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Hey all - many thanks for your comments - they were directly converted into the fuel of our hobby and fed into..


I enjoyed imagining that I had a manufactorum pressed into service while putting these together - lots of fun trying out press moulding for the first time - crediting fellow hobbyist Eberious for his post on it. I've since commissioned a special (when i say speical, i mean, a tackle box from big w) bits box to store, to secure, to keep my grubby hands off for future projects a single copy of my favourite bits, masters to create moulds from effectively - this alone was entertaining to put together - involving a assize of arms across my collection.

I've included a pic of some magnet fun tried out on the two sergeants - no great innovation, but I went with two magnet joins on the weapon arm, one at the wrist and another at the elbow - with a power fist in mind.

I may.... have vowed to get these dusted for the loyalty and treachery event, so in the words of Budd (Bill's brother from Kill Bill Vol 1) "well, i guess we'll just have to see about that now, wont we..."

Edited by marcusc
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Hey fellow hobbyists.  Brief progress report, breachers received a solid zenithal base coat applied with the airbrush.  I'll never go back just an undercoat after receiving area shading & highlighting complimentary.


But, picking up the brush after a three week modelling phase felt like waking up with a dead arm - which brings me to the point of this post..  how to avoid that modelling downtime?  I’ve had this thought…


Ideally I'd like to keep painting, so the workaround is to prep that next unit WHILE your still painting up the current batch.  The theory involves two ingredients, the first is time – an evil constraint on our hobby – which may be garnered at work in the form of attending the occasional 'meeting' at the local hobby shop!  I know, morally barren, yet this has the effect of drawing down on untapped hobby time (whilst keeping the master of recruits quite) :s


And the other ingredient - what to model up next?  The ZM flavoured suggestions so far proceed, I invite you to cast your vote and lets decide the outcome!


  • Terminators (Cataphracti or Tartaros??? (chainfist/flamers)
  • Destroyer Sqd (phospex,flame/plasma pistols)
  • Tactical Support Sqd (flamer/meltas)
  • Rapier Weapon Battery (Laser Destroyer)
  • Templar Brethren Sqd (power swords)
  • Phalanx Warder Sqd (power axes)
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  • 3 weeks later...

"There was no finesse in it, mechanical even was the view I formed observing them at drill. They formed rank to block corridors and applied bolt fire, the bolt fire formed rank to fill corridor, and shields braced to form bonds. Too simple I concluded, no scope for flair, for the intrigue of higher stratagem. No, should an engagement even suggest devolving into boarding range my staff will to have stowed and secured the effects of my office to an escape lifter, and my talent be preserved for the imperium." - fleet command aspirant

Hey all, my latest project dusted, the breached squad that has been on the painting bench for a.. while









Edited by marcusc
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  • 4 months later...

So been a while, but progress at last, this is a resto-mod of the old Templar captain Draco, scaled up a bit and given a fist as befits him..


next up on the desk is a unit of standards termies, as they were ready to go. This is the simple scheme I'm leaning towards.. prob personalise each counter/shield


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Thanks Dosjetka - yes can do. First stage was sawing the torso and adding a few folds to the existing robe. Still wasn't happy so cut off the legs and pinned them, tuned the height by clipping the length of pins - temporarily used a flat board to check feet were sitting flat and final height against existing model.

Other than that I'm happily returning to batch painting again, something didn't feel right about mixing up a colour only to use it to paint one purity seal etc! ;)


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