thewarriorhunter Posted April 26, 2018 Share Posted April 26, 2018 I wish they had a cloak option for boltgun scouts. My last game my sniper unit modeled with cloaks didn't have cloaks and my boltgun scouts without cloaks had cloaks... I felt bad for my opponent but I can't help how GW makes models. I hadn't thought of PL/points distribution with your list, makes sense. I guess lucky for me I play what I can scrap together and I'm usually trying to fluff up my points to hit the totals. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted April 27, 2018 Author Share Posted April 27, 2018 Yeah, with the reduced need of real estate units (now only preventing Scout/Infiltrate, not preventing T1 deep strike, not clearing drop zones for my turn 1 DS), I have no idea if I should continue to bring a bare bolter scout squad. They're still cheap troops who don't need CP to start midfield, but as skirmishers I've had too much success with intercessors. Compared to cloaked bolter scouts, they're not much more expensive, but 3+ armour/2W/2A and a better gun make them better in everything but deployment. Sniper scouts have been useful for me so far, as every time I fielded them, they delivered the critical MWs necessary to kill something big, but I guess that came down to the dice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jpwyrm Posted April 27, 2018 Share Posted April 27, 2018 I'm also in the process of reviewing my troop choices. I love sniper scouts if only for the coolness factor. I find they perform well most of the time which is nice. I'm warming up to intercessors too for exactly the second reasons. Not to mention that cloaked scouts are forced to stick to cover to benefit from the cloaks, something a moving unit cannot always do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted April 27, 2018 Author Share Posted April 27, 2018 As I've stated 2 pages ago, intercessors are my go-to midfield skirmishers. Hard hitters hit hard and provide distraction, but skirmishers of their calibre will kill objective campers, take their place and stick around despite incoming small arms fire, or just fly under the radar for half the game. That's what gets you VPs in maelstrom, that's what won me most of the recent games. Also, leaves the hard hitters to position freely, as the objectives are already taken care of. Fun part, having 2W extremely devaluates MW. The enemy wants to smite/hellfire a squad of sniper scouts off their cover, he kills 1-3 models that could potentially deal MW to something valuable, or kill important characters. He wants to smite intercessors, he's maybe killing one model, maybe not even that. Mostly prevents people from wasting CP on hellfire rounds, when they fail to take down a single kinda-cheap troop model that was rather un-threatening anyway. Flying below the radar... Regarding the sternguard guns, I did a test model - MK8 deathwatch marine, primaris boltrifle, tac arms. Never did a photo of it though, I could add that when I'm back home. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted April 27, 2018 Share Posted April 27, 2018 I love my sniper scouts as well, because they're cool. I'm lukewarm on them right now because they're either the MVP's or do nothing for me. Last game they did nothing and didn't get a single MW at all :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted April 27, 2018 Author Share Posted April 27, 2018 I love my sniper scouts as well, because they're cool. I'm lukewarm on them right now because they're either the MVP's or do nothing for me. Last game they did nothing and didn't get a single MW at all I guess, the discussion boils down to the role the troops should fill. Sniper scouts are long-ranged, static damage dealers with a potentially huge damage output, but unreliable due to fishing for 6s, and paying premium for effectively 3+ armour, but only in cover, which can be ignored by some. Intercessors cost the same, take no penalty to hit or to their armour when moving, and will do more on medium to short range. Downside, neither a threat to resilient units, nor to characters. In short, harder-hitting backfield unit vs. more resilient midfield unit. My backfield is typically flooded with tarantulas and devs, therefore the midfield skirmishers are more useful to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
smbarne Posted April 27, 2018 Share Posted April 27, 2018 I'm late to the party here, but bolter scouts with cloads and sternguard gun options you say? For bolter scouts I buy the sniper scouts, snip the barrel, hollow out some space, and greenstuff some plastic tubing in there for a silenced boltgun look. For added bonus, I paint the snipped off sniper barrel and stuff it in the plastic part if they want to be snipers :D. ( Note I typically don't run them as camo bolter scouts, sorry opponent. But the standard scout models are really dumb and 3 points for a camo cloak is criminal ). I don't have a great picture of just the scouts, so here's some so-so ones: For Sternguard, I've shown the Mor Deythan before. Bonus! You can snip thier sniper barrels off and do the same trick. However, I also recommend the Forgeworld ravenguard guns these guys are rocking: I put the Mor Deythan converted guns on my tactics and run them as Sternguard sometimes as well: Sorry for the hijacking, carry on! Also MajorNese I really love your army and the battle reports! I've done a few tournaments with Raptors recently and some of your insights are very helpful. I think you've been using better strategies in game as mine have been having a rough go at it pre-faq. Hive tyrants, genestealer bombs, and hordes of CC. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted April 27, 2018 Author Share Posted April 27, 2018 Hmm, is that a converted sneaky Cypher? Might have to copy the idea, it really fits. The Mor Deythan and RG upgrades are a bit unfitting for Raptors, except for the heads, I copied those a few dozen times already. The silenced bolter look better than my montage, might have to do that some day, I'd just add a magazine to make it more clear. And so far, I haven't played after the FAQ. Got that tournament 2 days before the FAQ, then went on work travel. It does disrupt my approach of deep striking a lot, but I'll see about that when I get back. And thankfully, there aren't many nid players around here. Nids are bonkers now... