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30k Imperial Fists, with a little Custodes for now.


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Getting into 30k and being a Black Templar collector/player what better legion to do than the Imperial Fists. The starting point is being formed from the BAC and BOP sets. Gives me nearly all the troops I'll ever need(I think anyways) plus a dread, terminators etc.


Aiming for a semi simplistic look, not overly adorned with stuff like my Templars are. Nothing wrong with that, just want the sargents, special units, IC's, commanders etc to stand out more than the "basic" marine trooper. 



























2nd unit.






Vet unit





contemptor wip







Havoc launcher will be magnetised.


Some gubbins for the dread, most of which have been added.



I just hope my yellow isn't cruddy. Example below of a yellow I'm using for another game system. Not the red, trim and the like will be a sorta burnt bare metal finish. I'm hoping to pull off the really worn used look using blister foam method.





Anyways, for DORN!

Very nice, and lots of painting ahead of you!


Do you have any closeup or WIP shots of the running/lunging tacticals?  I'd like to see what you did to the right knee, since it looks like a pretty simple but effective conversion.

I expected more from you based on the rest of your work in way of conversions, was slightly disappointed in that regard. Don't get me wrong, these are great - they fit the character of the Fists quite well, they're just not what I expected... sad.png


Ah well, you can go wild with the Templar Brethren. biggrin.pngmsn-wink.gif

Great work, BTW. Your yellow looks great, and I can't wait to see these models in that scheme. :tu:

Your IF are off to a great start! Love the added detail to each mode and the repose-reworked models of the Contemptor and Cataphractii Praetor. I must say I am going to copy what you've done for each when I get the time.


I also like the yellow and red. Hope to see a painted one soon!

Thanks very much all, 


@ Ovidius Incertus, don't have wip shots, but can certainly take a few pics of the runners when I get home. 


@ The Psycho, :(    The Templar brethern will probably get the FW treatment and that extra conversion work to get that dynamic CC movement, as well Sigismund(planned kitbash) which will be running with them. Not sure what else I could do on the troopers, the legs are fairly awkward to repose. Agreed I could of spent more time on them, which is tempting to go back and redo a few members from each squad. I feel gulity now that I didn't give them more attention. dam you!!!  :P  


oh, not planning on using the red in the paint scheme, just bare metals on the armour. Could use the red on ammo pouches, leather bits etc.

apologies about the delay in pics focusing on the legs Ovidius Incertus,












After removing the knee cap I had to remove small amounts (a little at a time) at the back of the knee and leg armour till I got it where I wanted.    


Beautiful. Just beautiful. I'll have to figure out how to do the same with some of my Prospero legs now (reposing legs is a skill I've wanted to pick up for a while, and this seems like a perfect impetus to going about the task.) One thing, though... they all need more pouches. Make 'em look armed to the teeth with stuff. :P

Thanks all, will probably have another set of BoP for some assault marines(and breachers) so will try and remember some wip shots if you like. However, going to finish up the Contemptor then I'm going to get some paint on at last one unit before it gets to over overwhelming. 

I'm impressed how you used Green Stuff to sculpt all those Fists, Crusader Crosses, and other decorations.


And a Dreadnought with a missile launcher atop his head- mounted in the same position as a Terminator's Cyclone missile launcher, a weapon the Marine in its sarcophagus should be familiar with- is LONG overdue.

Well, I cheated..sort of. The greenstuff is taken from molds of existing bits/models. I'm using bluestuff 



out of stock with this link though.


Heat it up in a jar of hot water, press a model bit or whatever in it, leave the bit there while the stuff sets which is very quick. Then pop it out and voila! a instant mold to reuse. Just heat the stuff up again and make something else. I have a pile of molds made up at the moment. 


Got this made up, 





yes that it the clutter I work within, well some of it, lol.


I'll mention this now as I don't want folks thinking its my own work by hand, would be misleading and dishonest. I used to buy heaps of bits just to get certain parts of them and waste the rest or have it hanging around for ages till put to use or thrown out. This has been a good investment and saved me more than I spent on the stuff. Planning on getting the roll thing to make ribbed cables and tentacles etc etc. 


Regarding the Havoc launcher, has to be done. Progress is coming on with the dread, magnets have been fitted. Ended up with two left arms and righ arm weapon options. Plus the options for the fist gun, bolter, melta and flamer. Which reminds me, have to make a plasma blaster. But its all pretty much done. Pics soon.   

Contemptor finished, ready for painting. 






I'm particular happy with this. 



weapon loads.








Finding hard to get the right add-on bits I want, mostly shields the right size. So while making the master shield the dread now has I made mold of each stage. 


I think the full eagle would good on this .. but we shall. :)



Right, time to get some paint on these chaps, handy I have next week off. Might add little more bits and bobs to the marines but over all finished.  

Uuuuh a new son of Dorn is always welcome msn-wink.gif

Quite an impressive array of greenstuff icons etc. It really helps to bring out the character of an otherwise generic model.

I can imagine it being quite cheap too since you have the molds done.

I'm looking foward to seeing a painted model, and how you go about the sponge technique.

Thanks both, going to have to get started on a few test models tonight as with the type of weathering I want is much like yours Brother Callius. Which I've never done before so should be a good learning curve. 


From what I've seen brown and dark oranges are good? 

Thanks both, going to have to get started on a few test models tonight as with the type of weathering I want is much like yours Brother Callius. Which I've never done before so should be a good learning curve. 


From what I've seen brown and dark oranges are good? 


Yeah I use Rinox hide, but the key is to just use a darker version of the colour your painting. So for yellow it will have the best effects if the sponged colour is a brown or at the very least a very dark orange/ yellow.


For my minis I use Rinox hide first for the major weathering/ chipping and then Leadbelcher to show where the paint has chipped all the way down to the metal beneath.

I try to focus the metallic mostly on hard edges and corners as they would get the most scrapes and bumbs in real life.

Done some test painting last night. While the yellow looks good on those ships I'm not overly confident its what I want for my fists. Its a very soft yellow, where I want a kinda hard fisinsh if you know what I mean. I'll wait and see the end result, its only tested on a pair of legs so still hard to tell, was also very late in the evening so light wasn't great.


Also had a look for some old blister foam....I have none that I can find....damm.  It's been a while since I bought any blisters and haven't noticed, do they still put that strip of foam in blisters? 


Thanks hushrong, next box of BoP I'll try and remember a wip shot of what I do.

have to credit you Eberious for demonstrating this press moulding technique - hadn't realised it's application.  love the pouches you replicated, always running low on accessory pouches.


FYI for anyone after some, found an alterative that is in-stock on ebay called Oyumaru.


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