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  • 5 months later...

20230830_093222.thumb.jpg.fb1bb764d69d39cd06b6f7e6c401ae8e.jpgWith the new launch box I decided to finally paint some of these primaris marines I've been accumulating for the last three editions.


Home brew Salamanders successors, the Solar Dragons.


Edited by de Selby
sorry, pic won't display no matter how many times i upload it.. don't know why! edit2: now it works!!
2 hours ago, de Selby said:

20230830_093222.thumb.jpg.ba378e01ab5bf89e3430858d3d501bfd.jpgWith the new launch box I decided to finally paint some of these primaris marines I've been accumulating for the last three editions.


Home brew Salamanders successors, the Solar Dragons.


Try to re-upload, its just a black rectangle 

This is currently my only army uploaded to imgbb. Funnily the Genestealers all look different despite using the same painting steps. It shows that different brushes and deviating drybrush strokes can make a difference in the end. Space is also a nice way to limit an army as shown in the glass cabinet. There are only two more Genestealer squads to paint and once they are done the nids need to find a new spot to pose. A nice force suitable as cannon fodder in solo games:





  • 2 weeks later...

Mostly finished custodian's, I'll add some dreadnoughts and maybe more terminators.







And most of my ultranarines by companies, i excluded named characters in the pics, except Ventris.







2nd and the largest 





Sole lieutenant from my future 3rd company 





4th led by Uriel Ventris, I mostly use them as a support company







Edited by OpossumStrong

My Saim-Hann force. Under the current rules, it is not really a funcionnal army.

Storm Guardians especially are not legals... But in some times, may be, I will be able to correct this.



  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Nurgle Daemon Army:

This is my cheapest army. Basically it consists of the Doom boardgame box from 2004 and only a few GW models. We have an ancient GUO from 2nd 40K, three Dark Elf Sorceresses cosplaying as Nurgle Witches (Daemon Heralds) and Morathi (Dark Elf Sorceress from 4th WHFB) cosplaying as Epidemus. Morathi is surrounded by a couple of Nurglings who were in the past humans polymorphed into tiny daemons. As you can imagine I borrowed here from the Greek Circe theme (polymorphing seafarers into pigs).



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Not a proper army yet but I'm slowly working on it, in between Ultramarines and Custodes, I still got neurogaunts from the leviathan box set (almost finished) and the christmas box.







  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Admech and necron armies, both are still expending , I do like those armies buy idk how come I'm working so slow on them.


And a close-up of my favorite necron model.







  • 1 month later...

I just finished reading the new Siege of Vraks and I had the motivation to take some photos of my DKoK army.


This is my oldest army that I still owns, I had several armies lost/gifted/sold over the years, since 2014 I stopped doing this, now I got big room just for WH and I hope I wont have to sell any of my current armies.


Over the years some of the models were fixed because of breaking during transportation or just falling, mostly it's the spears/flags, the fix I made is not the best one, but I might find some time to do a proper one, some parts were lost(arms,weapon parts), so I used different parts from other armies to fix this, like the lieutenant sword were replaced with mechanicus sword,antenas from the radio replaced by mechanicus parts as well.









Edited by OpossumStrong
  • 2 months later...

Here's a picture of my home made Space Marines chapter, the Void Cuirassiers.


I almost have a full battle company ( it still needs 30 battleline marines, 15 close support marines and 3 fire support ones to be at full strength) + other elements from the first and tenth companies.




More pics in the Imgur album : https://imgur.com/a/mbI4DDX

Edited by Heraclite
  • 2 months later...

My 30K Iron Hands army just recently achieved legal tabletop status. Although more units will follow in the future this is the state of the project right now:



Some pics of my finished Black Templars. I have a 6.1k collection. As you can see I still have a lot left lol. It's a continuous work in progress. All of my crusade's castellans are stern, bald men!
















I'm in the process of switching the colors on my apothecaries left shoulders. Back to white, with black trim, with black templar cross. That jives with BT lore. Only the chaplains do a reverse of black with white cross. I'm sorta a stickler for that stuff lol



House Raven, I still need to add Castigator to the army and the new rumored knight, but with all the upcoming releases (DKK,EC) I have no idea when I will be able to do this.



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