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Onslaught Force Organisation Chart


Legion Chaplain
Artificer Armour, Solarite Power Gauntlet, Refractor Field.



Templar Brethren
5 extra members, Nuncio Vox, 10 combat shields
Champion W/ Solarite Power Gauntlet


Phalanx Warders
2 Plasma Guns, Vexila, Nuncio Vox
Sgt W/ Power Axe, Artificer Armor, Melta Bombs



Phalanx Warders
2 Plasma Guns, Vexila, Nuncio Vox
Sgt W/ Power Axe, Artificer Armor, Melta Bombs


Tactical Squad
5 additional men Additional CCW, Vexila
Sgt W Artificer Armor, Power Fist


Heavy Suport
Whirlwind Scorpius

Macro Cannon Aquila Strongpoint
4 additional Heavy Bolters (in the Main Strongpoint), Ammo Store (Main Strongpoint), 2 Barriers

Rogal Dorn



Soooo yeah the plan is that the Strongpoint will be deployed at the back and the Tactical Squad will man the Main building while Rogal (using his rules to buff the fortifications), the chaplain and his Templar butt buddies go in the  auxiliary bunker ready to charge out when the foe reaches our position. The warder squads will man the aegis defence lines and be hoping to be able to blunt the charges of any big scary assault units while the big gun on the bunker and scorpius blows up the most threatening stuff first and then keeps blowing stuff up until there is no more stuff left to blow up. Simple, overwhelming, FIREPOWER!


CC and tips are welcome

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Having just played through the stronghold assault scenarios as both attacker then defender, I would strongly recommend three things;


A) take a void generator for 100 points (or 115 with ammo) you cast a 12" av 12 bubble over all your battlements and aquila, will really pee on infantry heavy lists attacks.


B) spare 50 points for a quad gun as you have no heavies with aug scanners.


C) give your templars a transport so they can get into the enemy backline and do some hurt early rather than later.

     ( I found a leviathan in pod does wonders, slapped the crap out of my opponents baneblade in the scen 2 defence :)  )


you can get most of this with the points you spent on the 15 man tac squad.

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