something, so reserving your best for the right moment might be a good idea.


Maybe dropping some Stormies in - Hellrain even better - to deliver some melta love? You can recycle them, and if they're ignored maybe even charge in with a meltabomb to see what mischief you can cause :P Don't forget there are other viable schemes, such as zipping in with a vehicle to block his path and try and prevent him from charging. SH walkers are dangerous as they can stride across the table quite quickly, even more so with a good charge roll.

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The stompa has AV14 on the front, 12 hull points, 5 shields, and cost 300-something points! 


Just to be clear: The Stompa costs 770 points, has BS 2 (so he only hits on 5s) and his gatling-gun can even run out of ammo if he rolls doubles for it. 

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I also found Devildogs to be good as they can drive around behind it and hit it from behind with Melta to do some damage. You'll have trouble missing with the Blast against such a large target as well. They're also not really enough of a threat to commit the Stompa itself to killing, and if they do, it buys your gunline a little time.

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The stompa has AV14 on the front, 12 hull points, 5 shields, and cost 300-something points!

Just to be clear: The Stompa costs 770 points, has BS 2 (so he only hits on 5s) and his gatling-gun can even run out of ammo if he rolls doubles for it.

I'm pretty sure there are a couple forge world variants that are cheaper.

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The stompa has AV14 on the front, 12 hull points, 5 shields, and cost 300-something points!

Just to be clear: The Stompa costs 770 points, has BS 2 (so he only hits on 5s) and his gatling-gun can even run out of ammo if he rolls doubles for it.
I'm pretty sure there are a couple forge world variants that are cheaper.
Yeah they still run in at around 450min really, and are 13/13/12
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Thank you all for your excellent feedback!  I now have lots of ideas for when I next go against my friend’s stompa. 


Sadly, I don’t own a Shadowsord.  I’ll get one someday (although I’ve been saying that for 16 years).


Yes, the shields were the void types.  For some reason I thought the shields were AV14 and was intimidated by them (when, in reality, they were just the regular AV12 ones that are very vulnerable to IG firepower). 


Yes, my opponent noted he took the FW much cheaper stomper. 


Here’s a list I designed from your feedback:  Anti Tank List, “Stompa Killers” (1850)


HQ [620]

·         Pask in Vanquisher w buddy vanquisher, 2 lascannons, 4 multi-meltas, 2 dozer blades=410 [targets stompa]

·         Captain Scheherazade, lascannon, vox [buffs blobs, targets stompa]

·         Level 2 psyker [hopefully buffs blobs or manticore w/ prescience]

·         2 priests [buff conscripts]


TROOPS [890]

·         Gold Platoon, 45 troopers, 5 lascannons, 5 meltabombs, flamer, 5 meltaguns, vox, Commissar Guderian=440 [hold backfield objectives, target the stompa]

·         Desert Bedouins, 40 conscripts=120 [advances to midfield, tarpits stompa]

·         Chi-meltavets=160 [does a suicide run on the stompa]

·         Chi-meltavets=160 [does a suicide run on the stompa]

·         Extra sniper rifles, bolters, and bolt pistols



·         Vendetta [targets stompa]



·         Manticore [strips hull points/shields off stompa]





This detachment represents an under-strength Imperial Guard infantry company consisting of 2 platoons (1 infantry, 1 conscript).  The detachment also has with artillery, chimera, Leman Russ, and flyer elements detached from other regiments and from the Imperial Navy.  Captain Scheherazade has been tasked with destroying an ork stompa.  Consequently, the company has brought plenty of lascannons and other anti-tank equipment.


This would be a fun list with a strong anti-tank theme (pair of Vanqs, 6 lascannon squads, 2 meltavet units, manticore).  It would struggle against a take all comers opponent because it lacks anti-infantry firepower.  It also only has 3 units that are good at grabbing midfield objectives (conscripts, 2 meltavet squads).  However, it brings plenty of anti-stompa tools.     


