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Burning All The Bridges: Blood Angels 3K Day of Revelation


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First off, I am not a power-gamer, and the title is meant in jest. I like the Day of Revelation list I've run in the past, but I wanted to push myself to build something even nastier and to do something that doesn't rely on Terminators and Leviathans as much as my beloved Night Lords Terror Assault list. The theme here is moving fast and hitting hard, and maximizing the units that the Blood Angels see particularly high returns on (Characters, Assault Squads, podded "Furioso" (Claw & Drill) Assault-Cannon Leviathans, Baalcadors). I also wanted to make sure I have some quad launchers in there to cover their advance.


Basic strategy is that the Praetor, the Primus Medicae, and the Forge Lord all go with the combat-shielded Assault Squad, forming a scoring Death Star that can take on anything that comes their way. The other Assault Squad is more of a scoring harassment unit, albeit one that can still punch hard as well when pressed. Quad launchers pound away at range while the Javelins work the flanks. The Heavy Support units will be the ones doing the heaviest lifting, with the Sicaran and Baalcadors bringing the serious firepower and the Leviathan podding in to punch to death anything they shouldn't tangle with in close combat.


HQ (550pts)


Legion Praetor (220pts)

• Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Paragon Blade, Power Fist, Digital Lasers, Master-Crafted Weapon


Primus Medicae (160pts)

• Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Blade of Perdition, Melta Bombs


Forge Lord (170pts)

• Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Blade of Perdition, Cyber-familiar, Rad Grenades


Elites (225pts)


Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery (225pts)

• 3x Legion Rapiers: Incendiary & Shatter Shells


Troops (650pts)


Legion Assault Squad (360pts)

• 14x Legion Assault Space Marines: Combat Shields, 2x Power Axes, 1x Power Sword

• Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Inferno Pistol, Thunder Hammer


Legion Assault Squad (290pts)

• 13x Legion Assault Space Marines: 2x Inferno Pistols

• Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Combat Shield, Melta Bombs


Fast Attack (150pts)


Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (150pts)

• Legion Javelin Attack Speeder: 2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Multi-melta

• Legion Javelin Attack Speeder: Hunter-killer Missiles, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, Twin-linked Lascannon


Heavy Support (1450pts)


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (230pts)

• Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Lascannons


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (420pts)

• Armoured Ceramite, Leviathan Siege Claw, Leviathan Siege Drill, 2x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannons, Phosphex Discharger, DDP


Malcador Assault Tank Squadron (800pts)

• Legion Malcador Assault Tank: Armoured Ceramite, Demolisher Cannon, Flare Shield, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon Sponsons, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, Space Marine Legion Crew

• Legion Malcador Assault Tank: Armoured Ceramite, Demolisher Cannon, Flare Shield, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon Sponsons, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, Space Marine Legion Crew


Total = 3000pts

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Looks pretty much exactly the same as the list I've been pondering...!


Though I'd only used Apothecaries instead of a Primus... As that way you get FNP on both squads, but the Blade of Perdition is super awesome on the Primus.


Looks good to me. Only issue is something like a Typhon or other ignores cover units... But eh, thems the breaks!

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A couple of thoughts for you man:

- Charlo's point about the Apothecaries/Primus is a good one, especially given Primus Medicae's can't actually take Blades of Perdition (as they can't take power fists anymore).

- You're Baalcadors are only 390 points each (you don't pay for Legion Crew anymore) and the Forge Lord is also only 160, so you gain 30 points there.

- I would give both Javelins the same load-out as your first one (2 HKMs, CML and multi-melta).

- Maybe try to focus those Assault Squads a bit better? Inferno pistols aren't cheap, but at least put them all in 1 unit (ie, swap the Sergeants around).

- A Sicaran Venator is probably a better investment than a Battle Tank at this points level, in case you face a Super-heavy.


If you did all that, you would have the same force but with an extra Javelin! Here's what it could look like:



Praetor: Rite of War (The Day of Revelation); power fist; Paragon blade (master-crafted); digital lasers; iron halo; jump pack 220

Forge Lord: nuncio-vox; bolt pistol; Blade of Perdition; rad grenades; boarding shield; Cyber-familiar; jump pack 170



15 Assault Space Marines: Assault Sergeant (artificer armour; bolt pistol; power fist; melta bombs); 14 Assault Space Marines; 3 × power weapon; combat shields 345

14 Assault Space Marines: Assault Sergeant (artificer armour; inferno pistol; power fist; melta bombs; combat shield); 13 Assault Space Marines; 2 × inferno pistol 305



3 Quad Launcher Rapier Carriers: quad launcher (shatter shells) 210

Apothecarion Detachment

Apothecary: augury scanner; jump pack 65

Apothecary: augury scanner; jump pack 65



Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron

Javelin Attack Speeder: pintle-mounted multi-melta; 2 × hunter-killer missiles 75

Javelin Attack Speeder: pintle-mounted multi-melta; 2 × hunter-killer missiles 75

Javelin Attack Speeder: pintle-mounted multi-melta; 2 × hunter-killer missiles 75



Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer: dozer blade 195

Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought Talon

Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought: Leviathan siege drill; 2 × torso-mounted Iliastus assault cannon; armoured ceramite; phosphex discharger 320

Dreadnought Drop Pod xxx

Malcador Assault Tank Squadron

Malcador Assault Tank: hull-mounted Demolisher cannon; 2 sponson-mounted Iliastus assault cannon; flare shield; armoured ceramite; pintle-mounted Iliastus assault cannon 390

Malcador Assault Tank: hull-mounted Demolisher cannon; 2 sponson-mounted Iliastus assault cannon; flare shield; armoured ceramite; pintle-mounted Iliastus assault cannon 390


3,000 points


Edit: Combined the Javelins to meet "Host of Angels" prerequisites.

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