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Raptors 3rd and 10th company


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That's by hand ?! :jawdrop:


Wow, very impressive.


So, what's next, a Land Raider? :yes:

Thanks, and a LandRaider is already ordered, but will take some time to arrive and customize towards magnetized command vehicle. Fun fact, always buy the Deathwatch Land Raider instead of any other LR box. Costs 1€ more than the LR or LR redeemer, but has ALL options (Lascannon/heavy bolter, and crusader/redeemer sprue) as well as the deathwatch upgrade sprue.


Next up are two LandSpeeder Storms. First is built, and the blending of larger surface done by using the same brush as the rhino. Every blend took only a few strokes (with brush being same size as the parts it's a lot easier), but the brush size was too big for the smaller surfaces. If lazyness doesn't stop me, this one will get done by the end of the week.


With current interest in the paintjob, I'll look into making a demonstration video. But first I need a sufficiently big vehicle, those speeders don't cut it, and my rhinos are all already done. It'll be either the LandRaider, or the upcoming Ordinatus (different color, same principle).



Well you sir are my hero! My airbrush is collecting dust somewhere in a locker - can't find the will to get it out and setup properly, so I never use it. I don't paint that much either, but I should be!


A video would be greatly appreciated for sure!


Keep up the good work!

  • 2 weeks later...

First game happened, 1500p with just a LSS borrowed from my deathwatch (count-as regular marines), and 3 count-as LotD half-painted.




Issodon half-killed the hive tyrant with his sabotage ability, and it was finished off by the plasma LotD. Flyers were insane, the typhoon stormraven (corvus conversion) took out most of a dimacheron, while the stormtalons (flyer speeders) took out the tyranid haywire flyer, afterwards all 3 removed a metric ton of tyranid warriors. Next up are more troops though, that's currently lacking a lot, and too many flyers aren't nice either.

The tempests are bigger than regular land speeders, but still smaller than the stormtalon. I don't have a talon, so I can't measure the difference. And the tempests don't have a flyer base (just the usual skimmer base), so you'll need to convert the speeder to fit on a flyer base.

...and the count-as Legion of the Damned is done.


I figured, with Raptors having lost their relic stuff around M35, they wouldn't have too much TDA around (considered relic, though not in the rules). Also, too inflexible and steamroll-y for my theme. As a replacement, veterans are issued with state of the art (read: mk8) power armour, storm shields and teleport modules to fulfill the terminators' roles, minus the CC aspect. Led by a deathwatch veteran nonetheless, who knows how to make the best use of it.




"Real" LotD wouldn't fit the theme. In a carefully planned ambush, only the enemy would need rescuing, and relying on some ghosts to appear and strike at high value targets isn't exactly logical.


Raptors updates will be a bit less than usual for the next week or two, because of ordinatus reasons. Then I'll add a LandRaider, a second LSS, and then stock up on infantry.

As the ordinatus is already done except for the first of 2 cannons, I've already started the LandRaider. Filled the interior with more stowed away reserve weapons and ammo, more screens, and painted it (rather roughly, as it's hard to see details anyway once assembled). Also, the ritual tools for the Rite of Percussive Maintenance, in case the engine's machine spirit needs some awakening. Before assembly:




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