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New Inquisitor Model(s)

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Don't know if anyone else saw this on Warhammer Community, today, but they posted a "first look" at what I presume will be a new campaign book with associated miniatures, "The Gathering Storm". It appears that St. Celestine will make her return, and we'll get at least one new inquisitor model which is amazing:



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Yeah, I believe that's a Condemnor Boltgun.


I don't understand why people frequently criticize heels but not other silly thinks like the whole corset and "chest" armour. If you're going to have the latter two, the heels are fitting IMO.

I hope that when GW says:


The miniatures accompanying the first Gathering Storm book represent a few of the factions that stand against the Legions of Chaos, including: our first plastic Inquisitor miniature ...



This means there may be more to come.

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You realize swapping a hooded Dark Angels style head would make a real nifty look alike to say, a Diablo III daemonhunter? :)  I think it'd be a sweet conversion depending on narrowing the chin of the hooded head a little :)

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Looks awesome, so steampunky :)


Yes it is the condemnor boltgun, in a cooler look to my taste than the one on the metal lady inquisitor or the canoness of the sisters army.


I hope the admech forum guy ( helterskelter ) with his steampunk skitarii will have a go at this model because I'm eager to see her painted in his style :)


Edit: oh and as a comment said during the twitch stream, she has "tactical high heels" too for extra attacks ;)

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