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Hello unfamiliar brothers,


Been a while since I've been on B&C and after reading the AoD subforum for a few days seems that I, like everyone one else is jumping on the Heresy bandwagon. Disclaimer, I haven't painted a model since a brief Necromunda campaign a couple of years ago; and probably not for about five years before that. Last game of 40k was back in 3rd or 4th edition.


So in short I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing. But, all that said, I'm trying my best. Have the two red books and seem to be wrapping my head around it.


Grav, phosphex, lightnings, typhons aside here's a shot at a fun list.


It's original bad guys with the original bad guy. Think there's some fairly obvious weakenesses but the main thing that stood out for me was the small amount of marines (albeit elite expensive marines) you get in this game system. Anyway. 2500 Heresy List, here goes:



Horus Lupercal

100 melta bombs


Consul, Chaplain, Terminator Armour, Power Fist



5 Justaerin, 3 Power Fists, 2 Chainfists, 5 combi plasmas



9 Legion Terminators, 5 Power Fists, 4 Chainfists, 5 combi meltas



10 tacticals, Rhino, no upgrades



Spartan, Flare Shield, Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade



Leviathan Dreadnought, Claw, Drill, Phosphex Launcher, Armoured Ceramite

Dreadnought Drop Pod



Sicarian Battle Tank, Dozer Blade, Lascannons





Few notes:


Fairly obvious but Horus deep strikes in with the small Justaerin unit on player specified turn. Or in other words guaranteed turn 2. They won't be charging that turn so will hopefully combi plas a unit down with death dealer and Horus' weapon. That was the thought process behind not giving them combi meltas to go with the chainfists. Dread comes down with shrouded and hopefully Phosphex's something. The Sicarian and Spartan lascannons will spend turn 1 and 2 if still alive trying to de mech and help the above two units find profitable targets. Spartan with chaplain and terminators is there to give Horus and Dread some mass and keep the pressure on with a turn three charge. They would have been Justys but making them legion terminators gives me points for an objective capping tac squad.

No vexilla on the tacticals makes me nervous but they are LD 10 from Horus. Also no rite of war, Justaerin and Tacs are compulsory troops and terminators have implacable advance. Not sure if that's legal actually; in Horus' rules it just states he makes Vets and Justaerin troops. Not sure if troops means compulsory troops but I think so. As in my mind troops is troops unless there's a 'support squad' rule or caveat in place. The presence of the rule or addendum for the contrary position makes me think the precedent is troops=compulsory troops. Keen to hear opionions here.


Also honesty street: not sure how giving a consul in terminator armour the chaplain upgrade works out for weapons but I've paid to upgrade the crozious arcanum to a power fist. It's quite ambiguous to my mind.


Cheers for any comments and help on the above grey areas.

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Hey! Looking over your list I feel as though it is not particularly focused, that is to say you have Horus with a small Justaerin squad (which you could definitely make larger to take maximum advantage of his Deepstriking capabilities), a Tactical squad and a Terminator squad when you could take another Justaerin squad for your compulsory troops.

One thing to remember is that Horus allows you to Outflank any unit you choose, you could potentially Outflank the Spartan with its Terminator squad (assuming that's what it is for)., but the best thing Horus brings is Veterans. They have been majorly buffed in the latest AoD book where they had a significant price reduction and an increase in Veteran abilities and wargear, such as Sniper and Outflank as one option and the ability to take combi-weapons.

The Chaplain automatically receives a Power Weapon of your choosing upon being given the Consul upgrade, he is then given ANOTHER Power Weapon when you purchase Terminator Armour, this means you will have a Powerfist, a Power Weapon (might as well make it a sword) and his Twin-linked Bolter.

I toyed around with a Horus and Justaerin heavy list a while back where I supported the 12 man Justaerin squad with drop pod Leviathans and another Justaerin squad with Abaddon for another Deepstriking unit. It wasn't my cup of tea but I have seen a similar army in use at my local gaming club and it looked really good and seemed to be quite tough.

As a quick example you could do something like this:

+++ Horus (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v42) (2497pts) +++

++ The Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v202) (2497pts) ++

+ HQ (215pts) +

Ezekyle Abaddon (215pts) [Combi-bolter]

+ Troops (1182pts) +

Justaerin Terminator Squad (481pts) [2x Chainfist, 8x Combi-Weapon, 8x Justaerin Terminators, 6x Power Fist]

Justaerin Terminator Squad (481pts) [2x Chainfist, 8x Combi-Weapon, 8x Justaerin Terminators, 6x Power Fist]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (220pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]

Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist]

+ Heavy Support (600pts) +

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (210pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (390pts)

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger]

+ Legion +

Legiones Astartes [ XVI: Sons of Horus, Traitor]

+ Force Organization +

Force Organization

Battles in the Age of Darkness [ Age of Darkness Primary Detachment]

+ Lords of War (500pts) +

Horus the Warmaster (500pts)

Created with BattleScribe

Ideally, you wouldn't run two Justaerin squads but for this example you can accurately deepstrike them both due to the Special Characters and it still includes the Leviathan and Sicaran...just food for thought smile.png

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Rangaman thanks for the input!


