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Flesh Tearers WIP Army


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Hey everyone. It's been a while since I posted any updates to this blog as there hasn't been much to report as of late. With a lot of stop/ starts due to a lot going on, I thought I would wait till I have something complete to show. 


I have finally mustered the motivation and time to finish up some tanks. The converted land raider and two other vehicles have joined the ranks of my Flesh Tearers army.


Pictures coming soon. Just finishing up the weathering

So here are the pictures of the completed tanks. Still need to work on my weathering and battle damage. But its a decent start to the learning process. CnC welcome.

Now to get back to Sanguinary guard that I abandoned halfway to work on these instead. Hopefully I can get momentum going again to get closer to finishing this army. I have too many other armies waiting in the queue as it is :wacko.:






Thanks for looking!

Thanks for all the encouraging words! I'm always a little apprehensive when it comes to weathering. Especially after spending time trying to bring out details, only to smother them in grime n dust. I think my converted Achilles LR is the crown jewel thus far in my army.  Still have a bunch more to come.


Will post up pics of progress with Sanguinary guards. Slowly painting them up when I can spare the time. Gold and metallics aren't my favourite colours to work with and I am still not ready to try my hand at NMM. 


Well anyway thanks again for looking and adding your comments :happy.:  

  • 4 months later...

Hey all.

Been a while since I updated this post on the progress of my army. Been quite sporadic with what I have painted up, but army is slowly coming along nicely. Just have a host of characters that I posted before, space hulk termies, baal pred, and stormraven to finish up and this army will finally be done! Hopefully I can get this army done before the end of the year.

Well here are some of the units I finished up so far since last post





Will post a few more pics of some of the other units I completed later.

As always, feedback is always welcome

Thanks for looking

@Bjorn and Augustus

Thanks mate for the compliment. Always nice to hear encouragement after toiling through the nights. Sacrificed a pot of nuln oil for good measure too.

So here are the last few miniatures I have completed thus far. Still considering going back in with some of them to add some weathering, dirt and decals. Have some enamel streaking washing and oil/ grime simulations to have a try at. Dipping my toes into something new always gives me some apprehension to start off, especially when I'm dipping the toes of a shiny nicely painted miniature. Don't want to ruin all the effort by going too overboard or applying the wrong technique.

My Libby dreadnought, alongside various weapon swaps





My Drop pods for when it rains down blood from the sky!


My contemptor dreadnought with magnetized weapons, who probably needs to be bathed in more blood and grime to bring out more of his menacing character



So that's it for now until I get round to committing some time to finish off the next batch or do some weathering on these. I might try and do some nice group photos of the lads and their rides in between to show how the army is coming together.

Thanks for looking and any feedback!



Thanks mate! Glad you like em, although I wish I were as good as conversions as some of the folks here. My GS/ Sculpting work is something I want to incorporate and improve with my other armies I will be working on next.


The head is from a slaughterpriest miniature, iirc. Although I'm guessing, since I believe it came with a bunch of bitz n odds that I got off ebay. 

wiqid, your work definitely stands on its own two legs! You have great conversions and kitbashes topped off with killer paintjobs! Believe me that I am envious :smile.: I can hardly greenstuff a round ball and I paint like Picasso in his later years (and unlike him I am not famous thanks to it).


I'll have to look through the AoS range more intently. I've been using some Khorne stuff but there is so much there with potentional. Now that you mention it I wonder if that is the Khorne standard bearer guy from the old starter box's head.



@hushrong Too kind on the compliment mate! My painting isn't much greater than yours and I cheat somewhat with an airbrush! Compared to all the incredible painters I find on Pinterest, I ain't no masterful Picasso either hehe.


Your armies look great mate. They look like they are coming along nicely,and can't wait to see them all painted up. I love the metallics you used for your Alpha and Emperor's Children. Metallic armies look pretty cool, especially when they are all weathered and damaged up. I have some of the fancy new Greenstuff chameleon paint I want to try on my next army. 


@Biohazard Yeah, I think you are right on the head. Some of the Chaos AoS stuff has some great conversion potential for those that want a more menacing look. Which is why you and I like the Flesh Tearers :)

Your stuff is definitely top shelf. And knowing how to use an airbrush just makes it better.


And thank you for the compliments but I am barely tabletop quality at best. You'll see when I actually finish painting a whole mini :wink: I also have an addiction to metallic paints for which I blame my old Iron Warriors. The Tamiya range has gone a long way for my EC and AL and now I am using scale75's metallic for my BL.


Interested in seeing this chameleon paint and what it can do on a mini.

I'm still pretty new to the airbrush. But it makes life so much easier with the big miniatures. Fun and great tool to have, although I already broke my nozzle on my Iwata :(. Lucky I have a cheaper china make to hold me over till I get a replacement.


I wouldn't say that your minis are "barely tabletop". I've bought many a "pro painted" miniature on Ebay that pale in comparison. Your paint jobs are neat and crisp, nothing wrong at all.


I hear the chameleon paint is tricky to work with. Takes multiple thin coats with the airbrush to gradually build up the effect. Will be interesting to try them out. Have heard great things about Tamiya paints too. I'm guessing they are way cheaper than Forgeworld clears.  


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