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Paths, once separated

Paths, again merged




---The Realm of the Eye--

--Timestamp: Inconclusible--

--Vessel: The Cheoroptys--



The ship was ancient, one of the first to leave Terra on what would blossom into the Great Crusade. In many ways it was vile. In many ways it was beautiful. It stank of wet bones and rotten blood, yet in the dim, yellow light a plethora of crystals, ornaments and paintings shone. It was enticing to explore this ship, or so at least Epyom thought. He had spent many hours wandering these hallways, imagining just what battles this vessel must have seen in this ancient, mythical era that the Horus Heresy was. He knew nothing of it, for he was born to a very young chapter: the Scythes of the Emperor. Over long and convoluted threads of fate, he had found himself in the servitude of the Black Legion.

Today he was leading a visitor to his master. Epyom felt his skin crawl and his horns tingle as the visitor's psychic mind washed over him. He was instructed not to speak to the visitor, under no circumstances. He would escort the person in question to Lord-Magister Enkidu and then leave. He was not to be privy to any discussion, dialogue or other form of communication between the visitor and other parties. Truth be told, the silence was uncomfortable, despite Epyom preffering to walk and think in silence. This queazy feeling was not exactly lessened by the constant mental prodding of the visitor. It was very hard to surpress his power claw from sparking up out of frustration.

Luckily, they were close.



Shades of magenta and cyan, gold and black, grey and red. The vastness of the ephemereal realm was captivating. Enkidu felt himself breathe in the half-reality of the Eye, just as much as he felt his pulse and his body, yet here he was unshackled from all mortal concerns. Here he was a storm of glass, shimmering in colours unknown to mortal senses, a symphony of tones unheard. Minor predators of the nether drew close to him from time to time, but his stare was sufficient to light them aflame and cast them back into the iridiscent darkness. Indeed, the warp was beautiful. He had known that since he was a child, since he peered into the realm beyond the Terran dust and grime. In Rabiah's necropoles he was born and fashioned into a killing machine. His mind would only be tempered much later, upon the beautiful plane of Prospero.

Tizca, how beautiful it had been. Not twisted and tainted, like now, but shapely and pure.

He had not visitied the Planet of Sorcerers in a long, long time. He hated it. The inactivity, the nostalgia and despair that clung to every brick and being sickened Enkidu. Now, he only served the Warmaster and he was quite content with it. Abbadon rewarded his loyal subjects quite well. Tomes, weapons, bodies. All any warlord could wish for. It also allowed for revenge. Enkidu observed his right arm, a beautifully sculpted avian claw, both in this yonder-realm and in real-space. A son of the lion had injured him in the age of the scouring. A chaplain-interrogator of sorts. Millenia later, Enkidu would raid a ship of the Consecrator chapter and find out that this very chaplain had suffered horrendous injuries and served as a dreadnought. He slew him in his infant-like sleep and claimed his skull-helm from the reliquiary as a trophy. A satisfying raid indeed. Some would call Enkidu petty and foolish to indulge in such forms of revenge. Then again, he had never claimed to be above such things.

A visitor was coming to him, he felt the immense presence of a mind equal if not superior to his own.

Enkidu still had all the time of eternity to wander the un-realm.



The door shut behind him with a soft, purring sound. To the ungifted mind, this room was dark and lightless but to his elevated mind it was illuminated in faint green and blue. Circles and runes were etched into the silver floor and hummed with a gentle hymn. The craftsmanship behind this was immense and there were maybe, apart from the visitor, a handful of people left in the galaxy that were capable of doing this. The higher Prosperine arts were, sadly, dying out as they mostly served esoteric or artistic purpose. Much like this ritual which, if the visitor remembered correctly, allowed for the caster to traverse the vastness of the empyrean and expirience all of the sensory treasures held within it.

He waited paitently, staring at the hooded figure in the middle of the circle, indulging this ship's master wish for leisure activities. Enkidu had changed a lot in the last nine millenia. His mind had grown incredibly strong and calm, like a vast sea. He also had quite a few more overt mutations to show. The claw and the bristling wings on his power-pack were the most obvious. Curiously enough, he did not smell rancid like many other mutants did.

Warm light spread in the room as candles light up. Enkidu rose to his feet, his mutated hand gently clasping a Prosperine warglaive.

"Greetings Ekidnu, Sorcerer of the Black Legion" The visitor spoke

"Greetings Ahriman, hailed as the greatest amongst our kind" Enkidu spoke softly, the first words he had uttered in months "What brings you here?"

"I wish to learn"




So, with the advent of the new Thousand Sons figures, I've finally managed to get back properly into 40k, as Chaos Space Marines were and still are my favorite army of all times. The new Rubricae struck me as perfect for a Black Legion, tzeentch-esque chosen group, so I bought some and begun converting and kitbashing them. This thread will feature chaos of all sorts, not just black legion and not just Tzeentch, though they will most likely be the start.

I've also made this thread in order to separate my own content a bit, as I felt that my other thread should slowly return to its original Horus Heresy content. So, here you'll also see a Bloodthirster I've been promising for quite some time.