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted April 27, 2018 Share Posted April 27, 2018 I love the Mor Deythan squads. I've thought of running them as sgts for my scouts but the idea of turning them into sternguard is very intriguing... I was just saying earlier today that I may be using my bonus this year to place a FW order to get some of the models/bits/transfers that I would like to have. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted January 19, 2019 Author Share Posted January 19, 2019 New year, new project. FW made a quick delivery, so the Raptors Command/FOB Mastodon can start properly. Besides the already established techniques, I've been experimenting with weathering pigments, which turned out rather promising. Oil-based washes for details will be next, and once I've got the hang of those I'll build the spare rhino as a testbed, while at least cleaning and assembling the mastodon. Lucky me, after cleaning up the bitz box, I found I have more than enough spare marines for crew... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Captain Vyper Posted January 19, 2019 Share Posted January 19, 2019 First a T-Hawk, now a Mastodon. *rubs hands together with anticipation* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted January 19, 2019 Author Share Posted January 19, 2019 Yeah, but the mastodon will allow a lot more conversion. Sandbags and crates on a flyer wouldn't make much sense... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted January 19, 2019 Share Posted January 19, 2019 I see Lias showed up at yours too! Looking forward to seeing your work with the oil washes seems to becoming more popular of a technique Im tempted to do it My concern is I'll like it too much then I'll have to go through and repaint all my armies again like I inevitably do when I learn a new technique... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted January 19, 2019 Author Share Posted January 19, 2019 To be honest, I had quite a while to read the IA Masterclass books, especially the first contains a lot of stuff I never tried, but looks great. And that book is not quite new, but oil wash would solve the problem I have with washes, the clear drying stain edge. My concern is I'll like it too much then I'll have to go through and repaint all my armies again like I inevitably do when I learn a new technique... Yeah, I usually only try new techniques with a new army project. In this case I'm doing the reverse - first tries are on my old IG tanks, haven't used those for 2 editions. When I roughly got the hang of it, I'll practice on my existing vehicles, as the Mastodon is intended for WarhammerFest (Europe) and it has to be as good as possible. What we saw there last time for GD was...mixed. As a group, we established the challenge to try to submit the best possible result for the next event, to finally improve our painting standards again and see what is possible after all. Fun project for the next months, parallel painting/discussion via discord. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted January 19, 2019 Share Posted January 19, 2019 I really like local discords for sharing progress and general 40k chitchat Im on a couple in my area they do vary in activity though Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted January 20, 2019 Share Posted January 20, 2019 Save them for the ETL ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted January 20, 2019 Author Share Posted January 20, 2019 Nope, I'll follow my own timetable to neither rush it, nor delay it too much. And concerning ETL - trust me, I have a damn lot more on sprue. With current project overlap, I've stopped using "months" as a measuring unit for my Pile of Shame. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
W.A.Rorie Posted February 13, 2019 Share Posted February 13, 2019 hot damn.......this will be exciting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted March 18, 2019 Author Share Posted March 18, 2019 Working two weeks abroad forced me to paint whatever fit the small killteam-scaled GW case (seriosly, that thing is really neat). So I finished a lot of infantry in the evening...5 carbine reivers, 5 grav-CC reivers, 4 intercessors, 5 plasmas, 3 plasma inceptors. Reivers and intercessors not pictured - I can't really tell them apart from the existing guys. Which makes the primaris-only approach a bit more playable. Two shadowspear boxes have arrived too, so everything but the suppressors are next. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted March 18, 2019 Share Posted March 18, 2019 Your stuff looks great! Maybe a display board to do them justice is on the horizon? ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted March 18, 2019 Share Posted March 18, 2019 Great looking stuff! What's the empty base with the four blue glowing dots? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted March 18, 2019 Author Share Posted March 18, 2019 Your stuff looks great! Maybe a display board to do them justice is on the horizon? Maybe an Armies on Parade board or something? Great looking stuff! What's the empty base with the four blue glowing dots? There's frag grenades painted as glowing grenades. Just a marker for the reiver's flashbangs, so everyone remembers who should be hitting worse right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 18, 2019 Share Posted March 18, 2019 Your models are well done, overall. I'm surprised the Marines' bases are black, instead of painted in metallic colors, like the void ships' decks they resemble. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted March 18, 2019 Author Share Posted March 18, 2019 The bases are drybrushed metal - when it's dark (what I'm trying to simulate) light still catches at the higher points polished by wear, like bolts and edges. But that varies for my bases, some are a bit too dark overall. Maybe I'll switch over to Mithril Silver. First 7 vanguard models are basecoated right now. And I got a company-sized shapeways shoulder pad order to mark all primaris models with Raptors head and unit markings, gotta use those in the coming weeks on my existing models. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Johanhgg Posted March 18, 2019 Share Posted March 18, 2019 Really nice work! Very nice to see more Raptors! Do Lias Issodon still have a place you think? Or is he outpaced by primaris and shadowspear? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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