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I'm looking at starting imperial militia and have an army list (mostly) made up


Provenances (125): Survivors of a Dark Age, Warrior Elite


HQ (205):


Force Commander (110):Carapace armour, iron halo, planetary overlord, melta bombs, needle pistol, power weapon.


Platoon Command Cadre (95): 5 extra bodyguards, carapace armour, heavy stubbers.


Elites (205):


Enginseer auxilia (155): 8 servo-automata, phased plasma fusils


Medicae detachment (50): 5 medics.


Troops (1120):


Grenadiers (160): 20 models, 2 rotor cannons, advanced weapons, lasrifles.


Grenadiers (160): 20 models, 2 rotor cannons, advanced weapons, lasrifles.


Fire support squad (250): 10 fire teams, autocannons.


Fire support squad (250): 10 fire teams, missile launchers.


Fire support squad (300): 10 fire teams, lascannons.


Fast attack (460):


Thunderbolt (230): Flare shield, ground tracking auguries. x2


Heavy support (315):


Leman Russ Battle Tank (145): Heavy stubber.


Leman Russ Demolisher (170): Dozer blade, heavy stubber.


Total: 1430


As you can see I'm 70 points short and have no close combat units (not good I know), I'm not sure where to go from here so any advice would be greatly appreciated.




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You might want to add a 30ish man levy squad and find points for a  discipline master to add to it just to help get more bodies/bubble wrap for your tanks as well as being able to kill small marine units throwing out buckets of attacks. Also might want to swap missile launchers for heavy flamers to protect your other support squads, the launchers don't really do anything the autocannon and lascannon don't do so you might as well add a unit that will discourage charges into your ranged squads.


Also cyber familiar on the overlord is a 4++ invuln but 5 points cheaper and gives re-roll on characteristic test.

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