Possible tweaks to list:

-Take a Devil Dog instead of a Vendetta (I don’t have to worry about reserves rolls and, plus, my Vendetta has been hating me this year by staying in reserve and/or missing a lot).

-I might swap out the chimeltavets for 3 5-trooper stormie squads (toting a total of 8 meltaguns). That way my melta delivery system can’t be blown away on approach. 

-Or if I’m really concerned about getting meltas there, instead of the drop platoon I could take a valkyrie with demo vets.  Scream ‘em onto the board on Turn 2 (hopefully) and on Turn 3 drop into hover right behind his stompa.  The kan list doesn’t really have enough infantry to cover its rear. 



Thanks again for all the advice!  

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Looks okay to me! Keep in mind that the Manticore is a pretty sweet horde-trimmer, so you're not completely out of luck in that regard. tongue.png

Just a thought, though - are the MMs on the Vanquishers really necessary? They seem out of place to me on a tank designed to kill armour at long range, and I feel like the points spent on them could be better put to use kitting out the infantry/funding a Wyvern to mess with his escorting infantry.

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Quneitra, you make a gpod point. I used to not run multi-meltas on my Vanquishers. Then a few years ago I was putting together a tournent list. I had some extra points and so I tossed multi-meltas on a Vanquisher. I found that over the course of the 3 games, my multi-meltas ended up doing more damage than my Vanquisher cannon (although my Vanquisher cannon did snapdhoot a Helldrake out if the sky in one of the games). I ended up using the multi-meltas because either the enemy came at me or I ended up pushing my Vanq forward when my midfield objwctive holders were dead. Since then I've always shelled out the points for the sponson weapons and I haven't regretted it.


However, I think that your suggestion that I drop the 4 multi-meltas and put the points toward a wyvern is a good one. Since the wyvern (and Manticore) give me the much needed anti infantry firepower.

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Huh! Well, if it works for you, then keep it, more anti-tank is never a bad thing especially when facing super-heavies. If you can grab a few casual matches or something to see how your list performs, that'd be great to see what the true strengths/weaknesses are for the list. Maybe you will, but maybe you won't need extra anti-infantry.

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I wish there were Vostroyan or Steel Legion infantry autocannons :P

Fighting a super-heavy would be interesting with any list, as I've never been in a game with one. I do want a Stompa and an Imperial Knight at some point. Though for the Stompa the cost becomes higher because the regular GW set's head is "meh", while the FW head looks great (and, to my understanding, fits on the GW one).

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Zero, good point about adding autocannons to strip shields.  I could drop the psyker and vendetta and work in a 35-trooper autocannon platoon with commissar and vox. 

TVIH, yes, it would be nice if the Steel Legion or Vostroyan lines had included autocannons.  I had to convert my Steel Legion ac team. Luckily it was an easy conversion (I just chopped off the hb front and attached an ac).



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I always say that the best answer to a superheavy is another superheavy. My lists include Knights a lot now (especially given my affinity for Solar Auxilia). In my Case using SA, I'd use my IK Paladins to take down the shields, and then hammer at it with vanquishers. After that Charge it with my Knights and smack it with D str chainswords. 


Alternatively a shadowsword might be in order, or anything else that brings Str D to the table. Or, just use the Emperor's fist, loaded up on vanquishers all within 12" and use something to down the shields.

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TVIH, yes, it would be nice if the Steel Legion or Vostroyan lines had included autocannons.  I had to convert my Steel Legion ac team. Luckily it was an easy conversion (I just chopped off the hb front and attached an ac).

I've been contemplating autocannon options for the HB or LC teams. If I had spare autocannons, I suppose it wouldn't be too difficult with SL HB or either kind of LC, as the weapons aren't integrated into the infantry models (other than the loader feeding HB ammo for example). But alas I have no such spare autocannon bit right now, so I'll have to think of something.
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