Dagoth Ur Posted June 21, 2020 Author Share Posted June 21, 2020 (edited) The Scourge of Iuvena https://youtu.be/6BAlBf39kT8 Captain of the Shatterback. Harrower of the Iuvena Cluster. Reaper of Maiden Worlds. Lord-Degenerate of the 73rd Millennial. Many are the titles of Captain Silas Madraic and each one has been earned with cunning and ultra-violence. To cross his path is to cross paths with sweetest torture - to make deals with him is to deal with the devil. Thrice did the Imperial Navy send out fleets to cow the old Captain and thrice did he litter the cold void with steaming corpses. Those that seek to challenge Madraic or - if possessed of truly singular madness - serve him, must only follow the trail of havoc that is left behind by his armada of degenerates. -Lord Marianne Hawthornne, Mistress of the Weregeltian Synod The Mors Saeva had seen and fought much across the millennia - the Khrave during the Rangdan Xenocides, the Istvaanian Witch-Singers, the Eldar of Khohoirin, the Heresy and the Long War that followed. Each time she had persevered and seen her enemies broken before her gilded prow. Yet even a vessel as tenacious as she could not evade death forever. A goliath of rock and steel twice her size and bedecked with spires of tarnished silver had hammered down upon her with volley after volley of plasma. Finally, it had gutted the Mors Saeva with one blinding pillar of light - a weapon Athron had never seen, but had quickly learnt to fear. She was collapsing, crying into the dead void in her final throes. With each minute passing, Athron found it more difficult to find a way to the escape pods - even his power-armoured mass could not push aside the steel and ferrocrete that came crashing down from above. The Iron Warrior had only moments to realize what was happening as another salvo tore into the burning wreckage. The world of fire and rent steel had been exchanged for the hungry void of space. Athron grunted, struggling to engage his void-thrusters but it was of no use - the explosion had imbued him with far too much propulsion and so he was damned to watch his old ship die until the cold umbra eventually claimed him. The Iron Warrior was screaming. This had been his ship - his. Not a prize wrested from some enemy, not a jewel stolen from a rival. His. It had been entrusted to him and only him. And now it was naught but debris. Worse, the enemy had even seen fit to send out their minions. Like bugs, the half-living engines were crawling over the cracked hull, ripping out wiring and consoles or devouring what surviving crew they could find. One of them - an ugly thing made of sweaty, pale blubber and oily gold - turned its hateful eyes upon Athron as it made its way through the Mors Saeva's guts. The Iron Warrior emptied his bolt pistol, but the shots pinged off its carapace with little effect. Before long, a wide lamprey mouth enveloped Athron and the world became claustrophobic flesh and blood-warm fat. "Welcome, welcome, my dear friends!" The Captain named Silas said in a bright and sardonically jovial manner, "What luck that I managed to save you! What a waste it would have been to see you all freeze to death!" Athron had been disarmed once the daemon engine had vomitted him up again aboard the Shatterback. He was intimitaley familiar with the Emperor's Children - the Siege's runaways - but even amongst them Silas cut an unusual figure. Where the 3rd legion had turned to garish colours, furs and brightly shined waxes, Silas was still garbed in rich, metallic purple and gold - yet was also encrusted in a layer of ruddy blood, gun-oil and general filth. Even the pallid, disfigured face seemed constantly sweaty and feverish. Lidless, yellow eyes picked out Athron as the Captain approached. "Now, now, no need to thank me," Silas giggled, his flayed lips exposing clattering teeth, "So, what say you - Captain - fancy joining my armada? I might make you an officer, hand you a frigatte even! Wouldn't want you burning up another cruiser, now would we?" The offer was met with a thick gobbet of acidic spit. Unflinching, Silas caressed Athron's cheek with his hook as the acid ate away at his jawline. The eyes - so unnerving in their flatness of colour - reflected the same rictus grin. "Shame." He finally sighed, the hook coming alive with arcs of viridian electricity. The metal cut deep into Athron's stomach, crunching through the ceramite as Silas sought to pull out measure after measure of intestines. "Such a shame." ---------- Well it's been a while! The whole corona shebang threw a couple of wrenches into my plans, but things are slowly getting back on track - and I've slowly been solidifying my plans for CSM. I have decided to shelve my Red Corsairs and Alpha Legion for the time being and build a proper Black Legion Army. Except it is actually the Creations of Fabius Bile warband rule that I'll be using (or whatever it is called). To that end, I have