Hope you like the stuff, have a nice day! :smile.:

Edited by The Observer







Sheesh, man. That head is purrfect on that model. Just glorious.


Also, I'll definitely be looking forward to finally seeing that BT finished. ;)

  • 3 months later...

An Unlikely Ally



Ancient vows, to order kneel
A warden’s call to blood and steel
Legion lines to shield the frail
Behind the plate and mail

Cast from our place
Now further from grace
We fall


-Gavin Dunne, Ferro-Poet of Ancient Terra


----Astropathic Transmission----

----From: Bartha VII----

----To: REDACTED----

----Sender: REDACTED----

----Recipient: REDACTED----

----Contents: Pictorial evidence of REDACTED----


>>>>Access granted<<<<

>>>>Unspooling Ferromantic Coils. Please stand by.<<<<

>>>>Welcome Grandmaster Azrael<<<<

>>>>Imperator Dei Vult<<<<







Hey folks, little update for this thread :smile.: So, the initial three figures in this thread are painted, I am finishing the sorcerer's base as we speak. However, Ahriman has vanished, how or where I have no idea. I have been preoccupied by life and Horus Heresy stuff, but there will be some sparse Chaos stuff comming along, so stay tuned :smile.:
The figure is meant to represent Cypher and is a converted figure of just him from the new Triumvirate box set. I have replaced the right arm with a new one, added a shoulder pad from the DA Chaplain kit, cut off the nozzle on the plasma gun, carved away the head and added the cowl of the Watcher in the Dark figure included in the DA terminator box and I have elongated the hilt of the sword with a polearm piece from the AoS stormcast bitz I had lying around. the reason for this being that the hilt is to short and bulbous to be a twohanded swords hilt. Now it's a tad too long but I like it.
Hope you enjoy and have a nice day :smile.:

Edited by The Observer








Sheesh, man. That head is purrfect on that model. Just glorious.


Also, I'll definitely be looking forward to finally seeing that BT finished. :wink:



I agree. The model genuinely unnerved me for a moment. Trying to imagine seeing this through a guardsmans eyes. Amazing!

Brilliant kitbashes all round. While the new Ahriman mini is just awesome on its own, you've managed to take the new Cypher and turn him from shady to shadowy as hell. Some very unique minis. Looking forward to see where you take this plog.


Just one question: Has someone been reading Talon of Horus lately? :P

The Lord Cypher



Not much words, just the Lord Cypher :smile.: The figure was a blast to convert and to paint, a pleasure throughout! Easily the best figure in the triumvirate box. I'll just have to touch up the red hilt of the Lionsblade a bit as the last wash has darkened it a bit too much and I have to add some heat discolouration and muzzle flash to the plasma pistol.
@Reckoning: Thanks!
@KasrkinRyu:Thank you very much mate! :smile.: He is nearly finished.
@Soric: Read lately? I've reread that book at least a dozen times! :biggrin.: Thank you very much mate, I really tried with Cypher :smile.:
So, that's all for today folks. Hope you like the Lord Cypher and have a nice day :smile.: Edited by The Observer

Brilliant work, mate. I... really have nothing to add beyond that. My main gripe with the new Cypher model being that he's simply not mysterious enough, your take on him corrects that problem by leaps and bounds. Consider some inspiration stolen from 'im.

  • 3 weeks later...

@MikhalLeNoir: Thanks man :smile.:
@The Traitor: Thanks mate, the face was always one of my biggest issues with cypher. The original figure at least had like a half-hidden mug beneath his cowl, but a full face was a no go from the start for me. At least it was easy to change :smile.:
@Vairocanum: Thanks! It has to fit a primarch after all ^^
@Betrayer41: I've sent you a pm with the recipe put here it is again for all of you folks: I use a black basecoat and cover all black areas with Abbadon Black again (Slightly thinned). I drybrush with a mix of Abbadon Black and Mechanicus Standard Grey (3:1), then drybrush with the same mix but more Grey (2:1) and then just a slight drybrush at the edges of the armor plates with even more Grey (1:1). It is very important to use a bit softer brush for this, because otherwise you will cut grooves in the paint and give it that uneven and chalky appearence.
I wash it with a mix of Lahmian Medium and Nuln Oil (2:1) just to blend it down a bit. After that I add weathering (Usually just silver sponging) and wait for that to dry. After that, i add a final wash of Lahmian Medium and Nuln Oil (1:2). Now the black is finished and you can add weathering powder or more stuff. Thanks again for the compliment :smile.:
@vharing: Thanks, it is one of my most favorite conversions to date.
@Lexington: Thanks man, that was one of my top priorities!

@The Psycho: Thanks mate, glad you like him! Steal away as much as you want, I even think I sent you a list with the parts, didn't I?
Today I come with a little question for y'all. I've rebuilt my sorceror lord from my broken Ahriman and my first sorceror lord (Dont ask how or why, as I have found them broken on my table one day with no knowledge of what went down). Now, I am asking myself what kind of base to do, a higher rocky one or go full blown levitation force? What do you guys think?
A.) Regular focky hillside
B.) Magical shenanigans with stones
What do you guys think, A or B?
Thanks for the help :smile.:

Edited by The Observer

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