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PeaceCraft's Deathguard WIP: Epidemius Palanquin Dung Beetle


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Musculature's starting to build up nicely on him; now would be the time to add some large-diameter cabling in places, I'd have one coming out of the corner of his mouth and arcing back into the flesh near the back of his neck (or down into his gut, because slurping your own fetid bowel juices is just yummy :D), and maybe one replacing a section of spine. Weapon-wise, his pose would suggest paired lightning claws or something similar to me...

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@vairocanum, @svartmetall: yeah, definately! tubings into his mouth and nostril and nastyness sticking to his face. I am still debating in my head if i should go with a mask or a kinda deathkorps of krieg like mask. or his skull and tubings are just the top half and i add a lower jaw with double chin..... so many concepts to stick into one part of the model :D I was thinking of holding some kind of nurgloe meat cleaver or half-halber cleaver kinda thing. more nurgly crude and chunky than aggressive like khorne. When i get to that stage i'll think abut it, i think the ards and back will come last in the sculpt


so, i managed to put together a bunch of cultists and change their poses (i HATE MODELS THAT LOOK THE SAME) so i swapped heads and arms and got some variety into my disease loving followers. (after these pics i GSed the gaps where i grafted the heads and all, and added some small tumours and horns, nothing too extreme - they are nurgle newbies after all, i cant have them more misshappen than my 10.000 year old pestilent soldiers.







AAaaand meanwhile, i managed to continue the prince! 

some more work done on his left leg -many layers - muscle, skin and fat flaps + armour and then the posessed details on the armour and the annoying to make spiky details that are standard on every chaos power armour 



NSFW sexy nurgle nude...
.....here we have a lovely construction worker style butt crack.


aaand the shin guard that got posessed by a nurgle demon



absolutely lovely to sculpt this hideous bastard! :D i'm having a blast
my clubmates suggested he gets his hemorrhoids hanging down his buttcrack and a nurgling climbing his pants using his prolapsed anus. in this case, i don't think i'll research any google references , i'm afraid of what i might find :biggrin.:  

more SEXY ass pics in the next update - SLAANURGLE NUDES :censored: .... or maybe something less graphic :rolleyes: 


c&c welcome

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@vairocanum: hehe thanks! i'll take this build to the nastiest possible places :D

and i got carried away and ended up doing quite  a lot on his other leg today

i got a bit more blocked in and started the pre ascension terminator armour





close up of his ingrown nails and fingers poking out of his shoe



and mandatory sexy buttcrack pic, for all you slaanurgle followers. 



C&C welcome!

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thankls guys!
@vairocanum: probably a sword like a meat cleaver! infected and daemonic :) 


i did a bit more on the prince, but not much just a burst belly with hangiong entrails, i'll post when i get some serious work done on him

Aaaand a bit of sidetrack, started learning my new army and i got my ass handed to me by my rematch against dark angels, i lost a 1000 pt match to them (barely) and we upped the points to 1250 and lost again.
i basically added a sorceror with cultists and he did nothing. (:cussty powers grumble grumble, 200pt useless lvl3 sorceror grumble grumble). played maelstrom and lost 10-7. a bunch of t5 paladins were walking around and i had no answer to armour 2+ 3++ (my lascanon havocs went bye bye very quickly). i was told that oblits have access to the only plasma canon in the army so... i have to make obliterators to complete guarantee flexibility to my army.

so, long story short, i purchased dark vengeance termies and gifted them with a lovely coupon for a  nurgly obliterator make over, here they are












its sooo annoying to sculpt those oplasma generator thingies, it came out crooked, but i'll just say its nurgle's fault . yeah, toootally intentional.... 

anyways, i think i'm making 3 more oblits so  i get redundancy and guarantee good firepower against any kind of unit.


C&C welcome! cheers

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i'm back with moar nurgle!

A bit more work done opn the daemon prince.
a distended belly , hanging guts and strated adding volume to the armour (still halfway done) 

I also started the hanging tubes and rebreather apparatus hanging to his face and sticking out of his mouth like svartmetal suggested , but im still deciding what he will look like. humanoid zombie, skull faced or gas mask, or horned mutant. 




and started 3 more obliterators

got inspired by the sneek peeks on the new plague marines and made a mouth armour. 



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The cabling on the daemon prince looks great! I like the zombie head idea a lot with his face melting off his skull. The mouth armor looks cool! Also not sure if its just cause of the angle of picture but for the obliterator on the right with the unpainted helmet it looks like one of his thighs is a tad thin. Looking forward to seeing more work on the daemon prince!

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@vairocanum: Yeah, i bulked up them chubby legs to the obloits, i decided they were too skinny so i added more GS to the previous oblits as well :D And will add many more cables and mechanical bits to the prince

@svartmetall: thanks! at this rate, i should be done in a couple of weeks





Today i had my 3rd game with deathguard. after my 2 losses against dark angels, i faced some eldar corsairs (those annoying gits that you can't charge cuz they run away)
They had 3 squads of 5 jetbikes full of shuriken canons, a couple of named charaters with invulnerable 2+ saves, 2 squads of scourge -like jumpy guys with 12 lances and a forgeworld lynx (some kind of tank that shoots a torrent hellstorm ap2 sonic template). 
I fielded the same 2 squads of regular nurgle marines in rhinos, a bikerlord with spawn, autocanon havocs and finally fielded my glorious 6 oblçiterators.