started kitbashing a Fabius Bile counts-as. Have a looksie: There are still a couple of mold lines to remove, gaps to fill in and the sorts, but the basic principles are laid out. The character is supposed to be Mawdrym Llansahai - an Apothecary Prime of the Night Lords Legion during the heresy and quoted as being "too insane even for the Night Lords to tolerate." The head is currently a placeholder as I am trying to get my hands on Sevatar's bare mug. All of Bile's essential gear is represented in one way or another - the needler pistol, chirurgeon and the whip as a proxy for the rod of torment. The knife is a nod to Llansahai's Red Jaqa - some sort of monomolecular scalpel weapon that he has access to in the Horus Heresy game. @Hushrong: Thanks! @Vairocanum: Thanks a bunch man! The GW contrast paints have made metallic schemes a lot more accessible as I just can't be bothered to deal with Tamiya Clears in my airbrush. @PowerHungryMonkey: Cheers! Yeah, I've somehow never been a fan of the tusked and horned CSM terminator heads, which is why I have stacked up on a bunch of regular indomitus heads for my CSM projects @ranulf the revenant: Thanks! @Excessus: Thanks! The gold is really simple actually. Basecoat with Retributor armour, drybrush with a 1:1 mix of Mithril Silver and Retributor armour, wash with Reikland Fleshshade, wash with a 1:1 mix of Agrax Earthshade and Nuln Oil - that's it @Lucerne: The blue is actually pretty easy! Prime black, basecoat with a dark silver of your choice (I use a 1:2 mix of VMA Steel and VMA Black) via airbrush. Do a zenithal highlight with a bright silver of your choice (I use VMA Steel). If the miniature in question is bigger than a terminator (Say, a helbrute) I also add another, smaller highlight with the brightest silver I have (VMA Chrome in my case). Wash all recesses with Nuln Oil and let fully dry. Now carefully airbrush with a 1:1 mix of Akhelian Green and Terradon Turquoise - use a bit of Vallejo Flow Improver if you have some on hand. Let fully dry in several layers, apply transfers, weather, seal and bob's your uncle That's about it for now - I just got into a new job, so there should be some more content now that funds are flowing Edited June 28, 2020 by The Observer Kassill, Maschinenpriester, sockwithaticket and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328458-the-observers-chaos-stuff-slaaneshi-pirate-lord/page/6/#findComment-5545848 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Excessus Posted June 21, 2020 Share Posted June 21, 2020 ...the only thing I can say is...NICE! Awesome conversions. Dagoth Ur 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328458-the-observers-chaos-stuff-slaaneshi-pirate-lord/page/6/#findComment-5545945 Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted June 21, 2020 Share Posted June 21, 2020 Awesome conversion work! I honestly feel like I am five but I love that the Pirate has a hook! Bryan Blaire and Dagoth Ur 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328458-the-observers-chaos-stuff-slaaneshi-pirate-lord/page/6/#findComment-5546231 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kassill Posted June 22, 2020 Share Posted June 22, 2020 Wicked conversions Dagoth Ur 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328458-the-observers-chaos-stuff-slaaneshi-pirate-lord/page/6/#findComment-5546279 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagoth Ur Posted July 14, 2020 Author Share Posted July 14, 2020 (edited) Noise The Lord-Degenerate of the 66th Millennial High-Desecrator of Maiden Worlds Master of the Ancient Art of Shre'edin Daemon Prince of She that Shrieks Cacophoniac Prime of the Sixth Circle Symphonic Archon of the Chrome Choir For your eyes to feast upon For your ears to rupture For your very skin to burst and bleed The One and Only The Holiest of Divers The most Monstrous of Men The Ayatollah of Rock'n'Rolla! --att. Khzibûr, Herald-Announcer of the Shreddadome-- ----------------- Been cooking this one up for a while! A slaaneshi daemon prince for my budding Black Legion army! There will be a few more comming, one for each god at the very least and I am trying to keep them more space marine-ish that daemon-ish. Was deliberating on doing something more serious, something with whips and sabres, maybe multiple limbs, but then I discovered the Noise Marine guitar in my bits box and I knew - Oh, I knew. This is the first WiP, he needs a bit more sculpting - definitely some leather and some studs, maybe even a strap running from his nose, over the bald head and back across the scalp. Even now, this is easily one of my most favorite conversions to date.@Excessus: Thanks man! We ain't stopping anytime soon @hushrong: Cheers man - yeah I knew that if I am building a Chaos Pirate, then he needs a hook. 40k - especially Chaos - needs just that sweet touch of campness from time to time.