I wasn't really getting what you were saying until reading the example list. Thanks for that, really helpful.


So a couple of follow up questions.


With Abaddon needing to roll reserves you think it's worth looking at a Damocles to get him in the fight early doors?


Also with the Justaerin and Leviathan doing the fighting I'm keen on some objective cappers hence the cheap tacticals.


That said outflanking vets seem pretty legit. How come no special weapons on them? Worth dropping a Justaerin in one squad to pimp them or the rhino, or both?

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That was just an example of what is possible, and an easy way to have a full 2.5k army with such a low model count. However, I would suggest tinkering with your list.
So, you have a Chaplain as your HQ who is a useful Consul choice. Stick him with your Justaerin and Horus for first round of combat rerolls. Probably drop the Tacticals and the standard Terminator squad, you wont need the Spartan anymore since your deathstar is going to be deepstriking...now you have points to spare. Veterans in any configuration you like would go well with this list. Outflanking Sniper Vets are not to be sniffed at, they are great against MCs and you can specialize them with special weapons etc. Drop them in a Rhino with a Dozer Blade and Multimelta and you might be able to get the drop on some rear armour.


So this list here is fairly solid to build off of, you just need to decide on what toys you want to use the most.

+++ SoH w/ Horus (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v42) (2228pts) +++

++ The Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v202) (2228pts) ++

+ HQ (137pts) +

Legion Centurion (137pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Combi-Weapon, Thunderhammer]
Consul [Chaplain]

+ Troops (991pts) +

Justaerin Terminator Squad (481pts) [2x Chainfist, 8x Combi-Weapon, 8x Justaerin Terminators, 6x Power Fist]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (255pts) [9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]
Additional Wargear
Combi-weapon [Combi-weapon: Meltagun]
Combi-weapon [Combi-weapon: Meltagun]
Combi-weapon [Combi-weapon: Meltagun]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Dozer Blade]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (255pts) [9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]
Additional Wargear
Combi-weapon [Combi-weapon: Meltagun]
Combi-weapon [Combi-weapon: Meltagun]
Combi-weapon [Combi-weapon: Meltagun]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Dozer Blade]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist]

+ Heavy Support (600pts) +

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (210pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (390pts)
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger]

+ Legion +

Legiones Astartes [ XVI: Sons of Horus, Traitor]

+ Force Organization +

Force Organization
Battles in the Age of Darkness [ Age of Darkness Primary Detachment]

+ Lords of War (500pts) +

Horus the Warmaster (500pts)

Created with BattleScribe


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Abaddon is pretty "meh" on the battlefield, it's fluffy to take him with Horus and to deepstrike him, I find that he could really do with eternal warrior.


Regarding the damocles rhino, remember that you can reroll 1's on reserve rolls, so the damocles rhino doesn't sons of horus as much as other legions.


As Rangaman said, veteran squads are really good. I use a unit of 10 with marksman (sniper/outflank) with 2 melta guns and 4 combi melta, in a rhino (with multimelta) and they're great.


Personally I'm not a fan of basic, non-upgraded tactical squads, unless they're hidden in your backfield they die easily plus they struggle to damage anything.

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If ANY 30K marine deserves Eternal Warrior, it's Abaddon. More so than Sigi even, who has Eternal Warrior and was killed by Abby.


Tactical squads aren't really meant to damage enemies, they are meant to win games via objectives. And even then, BS5 bolters in rapid fire range and 3 base attacks per dude if outnumbering in melee makes them a solid infantry unit.

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If ANY 30K marine deserves Eternal Warrior, it's Abaddon. More so than Sigi even, who has Eternal Warrior and was killed by Abby.


Tactical squads aren't really meant to damage enemies, they are meant to win games via objectives. And even then, BS5 bolters in rapid fire range and 3 base attacks per dude if outnumbering in melee makes them a solid infantry unit.

You can't really count merciless fighter into the base attacks as the unit won't always benefit from the trait.


I agree that they can be useful, I was just saying that personally, if I was going to field them, I would go for 20 and kit them out with extra CC weapons, vexilla, artificer armour/melta bombs on sergeant, etc, rather than a bare bones unit of 10.


The base part of your list looks solid Aurelius, good luck :)

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