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Death Guard The Reaping 2000


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I've been back and forth on Death Guard lists for a while, and have finally ended up with this one at 2,000 points using The Reaping rite of war.


Typhon, the Primus Medicae and the Deathshroud go in the Spartan, with the Grave Wardens in the Land Raider in support. The Vindicators and tactical squads take and hold objectives. Please let me know what you think.



  • Calas Typhon with 5 Deathshroud Terminators [410]
  • Primus Medicae - cataphractii armour [120]


  • 2x Tactical Squads (10) - extra chainswords, vexilla, sergeant with power scythe, artificer armour and rad grenades - in Rhino [2x 225]

Heavy Support

  • Vindicator Squadron (2) [240]
  • Spartan - flare shield and frag launchers [360]
  • Grave Wardens (5) - 2 chainfists - in Land Raider Proteus with twin-linked lascannons [420]
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If it works, it will really work.


Otherwise, you could be left slogging it up the table! But as a DG that isn't a bad thing ;)


The Vindicators are a smart inclusion as you with shoot those or the big scary transports, while the Tacticals should do work against a lot of enemies of equal measure due to Rads and the scythe in each.

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Deathshroud have Tartaros armour so adding Typhon and the medicae means they won't be able to sweep.

I've heard that before but I don't really care as I like Typhon from a narrative perspective.

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Another option to consider would be to drop either 2 deathshroud, or 1 deathshroud and the primus medicae, swap the spartan for a land raider phobos and you could take 2 quad mortars with shatter shells. You lose a bit of punch from typhon's unit but gain some ranged support.


I really like the list, it's fluffy and I think it'd be fun to play, I'm just trying to offer some alternatives :) 

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That's a great idea, Varyn. I am definitely considering getting some quad mortars when I expand to 3,000 points, along with Durak Rask and a heavy support squad, so I will be able to try your variant at that point. By the way, what weapons would you suggest for the heavy support squad? I'm torn between missile launchers and lascannons, knowing that my most frequent opponent has decided he will be playing Iron Hands.

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Rask is a good option, I've not tried lascannon heavy support squads, I feel like they're maybe a bit too expensive.I've used missile launchers with a siege breaker a few times and they were great and feel fluffier, especially when you look at mortarion's rule buffing frag missiles.


The only slight issue is that they can't get through a flare shield.


I've written a very similar list to yours and will be slowly building over the next months, keep me posted on your project :)

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