@Kassill: Thanks dude, appreciate it!That's it for today - I must retreat and continue my work on the Ayatollah and some other, unrelated miniatures.... Edited July 23, 2020 by The Observer Dosjetka, Excessus, ranulf the revenant and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328458-the-observers-chaos-stuff-slaaneshi-pirate-lord/page/6/#findComment-5563431 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 14, 2020 Share Posted July 14, 2020 Khzibûr is well-posed. The kitbashed guitar looks good. Will you paint him purple, like an Emperor's Child? Or black, like a leather-clad death metal musician? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328458-the-observers-chaos-stuff-slaaneshi-pirate-lord/page/6/#findComment-5563444 Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted July 15, 2020 Share Posted July 15, 2020 I can hear the picture of that Rock’n’Rolla! And it is sweet!!! I recognize the torso but where are those legs from? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328458-the-observers-chaos-stuff-slaaneshi-pirate-lord/page/6/#findComment-5563933 Share on other sites More sharing options...
noigrim Posted July 15, 2020 Share Posted July 15, 2020 Shre'din Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328458-the-observers-chaos-stuff-slaaneshi-pirate-lord/page/6/#findComment-5564241 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elazar The Glorified Posted July 16, 2020 Share Posted July 16, 2020 He looks very sexy and very promising. So many clever bits and pieces brought together in this conversion. The backpack is a good choice, I was thinking of using sing the same as the basis for a Doom Siren - it certainly feels like it would go to somebody blessed in Slaanesh's favour! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328458-the-observers-chaos-stuff-slaaneshi-pirate-lord/page/6/#findComment-5564492 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagoth Ur Posted July 24, 2020 Author Share Posted July 24, 2020 Desecrator Prime His jovial nature is unnerving. I've spoken with plenty Astartes over the years - both loyal and heretic ones - and all of them sport the telltale aloofness and distance that have been wired into their neurological pathways. The Captain, though? No. There is none of that in him. He jokes and jests as if he is one of us, you understand? Madraîc has humor, flashes those flayed teeth of his in the most sardonic of smiles and he behaves as if he was born a pirate. Has this always been his mien, shackled by erstwhile legion boundaries, or is it the result of Our Silvered Goddess working her charms upon his soul? Who can tell. Do not let yourself be fooled though - he is still very much a crude and cruel creature. Suffering pleases him, very much so. There is a reason why he flayed his eyes and mouth so many decades ago. Helps him see the void, or so he says. I suggest you avoid the underdecks, lest you see what he does to his lowliest of subjects. -Hadrîn, Pirate-Lord of the Spiral Helix ----------- Captain Silas Madraîc in all his filthy glory! Very happy with the metallic purple and the mangled face - though this experiment has also pretty much cemented the fact for me that I will be returning to the Black Legion as painting Emperor's Children as a full army would be pretty tedious for me. @Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks man - he'll be classic Black Legion style painted. I'll be using him as a generic daemon prince or slaaneshi chaos lord for my BL army :) @Hushrong: Cheers! The legs belong to one of the Greater Possessed, I just recut one knee, removed the hooves and replaced them with the Noise Marine shoes! @noigrim: Only the best of titles for the best of lords. @Elazar the Glorified: Cheers man, always loved your stuff! Yeah, the Ayatollah has been great fun to convert, just need to slap some greenstuff onto him and soon enough he'll be all shiny gold and black! Not much else going on right now, hoarding funds for Horus Heresy Dark Angels as we speak, but there are a few more chaotic things underway... Sandlemad, Elazar The Glorified, Grotsmasha and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328458-the-observers-chaos-stuff-slaaneshi-pirate-lord/page/6/#findComment-5569264 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted July 24, 2020 Share Posted July 24, 2020 CAPT Madraîc reminds me of the Joker, Batman's nemesis. Is this intentional? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328458-the-observers-chaos-stuff-slaaneshi-pirate-lord/page/6/#findComment-5569662 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valkia the Bloody Posted July 24, 2020 Share Posted July 24, 2020 Consider me impressed. This is a really great conversion. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/328458-the-observers-chaos-stuff-slaaneshi-pirate-lord/page/6/#findComment-5569807 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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