WOW. i didn't expect this much carnage, maelstrom of war was going 4-3 to me when it ended ,but  at turn 3 his army was reduce down to 1 squad of the jumppack guys. 
holy nurgle, obliterators were NASTY. turn 1 wiped out a squad of the jumping guys with assault canons, the other squad shook the lynx (managing to keep him from shooting the template) and broke his secondary canon; turn 2 finished off the lynx, and gunned down a couple of meatshields off the deathstar unit with the 2 named characters, and by turn 3 they were cleaning up thiose fancy eldar characters who charged them with their power fists. while the other squad wrecked some other bikers. I'm new to chaos, and boy, i am really impressed with obliterators, didn't lose a single oblit over the game. and they got shot like a ton of times with shurikens and all sorts of nastyness. 

I am truly glad i invested so much time and love into thee nasty buggers, they are definately worth fielding :D so flexible, so resilient.



---back to modeling---


Finished a new pack of oblits! my second pack, already blooded and all.




Daemon prince slight update - started prepping the shoulder and did a bit more work on the neck area before starting the head. i tried to add those funky terminator armour bits that go over the helmet. its plasticard covered in putty for a nice finish. 



C&C welcome

Today i had my 3rd test run with deathguard. after 2 losses against dark angels, i faced some eldar corsairs (those annoying gits that you can't charge cuz they run away)
They had 3 squads of 5 jetbikes full of shuriken canons, 2 squads of scourge -like things with 12 lances and a forgewaorld lynx (some kind of tank that shoots a torrent hellstorm ap2 sonic template)

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That daemonprince is looking suitably disgusting, I can't wait to see more.


Out of curiousity, are you using plumber's putty for the armour as well? Because that looks nice and sharp, which I can't get when I try to sculpt armour with greenstuff,

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@the traitor: thanks! he's coming along nicely :D and oooo those corsair guys are so annoying , keep rushing around
@vairocanum: cheers! more details inbound 

@Cryptix: Try it, its very fun! a good tip is to start with nurgle rot cuz if it looks crummy, its supposed to look crooked :)
@Ion: Thanks! The plumbers putty is really sharp, and hardens to a rock like substance, while greenstuff is rubbery even after cured. the crisp edges are  because i smooth it before drying, then i use a blade to cut through. if some large surface is uneven i even take a paper file and grind out any bumps. Greenstuff tends to expand slightly, that's why i use it for inorganic material that look a bit bumpy. I use more greenstuff for organic stuff, and putty for inorganic ; but where i live (brazil) i have to import greenstuff, so i can't just binge use it - so my solution is to blend plumbers putty with greenstuff. the more organic parts are greener, while the armour and metal bits are greyer. 

Aaaand a slight update on the prince. Shoulderpad and started work on his face and left arm


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@vairocanum: actually, this time i decided to leave his left shoulderpad as is, I want a flat surface where i can paint a freehand glowing rune ! the next shoulder will be more rotten and full of nurgleness

@svartmetall: its really good, super cheap and when you mix it with greenstuff, the blend starts to pick up the properties according to the proportion of the mix. you can play around with the blend, it even cures faster with plumbers putty.

@Krautscientist: Thank you! i will add muscle, fat and rotten skin over all that eventually :D


Aaaand, slight update:

Here are the new models i converted and added to the army since febuary. They are:

20 cultists (slight repose ,arm swaps, minor GS work)

2 plague marines (to fill up a unit of 8 - conversion, kitbash and medium GS work)

1 chaos lord/sorceror (minor kitbash and medium GS work)

1 chaos biker lord (major kitbash, advanced GS work)

5 havocs (big kitbash and advanced GS work)

6 obliterators (big kitbash and advanced GSwork. almost a resculpt, barely any of the original model shows :P)

1Nurgle daemon prince (full sculpt, no bits, extreme GS work, still WIP)




and some updates on his left arm. rotten wart and zit covered back arm and rotten holes in fornt arm, havey duty cabling , and started to get the hand ready. i stioll havent decided if i'll do some magicky hand pose or just a generic angry hand. added the lower jaw's teeth, i think i'll fiddle with it some more, i'm not satisfied with his lower teeth yet





i tried to make his pustues poking out of the damaged armour (totally copied from svartmetal's hellbrute)


next, i'1ll finish his hand and probably will add a heresy-esque shoulderpad on the right side, kinda roman like segmented pad. with the classic nurgle 3 circle simbology in there somewhere


C&C welcome

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  • 2 weeks later...

started priming stuff, today painting begins. Updates soon. ish


warpsmith, the leader of the annihilation cult!

this guy is less mutated than my average guy because he's a warpsmith so he kinda takes care of his gear, he will have subtle mutations peeking form under the arrmour and cracks later.

still not done with tentacles n stuff. will add a bunch more and weapons and claws 



Super hyped about 8th edition! i wonder how many wounds will the oblits have now.

i am mid way done with a warpsmith intended for the annihilation cult, i hope he will still be worth it





edit: bloody forgot the update pic.

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